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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Transportation Geography of the United States 2021 - back


Back of the B.T.S. map of the Transportation Geography of the U.S.


The back side of our 2-sided print map, Transportation Geography of the U.S. 2021, includes maps of:

  • Marine Transportation Infrastructure;
  • Airport Origin-Destination Pairs with More than 1 Million Passengers and Enplanements;
  • Percent Change in the Number of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations per County: 2014 to October 2020; and
  • COVID-19 Impacts on Passenger Travel and Freight Movement: January through December 2020.

View the full-size image (13 MB).


Marine Transportation Infrastructure of the United States Dams include all dams with a minimum height of 100 feet. Major ports with a total tonnage of 10 million or more in 2016 are labeled. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Atlas Database, 2020. ESRI data and Maps, USA Rivers and Streams, June 2019. 

Airport Origin-Destination Pairs with More than 1 Million Passengers, and Enplanements: 2019 Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation for Top Origin and Destination Air Travel Pairs, data accessed March 2020. Enplanements for 2019 from Office of Airline Information, available at

Percent Change in the Number of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations per County: 2014 to October 2020 Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Atlas Database, 2020. 

COVID-19 Impacts on Passenger Travel and Freight Movement: January through December 2020 Maritime, TEU Vessel Capacity of Containerships: USDOT, MARAD Office of Policy and Plans analysis of IHS vessel movements.
Active hurricane months (June - November) may be responsible for fluctuations in maritime activity. Data reflects the weekly combined carrying capacity of containerships calling at each U.S. container port. Freight Rail, Intermodal: Association of American Railroads; Proprietary and Confidential data. Includes trailer-on-flatcar and container-on-flatcar loads. Truck Freight, Interstate Truck VMT and Roadways, Interstate Passenger VMT: USDOT Office of Highway Policy Information, available at Estimates and preliminary. Refined estimates are with FHWA’s Monthly Traffic Volume Trend Report; Final data are provided through FHWA’s HPMS. Data sources used for all VMT modeling estimates are based on permanently installed traffic monitoring roadway sensors and other passive data observations. Transit, Total Monthly Ridership: Unlinked passenger trips (UPT) data from Monthly Module Adjusted Data Release: and preliminary estimate based on FTA analysis, subject to revision or change. Aviation, Person Throughput at All Airports: Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Customer Throughput provided by TSA to BTS (similar to Intercity Bus, National Network Carriers Ridership: Greyhound Lines Incorporated and Interline Partners; Proprietary and Confidential data. Passenger Rail, Amtrak Ridership: Amtrak; Amtrak Year-over-year change in Amtrak demand. Proprietary and Confidential data.

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