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Table 8. Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics by Selected UN Numbers and Mode of Transportation: 2002

Monday, July 2, 2012

Table 8. Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics by Selected UN Numbers and Mode of Transportation: 2002

[Estimates are based on data from the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive]

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UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation

Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 2,121 100.0 20,276 100.0 S S 84
Single modes 2,108 99.4 20,266 100.0 S S 82
Truck 2 1,965 92.6 15,779 77.8 2,128 95.8 82
For-hire truck S S S S S S 566
Private truck 1,089 51.3 14,389 71.0 S S 55
Rail S S S S S S 471
Water S S S S S S 6
Air (includes truck and air) S S S S S S 2,564
Pipeline 3 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,296
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 1,296
Other multiple modes &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 43


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 2,813 100.0 S S S S S
Single modes 2,789 99.2 S S S S S
Truck 2 2,475 88.0 S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S 94 5.2 295
Private truck 1,182 42.0 6,828 30.9 S S 36
Rail &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Water &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Air (includes truck and air) S S S S S S 1,616
Pipeline 3 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 2 &#8211 S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S 39
Other and unknown modes 22 0.8 S S S S 16


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 19,046 100.0 58,802 100.0 11,928 100.0 47
Single modes 18,794 98.7 58,158 98.9 11,665 97.8 47
Truck 2 11,375 59.7 30,426 51.7 4,227 35.4 40
For-hire truck 3,643 19.1 13,761 23.4 S S 241
Private truck 7,733 40.6 16,664 28.3 1,417 11.9 24
Rail 3,574 18.8 12,291 20.9 6,091 51.1 671
Water 137 0.7 546 0.9 158 1.3 286
Air (includes truck and air) &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Pipeline 3 3,708 19.5 14,895 25.3 S S S
Multiple modes 77 0.4 529 0.9 260 2.2 1,009
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes 76 0.4 529 0.9 260 2.2 S
Other and unknown modes S S 116 0.2 4 &#8211 S


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 27,335 100.0 128,942 100.0 12,217 100.0 41
Single modes 26,553 97.1 125,075 97.0 10,254 83.9 37
Truck 2 10,972 40.1 44,803 34.7 3,004 24.6 36
For-hire truck 4,204 15.4 17,856 13.8 S S 99
Private truck 6,762 24.7 26,916 20.9 880 7.2 23
Rail S S S S S S 634
Water S S S S S S S
Air (includes truck and air) &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Pipeline 3 10,775 39.4 53,000 41.1 S S S
Multiple modes 419 1.5 2,045 1.6 S S 1,964
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 269
Other multiple modes 418 1.5 2,045 1.6 S S 2,014
Other and unknown modes S S 1,822 1.4 S S S


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 269,796 100.0 1,009,262 100.0 108,979 100.0 57
Single modes 266,038 98.6 999,558 99.0 105,243 96.6 50
Truck 2 173,810 64.4 606,724 60.1 36,443 33.4 49
For-hire truck 62,819 23.3 217,391 21.5 17,223 15.8 89
Private truck 108,255 40.1 382,329 37.9 18,603 17.1 35
Rail 759 0.3 5,083 0.5 2,389 2.2 349
Water 13,647 5.1 67,172 6.7 29,631 27.2 S
Air (includes truck and air) S S S S S S 1,921
Pipeline 3 77,821 28.8 320,579 31.8 S S S
Multiple modes 1,436 0.5 3,099 0.3 1,993 1.8 518
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 595 0.2 32 &#8211 13 &#8211 492
Other multiple modes 841 0.3 3,067 0.3 1,980 1.8 1,233
Other and unknown modes 2,322 0.9 6,605 0.7 S S S


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 5,470 100.0 23,829 100.0 9,840 100.0 203
Single modes 5,342 97.7 23,122 97.0 9,226 93.8 190
Truck 2 3,834 70.1 9,390 39.4 2,102 21.4 172
For-hire truck 1,773 32.4 5,168 21.7 1,426 14.5 438
Private truck 2,061 37.7 4,222 17.7 S S 61
Rail 1,028 18.8 8,158 34.2 4,839 49.2 554
Water 391 7.1 4,955 20.8 2,278 23.1 476
Air (includes truck and air) &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Pipeline 3 89 1.6 618 2.6 S S S
Multiple modes 80 1.5 S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 45 0.8 5 &#8211 S S 413
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 120


