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Table 9c. Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics by Rail for Selected UN Numbers: 2002

Monday, July 2, 2012

Table 9c. Hazardous Material Shipment Characteristics by Rail for Selected UN Numbers: 2002

[Estimates are based on data from the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive]

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UN number 1 Description Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent 2002
Percent 2002
  Total 31,339 100.0 109,369 100.0 72,087 100.0 695
1010 Butadienes, stabilized S S S S S S 715
1017 Chlorine 371 1.2 3,626 3.3 1,951 2.7 556
1055 Isobutylene see also Petroleum gases, liquefied S S S S S S 243
1075 Petroleum gases 3,574 11.4 12,291 11.2 6,091 8.4 671
1086 Vinyl chloride, stabilized 576 1.8 1,554 1.4 1,020 1.4 651
1203 Gasoline 759 2.4 5,083 4.6 2,389 3.3 349
1230 Methanol S S S S S S 1,089
1268 Petroleum distillates, n.o.s. 589 1.9 1,662 1.5 1,287 1.8 726
1805 Phosphoric acid, liquid 534 1.7 1,588 1.5 1,748 2.4 1,152
1824 Sodium hydroxide solution 1,028 3.3 8,158 7.5 4,839 6.7 554
1830 Sulfuric acid 138 0.4 S S S S 377
1863 Fuel, aviation, turbine engine 893 2.8 4,397 4.0 1,816 2.5 413
1910 Calcium oxide S S S S S S 904
1964 Hydrocarbon gas mixture, compressed, n.o.s. 701 2.2 2,434 2.2 2,393 3.3 977
1987 Alcohols, n.o.s. 1,138 3.6 3,085 2.8 2,711 3.8 866
1993 Flammable liquids, n.o.s. 1,613 5.1 6,472 5.9 4,471 6.2 759
1999 Tars, liquid 246 0.8 1,618 1.5 S S 523
2448 Sulfur, molten S S 2,452 2.2 1,859 2.6 876
3082 Environmentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s. 1,447 4.6 2,049 1.9 1,704 2.4 901
3257 Elevated temperature liquid, n.o.s. 1,168 3.7 9,068 8.3 6,998 9.7 885
&#8211 All other 14,169 45.2 31,339 28.7 22,437 31.1 725

&#8211 Represents and estimate equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of highly sampling variability or poor response quality.

1 UN numbers were selected based on estimated tons without regard to sampling variability.

SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (USDOT) and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, Hazmat Data, December 2004.