Appendix D - Standard Transportation Commodity Classification Code Information
Appendix D - Standard Transportation Commodity Classification Code Information
The commodities shown in this report are classified in accordance with the Classification (STCC) system, published by the Association of American Railroads.1
We provided respondents with a listing of STCC codes and descriptions at the five-digit level to use in assigning a commodity code for each shipment. For shipments of more than one commodity, we instructed respondents to use the five-digit code for the major commodity, defined as the commodity of greatest total weight in the shipment. For this report, we aggregated the STCC codes to the two-digit level. The following provides a description of each STCC code.
STCC code | Commodity description |
1 | Farm products |
8 | Forest products |
9 | Fresh fish |
10 | Metallic ores |
11 | Coal |
13 | Crude petroleum, natural gas or gasoline |
14 | Nonmetallic ores, minerals, excluding fuels |
19 | Ordnance or accessories |
20 | Food and kindred products |
21 | Tobacco products, excluding insecticides |
22 | Textile mill products |
23 | Apparel or other finished textile products or knit apparel |
24 | Lumber or wood products, excluding furniture |
25 | Furniture or fixtures |
26 | Pulp, paper, or allied products |
27 | Printed matter |
28 | Chemicals or allied products |
29 | Petroleum or coal products |
30 | Rubber or miscellaneous plastics products |
31 | Leather or leather products |
32 | Clay, concrete, glass, or stone products |
33 | Primary metal products |
34 | Fabricated metal products |
35 | Machinery, excluding electrical |
36 | Electrical machinery, equipment, or supplies |
37 | Transportation equipment |
38 | Instruments, photographic goods, optical goods, watches, or clocks |
39 | Miscellaneous products of manufacturing |
40 | Waste or scrap materials not identified by producing industry |
41 | Miscellaneous freight shipments |
42 | Containers, carriers or devices, shipping, returned empty |
48 | Waste hazardous materials or waste hazardous substances |
-- | Commodity unknown |
1 For additional information on the STCC system, contact: STCC Technical Committee, c/ o Committee Secretary, Association of American Railroads, 50 F Street, NW, Room 5603, Washington, DC 20001- 1564. Telephone number 202- 639- 2332; fax number 202- 639- 2312.