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 16,193 100.0 76,631 100.0 9,735 100.0 97
Single modes 16,074 99.3 76,068 99.3 9,714 99.8 96
Truck 2 2,582 15.9 11,618 15.2 750 7.7 62
For-hire truck 1,435 8.9 5,996 7.8 495 5.1 85
Private truck 1,147 7.1 5,622 7.3 255 2.6 41
Rail 893 5.5 4,397 5.7 1,816 18.7 413
Water 1,398 8.6 7,161 9.3 3,560 36.6 450
Air (includes truck and air) S S S S S S 1,852
Pipeline 3 11,201 69.2 52,893 69.0 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S 1,033
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 5


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 4,174 100.0 21,495 100.0 3,537 100.0 164
Single modes 4,148 99.4 21,443 99.8 3,534 99.9 170
Truck 2 611 14.6 S S 302 8.5 124
For-hire truck 280 6.7 1,077 5.0 S S S
Private truck S S S S S S 39
Rail 701 16.8 2,434 11.3 2,393 67.7 977
Water S S S S S S 191
Air (includes truck and air) S S S S S S 2,307
Pipeline 3 2,313 55.4 8,684 40.4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 467
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 467
Other multiple modes &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Other and unknown modes 21 0.5 S S S S S


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 8.7 &#8211 8.4 &#8211 9.6 &#8211 19.2
Single modes 8.3 0.8 8.1 0.9 10.4 3.3 11.8
Truck 7.4 2.0 6.4 1.5 12.4 3.4 13.9
For&#8211 hire truck 7.9 1.4 7.2 1.3 31.8 3.2 28.2
Private truck 9.1 1.4 8.3 1.3 12.0 3.4 12.7
Rail 21.8 0.4 21.1 0.4 25.8 2.0 10.0
Water 16.6 1.2 14.3 1.3 16.5 2.9 S
Air (includes truck and air) 44.8 &#8211 S S S S 20.5
Pipeline 16.1 2.5 17.1 2.7 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 20.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 31.2 &#8211 26.5 &#8211 S S 22.3
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 32.5 0.2 42.7 0.3 28.2 &#8211 34.7


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 25.4 &#8211 25.6 &#8211 17.8 &#8211 22.9
Single modes 25.6 0.6 26.0 1.1 18.0 1.0 23.0
Truck 32.6 8.6 31.5 8.0 24.9 6.7 16.6
For&#8211 hire truck 31.6 8.2 31.4 7.5 28.3 4.4 14.1
Private truck 40.5 5.8 36.8 5.5 24.2 3.8 23.6
Rail 19.9 3.5 25.9 4.1 21.2 6.1 6.3
Water S S 46.7 7.5 S S 28.1
Air (includes truck and air) &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Pipeline &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 35.2
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211
Other multiple modes S S S S S S 35.2
Other and unknown modes &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211 &#8211


UN number 1, description, and mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
All modes 6.5 &#8211 13.0 &#8211 7.5 &#8211 11.7
Single modes 6.8 0.5 12.8 0.3 7.2 1.1 8.8
Truck 8.0 2.4 10.0 2.2 8.4 2.3 12.6
For&#8211 hire truck 9.9 2.8 8.1 2.1 10.4 3.0 7.2
Private truck 11.7 2.2 16.1 1.7 23.4 1.3 8.3
Rail 11.7 1.3 11.6 1.3 9.7 2.6 4.4
Water 15.4 0.7 19.1 1.7 16.7 1.9 20.7
Air (includes truck and air) 20.8 0.2 40.4 &#8211 41.8 &#8211 7.8
Pipeline 24.3 1.4 27.0 2.2 S S S
Multiple modes 12.4 0.4 34.8 0.3 32.3 1.2 12.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 14.0 0.3 19.3 &#8211 16.8 &#8211 13.3
Other multiple modes 19.7 0.3 36.3 0.3 33.1 1.2 25.5
Other and unknown modes 29.7 0.3 27.0 0.1 26.6 0.1 39.2

&#8211 Represents an estimate equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of highly sampling variability or poor response quality.
CV Coefficient of variation of number

1 UN numbers were selected based on estimated tons without regard to sampling variability.

2 "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private and for-hire truck.

3 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTE: The Introduction and appendixes give information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions. Links to this information on the Internet may be found at

SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (USDOT) and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, Hazmat Data, December 2004.