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Table 6. Shipment Characteristics by Two-Digit Commodity and Mode of Transportation for State of Origin: 2002

Monday, July 2, 2012

Table 6. Shipment Characteristics by Two-Digit Commodity and Mode of Transportation for State of Origin: 2002

[Estimates are based on data from the Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive]

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All Commodities2

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 354,399 100.0 399,764 100.0 90,300 100.0 446
Single modes 300,305 84.7 382,839 95.8 81,202 89.9 135
Truck3 287,156 81.0 295,816 74.0 47,782 52.9 125
For-hire Truck 175,027 49.4 143,605 35.9 39,238 43.5 456
Private Truck 111,893 31.6 151,334 37.9 8,469 9.4 41
Rail 4,389 1.2 62,755 15.7 26,829 29.7 575
Water S S 12,020 3.0 S S 652
Shallow draft S S 12,016 3.0 S S 839
Great Lakes
Deep draft S S S S S S 35
Air (including truck and air) 5,066 1.4 69 79 1,347
Pipeline4 2,827 0.8 12,180 3.0 S S S
Multiple modes 43,408 12.2 9,966 2.5 8,102 9.0 730
Parcel, USPS or courier 42,716 12.1 1,336 0.3 851 0.9 729
Truck and rail 444 0.1 254 433 0.5 1,981
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,120
Rail and water 192 8,326 2.1 6,742 7.5 740
Other multiple modes S S S S S S 9
Other and unknown modes 10,685 3.0 6,960 1.7 997 1.1 51

SCTG 1, Live animals and live fish

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S S S 73
Single modes S S S S S S 73
Truck3 S S S S S S 73
For-hire Truck
Private Truck S S S S S S 73
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 2, Cereal grains

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S S S 25
Single modes S S S S S S 25
Truck3 S S S S S S 25
For-hire Truck
Private Truck S S S S S S 25
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 3, Other agricultural products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 1,698 100.0 S S S S S
Single modes 1,622 95.5 S S S S 60
Truck3 1,611 94.9 S S S S 59
For-hire Truck 34 2.0 S S S S 284
Private Truck 1,577 92.9 S S S S 58
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S S
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,521
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 1,521
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 10

SCTG 4, Animal feed and products of animal origin, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S S S 164
Single modes S S S S S S 168
Truck3 S S S S S S 168
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 156
Private Truck S S S S S S 181
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 108
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 108
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 3

SCTG 5, Meat, fish,s eafood, and their preparations

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 7,085 100.0 2,345 100.0 S S S
Single modes 7,083 100.0 2,344 100.0 S S S
Truck3 7,083 100.0 2,344 100.0 S S S
For-hire Truck 911 12.9 287 12.2 108 27.5 S
Private Truck 6,158 86.9 S S S S S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S 773
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S 773
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 2,728

SCTG 6, Milled grain products and preparations, and bakery products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 7,966 100.0 4,284 100.0 1,634 100.0 200
Single modes 7,787 97.7 4,140 96.6 1,433 87.7 193
Truck3 7,768 97.5 4,122 96.2 1,381 84.6 191
For-hire Truck 4,520 56.7 2,143 50.0 1,135 69.5 427
Private Truck 3,248 40.8 S S 247 15.1 S
Rail S S S S S S 3,010
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 140 1.8 117 2.7 183 11.2 774
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 320
Truck and rail 138 1.7 117 2.7 182 11.2 1,662
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 153

SCTG 7, Other prepared food stuffs and fats and oils

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 20,692 100.0 22,891 100.0 2,621 100.0 45
Single modes 19,696 95.2 21,971 96.0 2,587 98.7 43
Truck3 19,693 95.2 21,971 96.0 2,587 98.7 42
For-hire Truck 7,046 34.1 6,145 26.8 1,841 70.2 S
Private Truck 12,647 61.1 15,825 69.1 746 28.5 37
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 815
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 723
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 701
Truck and rail S S S S S S 1,239
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 8, Alcoholic beverages

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 810 100.0 780 100.0 S S 62
Single modes 810 100.0 780 100.0 S S 62
Truck3 810 100.0 780 100.0 S S 62
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 394
Private Truck 643 79.4 651 83.5 S S S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 9, Tobacco products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 3,445 100.0 71 100.0 11 100.0 S
Single modes 2,861 83.1 63 87.6 11 97.1 S
Truck3 2,861 83.1 63 87.6 11 97.1 S
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 870
Private Truck 2,604 75.6 53 73.8 5 40.1 48
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,248
Parcel, USPS or courier S S 0.1 0.6 1,244
Truck and rail
Truck and water S S S S S S 1,999
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 1

