Table 5-6 Average Hourly Wages in Select Freight Transportation-Related Occupations: 2000, 2010, 2013, and 2014
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
(current dollars)
Occupation (SOC code) | 2000 | 2010 | 2013 | 2014 |
Vehicle operators, pipeline operators, and primary support | ||||
Driver/sales worker (53-3031) | 11.08 | 13.02 | 13.41 | 13.33 |
Truck drivers, heavy and tractor-trailer (53-3032) | 15.78 | 18.97 | 19.68 | 20.16 |
Truck drivers, light or delivery services (53-3033) | 11.84 | 15.45 | 16.10 | 16.28 |
Locomotive engineers (53-4011) | 21.20 | 24.46 | 26.76 | 27.41 |
Rail yard engineers, dinkey operators, and hostlers (53-4013) | 19.22 | 18.18 | 21.28 | 21.54 |
Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators (53-4021) | 20.16 | 23.47 | 24.00 | 25.14 |
Railroad conductors and yardmasters (53-4031) | 20.11 | 25.18 | 27.90 | 26.84 |
Sailors and marine oilers (53-5011) | 13.94 | 18.28 | 19.56 | 19.70 |
Captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels (53-5021) | 23.30 | 33.89 | 36.34 | 38.07 |
Ship engineers (53-5031) | 23.12 | 34.09 | 36.37 | 35.87 |
Bridge and lock tenders (53-6011) | 14.60 | 20.72 | 21.17 | 22.22 |
Gas compressor and gas pumping station operators (53-7071) | 20.05 | 24.48 | 25.84 | 26.65 |
Pump operators, except wellhead pumpers (53-7072) | 18.00 | 22.14 | 22.00 | 22.45 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing and maintenance occupations | ||||
Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists (49-3031) | 15.97 | 20.31 | 21.21 | 21.71 |
Rail car repairers (49-3043) | 15.85 | 22.31 | 23.89 | 25.27 |
Transportation Infrastructure construction and maintenance occupations | ||||
Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators (47-4061) | 14.84 | 22.23 | 22.24 | 24.39 |
Signal and track switch repairers (49-9097) | 18.94 | 24.80 | 26.83 | 28.81 |
Dredge operators (53-7031) | 14.32 | 17.59 | 21.91 | 21.94 |
Secondary support service occupations | ||||
Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance (43-5032) | 14.62 | 18.00 | 18.80 | 19.09 |
Postal service mail carriers (43-5052) | 17.71 | 24.16 | 24.47 | 24.90 |
Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks (43-5071) | 11.22 | 14.46 | 14.93 | 15.27 |
Transportation inspectors (53-6051) | 21.25 | 30.31 | 32.83 | 34.05 |
Tank car, truck, and ship loaders (53-7121) | 15.62 | 21.40 | 21.80 | 21.41 |
KEY: SOC = Standard Occupational Classification.
NOTE: Data are for May of each year.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Occupational Employment and Wages, available at as of September 2015.