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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 2-2 Value of Shipments by Transportation Mode: 2007, 2013, and 2040

Thursday, December 31, 2015


(Billions of 2007 dollars)

  2007 2013 2040
Total Domestic Exports2 Imports2 Total Domestic Exports2 Imports2 Total Domestic Exports2 Imports2
Truck 10,780 10,225 267 287 11,444 10,841 312 291 21,465 19,315 985 1,166
Rail 512 374 45 93 577 424 54 99 898 555 148 195
Water 340 158 15 167 284 131 20 133 337 138 46 153
Air, air & truck 1,077 151 422 505 1,167 134 425 609 5,043 834 1,997 2,212
Multiple modes & mail 2,884 1,646 394 844 3,065 1,695 500 870 9,925 5,203 1,911 2,811
Pipeline 716 651 4 61 1,083 1,003 15 65 776 605 17 154
Other & unknown 341 252 48 41 363 270 53 40 821 482 199 139
Total 16,651 13,457 1,196 1,997 17,983 14,496 1,380 2,107 39,265 27,131 5,303 6,831

12007 total and domestic numbers for the multiple modes & mail and the pipeline categories were revised as a result of Freight Analysis Framework database improvements.

2Data do not include imports and exports that pass through the United States from a foreign origin to a foreign destination by any mode.

NOTES: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. The 2013 data are provisional estimates that are based on selected modal and economic trend data. All truck, rail, water, and pipeline movements that involve more than one mode, including exports and imports that change mode at international gateways, are included in multiple modes & mail to avoid double counting. As a consequence, rail and water totals in this table are less than other published sources.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework, version 3.5, 2015.