SCTG 10, Monumental or building stone

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 111 100.0 862 100.0 315 100.0 362
Single modes 110 98.5 853 98.9 293 93.1 340
Truck3 110 98.3 851 98.7 288 91.4 335
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 340
Private Truck S S 255 29.5 S S 324
Rail S S S S S S 3,024
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 2,997
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail S S S S S S 2,997
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 417

SCTG 11, Natural sands

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S 276 100.0 19
Single modes S S S S 275 100.0 S
Truck3 S S S S 188 68.2 17
For-hire Truck 25 18.4 1,552 17.2 96 34.9 57
Private Truck S S S S S S 11
Rail 3 2.0 167 1.9 87 31.8 524
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 4

SCTG 12, Gravel and crushed stone

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 530 100.0 65,926 100.0 2,179 100.0 31
Single modes 529 99.8 65,826 99.8 2,178 100.0 31
Truck3 519 97.9 64,464 97.8 2,071 95.1 30
For-hire Truck 279 52.6 29,889 45.3 1,072 49.2 35
Private Truck 239 45.1 34,404 52.2 988 45.4 26
Rail 8 1.6 993 1.5 S S 103
Water S S S S S S 18
Shallow draft S S S S S S 18
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 5

SCTG 13, Non-metallic minerals nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 346 100.0 S S S S S
Single modes 346 100.0 S S S S S
Truck3 332 96.1 S S S S S
For-hire Truck 252 72.8 S S S S S
Private Truck 81 23.3 S S 55 0.8 S
Rail 13 3.9 197 0.7 67 1.0 342
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 841
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 841
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 14, Metallic ores and concentrates

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S S S 564
Single modes S S S S S S 571
Truck3 S S S S S S 561
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 576
Private Truck S S S S S S 545
Rail S S S S S S 1,591
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 717
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 730
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 730
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 15, Coal

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 2,322 100.0 84,965 100.0 31,251 100.0 S
Single modes 2,080 89.6 74,566 87.8 24,365 78.0 S
Truck3 322 13.9 13,591 16.0 491 1.6 44
For-hire Truck 223 9.6 8,790 10.3 430 1.4 48
Private Truck S S S S 51 0.2 23
Rail 1,601 69.0 55,209 65.0 23,073 73.8 369
Water 158 6.8 5,766 6.8 801 2.6 167
Shallow draft 158 6.8 5,766 6.8 801 2.6 167
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 192 8.3 8,326 9.8 6,742 21.6 740
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water 192 8.3 8,326 9.8 6,742 21.6 740
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 117

SCTG 17, Gasoline and aviation turbine fuel

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 6,689 100.0 26,442 100.0 708 100.0 42
Single modes 6,684 99.9 26,420 99.9 706 99.8 42
Truck3 4,181 62.5 15,690 59.3 S S 42
For-hire Truck 881 13.2 3,258 12.3 126 17.7 55
Private Truck S S S S S S 39
Water S S S S S S 2
Shallow draft S S S S S S 2
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 2,302 34.4 9,727 36.8 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 65

SCTG 18, Fuel oils

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 2,226 100.0 10,112 100.0 287 100.0 52
Single modes 2,216 99.5 10,059 99.5 279 97.3 51
Truck3 1,608 72.2 7,179 71.0 266 92.8 51
For-hire Truck 207 9.3 757 7.5 45 15.6 63
Private Truck 1,384 62.2 6,340 62.7 218 75.8 49
Water S S S S S S 2
Shallow draft S S S S S S 2
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 36
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 36
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 99

SCTG 19, Coal and petroleum products, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 1,417 100.0 6,747 100.0 1,120 100.0 213
Single modes 1,323 93.3 6,729 99.7 1,104 98.5 S
Truck3 1,204 85.0 6,235 92.4 839 74.8 S
For-hire Truck S S 1,637 24.3 593 53.0 582
Private Truck 427 30.2 S S 245 21.9 S
Rail 90 6.4 414 6.1 262 23.3 641
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 843
Pipeline4 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 660
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 660
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 92

