- BTS summarizes international travel and freight movements to and from the United States in the Transportation Statistics Annual Report and in selected tables of National Transportation Statistics.
- BTS publishes statistics on international freight transportation in:
- Freight Facts and Figures – summary of annual statistics on freight movement, the freight transportation system, and consequences of freight movement, updated continuously as new data become available
- Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) – annual estimates and forecasts of tonnage, value, and ton-miles of freight shipments by regions of origin and destination, commodity type, and mode
- Commodity Flow Survey – quinquennial survey of freight shipments that is the foundation of the FAF, providing greater detail for selected commodities
- TransBorder Freight Data – monthly statistics on the value of freight by commodity type, origin, destination, border crossing, and mode for movements across the Canadian and Mexican borders
- Border Crossing Data– monthly number of truck, train, and pedestrian crossings by border location
- Port Performance Freight Statistics – annual statistics on the capacity and throughput of the top 50 ports by tonnage, container traffic, and dry bulk, updated continuously by port as data become available
- BTS publishes statistics on international passenger travel in Passenger Travel Facts and Figures and in Border Crossing Data counts of pedestrian crossings by border location.
- The National Transportation Library repository includes research reports, policy documents, and historical materials related to international transportation.