SCTG 20, Basic chemicals

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 8,712 100.0 7,127 100.0 3,064 100.0 396
Single modes 8,161 93.7 6,943 97.4 3,007 98.1 364
Truck3 7,967 91.4 6,536 91.7 2,783 90.8 359
For-hire Truck 7,105 81.5 4,102 57.6 2,503 81.7 458
Private Truck 862 9.9 S S S S 100
Rail 178 2.0 402 5.6 223 7.3 554
Water S S S S S S 35
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft S S S S S S 35
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,298
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S S
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S S
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 176

SCTG 21, Pharmaceutical products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 35,337 100.0 1,218 100.0 686 100.0 547
Single modes 30,516 86.4 1,098 90.2 559 81.5 302
Truck3 29,280 82.9 833 68.4 263 38.3 206
For-hire Truck 27,441 77.7 435 35.7 230 33.5 308
Private Truck 1,840 5.2 S S 33 4.8 63
Rail S S S S S S 1,104
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,485
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 4,685 13.3 28 2.3 20 3.0 564
Parcel, USPS or courier 4,685 13.3 28 2.3 20 3.0 564
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 879

SCTG 22, Fertilizers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes S S S S S S 185
Single modes S S S S S S 192
Truck3 S S S S S S S
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 288
Private Truck S S S S S S S
Rail S S S S S S 359
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 100
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 100
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 23, Chemical products and preparations, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 10,859 100.0 4,101 100.0 1,670 100.0 298
Single modes 10,149 93.5 3,920 95.6 1,644 98.5 283
Truck3 10,070 92.7 3,799 92.6 1,545 92.5 280
For-hire Truck 6,174 56.9 2,461 60.0 S S 817
Private Truck 3,891 35.8 1,336 32.6 83 5.0 32
Rail S S S S S S 559
Water S S S S S S 2,062
Shallow draft S S S S S S 2,062
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S 1,567
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 674
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 674
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 24, Plastics and rubber

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 19,482 100.0 6,376 100.0 2,719 100.0 441
Single modes 17,870 91.7 6,193 97.1 2,538 93.3 276
Truck3 17,607 90.4 5,892 92.4 2,346 86.3 269
For-hire Truck 15,924 81.7 5,419 85.0 2,303 84.7 479
Private Truck 1,675 8.6 470 7.4 42 1.6 59
Rail S S S S 191 7.0 629
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S 1 1 1,731
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 1,462 7.5 124 1.9 160 5.9 667
Parcel, USPS or courier 1,400 7.2 75 1.2 54 2.0 666
Truck and rail 61 0.3 48 0.7 102 3.7 2,379
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,219
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 149 0.8 S S S S 144

SCTG 25, Logs and other wood in the rough

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 228 100.0 S S 104 100.0 S
Single modes 225 98.6 S S 103 98.5 S
Truck3 221 97.2 S S 102 97.5 S
For-hire Truck S S S S S S S
Private Truck S S S S S S 105
Rail S S S S S S 503
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes
Parcel, USPS or courier
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 201

SCTG 26, Wood products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 5,727 100.0 9,608 100.0 1,531 100.0 136
Single modes 5,621 98.1 9,569 99.6 1,478 96.5 117
Truck3 5,487 95.8 9,551 99.4 1,438 93.9 115
For-hire Truck 2,399 41.9 3,116 32.4 982 64.2 381
Private Truck 3,074 53.7 S S 452 29.5 64
Rail S S S S S S 2,347
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,694
Pipeline4 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 59 1.0 S S S S 451
Parcel, USPS or courier 24 0.4 2 1 442
Truck and rail S S S S S S 2,510
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes S S S S S S 9
Other and unknown modes 47 0.8 15 0.2 S S S

SCTG 27, Pulp, newsprint, paper, and paper board

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 3,915 100.0 3,640 100.0 1,203 100.0 116
Single modes 3,843 98.2 3,581 98.4 1,174 97.6 S
Truck3 3,741 95.6 3,454 94.9 1,103 91.7 S
For-hire Truck 2,412 61.6 2,451 67.3 1,033 85.9 318
Private Truck 1,325 33.8 1,000 27.5 S S 28
Rail 102 2.6 127 3.5 71 5.9 S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 929
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 470
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 470
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 28, Paper or paper board articles

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 7,943 100.0 4,747 100.0 1,446 100.0 148
Single modes 7,414 93.3 4,524 95.3 1,399 96.7 S
Truck3 7,363 92.7 4,494 94.7 1,344 92.9 S
For-hire Truck 5,023 63.2 3,030 63.8 1,225 84.7 397
Private Truck 2,323 29.2 1,450 30.6 117 8.1 S
Rail S S S S S S 2,088
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 789
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S 57 1.2 S S 514
Parcel, USPS or courier S S 57 1.2 S S 514
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 29, Printed products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 9,608 100.0 3,563 100.0 994 100.0 859
Single modes 7,322 76.2 3,187 89.5 862 86.7 S
Truck3 7,234 75.3 3,179 89.2 850 85.5 S
For-hire Truck 5,786 60.2 2,905 81.5 829 83.4 339
Private Truck 1,448 15.1 S S S S 17
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,077
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 1,899 19.8 129 3.6 98 9.8 981
Parcel, USPS or courier 1,899 19.8 129 3.6 98 9.8 981
Truck and rail
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,233
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 387 4.0 S S S S S

SCTG 30, Textiles, leather,and articles of textiles or leather

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 18,718 100.0 1,211 100.0 733 100.0 843
Single modes 11,751 62.8 908 75.0 472 64.3 749
Truck3 11,210 59.9 882 72.8 432 58.9 734
For-hire Truck 10,219 54.6 664 54.9 400 54.6 937
Private Truck 991 5.3 217 18.0 32 4.3 110
Rail S S S S S S S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) 459 2.5 S S 15 2.1 1,461
Pipeline4 S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 5,990 32.0 268 22.2 234 31.9 854
Parcel, USPS or courier 5,987 32.0 268 22.2 234 31.9 853
Truck and rail
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,305
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 977 5.2 35 2.9 27 3.7 S

SCTG 31, Nonmetallic mineral products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 6,215 100.0 19,378 100.0 2,620 100.0 608
Single modes 5,314 85.5 18,746 96.7 2,409 92.0 171
Truck3 5,257 84.6 18,608 96.0 2,352 89.8 156
For-hire Truck 4,010 64.5 5,726 29.5 1,821 69.5 411
Private Truck 1,247 20.1 12,882 66.5 531 20.3 33
Rail S S S S S S 817
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,818
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 743 12.0 S S 84 3.2 764
Parcel, USPS or courier 701 11.3 S S S S 764
Truck and rail S S S S S S 2,754
Truck and water S S S S S S 217
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 158 2.5 S S S S S

SCTG 32, Base metal in primary or semifinished forms and in finished basic shapes

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 20,639 100.0 23,021 100.0 7,142 100.0 275
Single modes 20,161 97.7 22,764 98.9 7,098 99.4 225
Truck3 19,036 92.2 20,511 89.1 5,934 83.1 218
For-hire Truck 12,853 62.3 13,826 60.1 4,912 68.8 477
Private Truck 6,057 29.3 6,463 28.1 990 13.9 86
Rail 1,083 5.2 2,248 9.8 1,159 16.2 595
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,658
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 220 1.1 16 S S 674
Parcel, USPS or courier 218 1.1 14 6 674
Truck and rail S S S S S S 693
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 258 1.2 241 1.0 32 0.5 S

SCTG 33, Articles of base metal

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 9,517 100.0 3,895 100.0 2,369 100.0 387
Single modes 7,287 76.6 3,673 94.3 2,192 92.5 183
Truck3 7,071 74.3 3,262 83.7 1,644 69.4 178
For-hire Truck 4,772 50.1 2,060 52.9 1,539 65.0 699
Private Truck 2,298 24.1 1,201 30.8 104 4.4 54
Rail 177 1.9 342 8.8 409 17.3 1,295
Water S S S S S S 2,005
Shallow draft S S S S S S 2,005
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,068
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 1,983 20.8 163 4.2 140 5.9 626
Parcel, USPS or courier 1,939 20.4 96 2.5 72 3.1 626
Truck and rail S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S 1,715
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S 59 1.5 37 1.5 S

SCTG 34, Machinery

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 14,361 100.0 1,799 100.0 614 100.0 399
Single modes 12,125 84.4 1,701 94.5 568 92.5 184
Truck3 12,013 83.6 1,693 94.1 558 90.8 145
For-hire Truck 7,626 53.1 791 44.0 495 80.6 657
Private Truck 4,387 30.5 902 50.1 63 10.3 40
Rail S S S S S S 1,390
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) 79 0.6 S S S S 1,535
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 1,890 13.2 46 2.5 43 7.0 663
Parcel, USPS or courier 1,803 12.6 41 2.3 27 4.5 648
Truck and rail S S S S S S 2,932
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,441
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S 53 3.0 3 0.5 S

SCTG 35, Electronic and other electrical equipment and components and office equipment

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 31,657 100.0 1,719 100.0 982 100.0 408
Single modes 19,041 60.1 1,586 92.3 899 91.5 S
Truck3 16,694 52.7 1,571 91.4 890 90.6 S
For-hire Truck 12,214 38.6 1,222 71.1 875 89.1 714
Private Truck S S S S S S 35
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S 8 0.9 1,250
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 11,693 36.9 94 5.5 74 7.6 702
Parcel, USPS or courier 11,692 36.9 94 5.5 74 7.5 702
Truck and rail
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,260
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 924 2.9 39 2.3 S S S

SCTG 36, Motorized and other vehicles (including parts)

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 17,489 100.0 3,256 100.0 1,203 100.0 178
Single modes 13,686 78.3 2,817 86.5 1,129 93.9 S
Truck3 13,612 77.8 2,794 85.8 1,116 92.7 S
For-hire Truck 7,545 43.1 1,179 36.2 922 76.7 694
Private Truck 6,056 34.6 S S 193 16.0 S
Rail S S S S S S 526
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,490
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 605 3.5 35 1.1 16 1.4 404
Parcel, USPS or courier 598 3.4 34 1.1 14 1.2 402
Truck and rail
Truck and water S S S S S S 5,319
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S 405 12.4 58 4.8 S

SCTG 37, Transportation equipment, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 4,379 100.0 239 100.0 206 100.0 771
Single modes 3,874 88.5 233 97.6 201 97.8 656
Truck3 3,360 76.7 S S S S 541
For-hire Truck 3,266 74.6 S S S S 562
Private Truck S S S S S S 157
Rail 77 1.8 45 18.6 60 28.9 1,243
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) 436 10.0 3 1.2 S S 1,462
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 503 11.5 6 2.3 S S 969
Parcel, USPS or courier 503 11.5 6 2.3 S S 969
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 882

SCTG 38, Precision instruments and apparatus

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 8,682 100.0 S S 162 100.0 305
Single modes 3,268 37.6 S S 145 89.6 S
Truck3 3,148 36.3 S S 144 88.8 S
For-hire Truck 1,898 21.9 116 7.5 63 38.7 685
Private Truck 1,250 14.4 S S S S S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S 1 1 0.8 1,815
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 4,993 57.5 23 1.5 15 9.0 369
Parcel, USPS or courier 4,993 57.5 23 1.5 15 9.0 369
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 418

SCTG 39, Furniture, mattresses and mattress supports, lamps, lighting fittings

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 6,857 100.0 1,631 100.0 900 100.0 350
Single modes 6,673 97.3 1,601 98.2 878 97.5 262
Truck3 6,650 97.0 1,601 98.2 878 97.5 261
For-hire Truck 3,787 55.2 1,031 63.2 836 92.9 679
Private Truck 2,863 41.7 S S 42 4.6 59
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,456
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 158 2.3 S S S S 791
Parcel, USPS or courier 113 1.6 S S 9 1.0 782
Truck and rail S S S S S S 903
Truck and water S S S S S S 7,506
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 40, Miscellaneous manufactured products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 13,322 100.0 2,897 100.0 1,295 100.0 515
Single modes 9,653 72.5 2,746 94.8 1,190 91.9 211
Truck3 9,588 72.0 2,745 94.7 1,189 91.8 205
For-hire Truck 7,367 55.3 2,279 78.7 1,104 85.3 616
Private Truck 2,221 16.7 466 16.1 85 6.5 S
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S 1 S S 1,875
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 3,085 23.2 68 2.3 43 3.3 691
Parcel, USPS or courier 3,085 23.2 68 2.3 43 3.3 691
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S

SCTG 41, Waste and scrap

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 1,266 100.0 S S S S 175
Single modes 1,266 100.0 S S S S 175
Truck3 845 66.7 S S S S 165
For-hire Truck 755 59.6 S S S S 242
Private Truck 89 7.0 518 5.4 30 0.5 42
Rail 60 4.8 223 2.3 24 0.4 103
Water S S S S S S 1,238
Shallow draft S S S S S S 1,238
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air)
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 139
Parcel, USPS or courier S S S S S S 139
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes

SCTG 43, Mixed freight

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 38,772 100.0 14,904 100.0 1,901 100.0 120
Single modes 36,656 94.5 13,815 92.7 1,713 90.1 S
Truck3 36,628 94.5 13,788 92.5 1,685 88.6 S
For-hire Truck 8,669 22.4 3,964 26.6 823 43.3 S
Private Truck 27,959 72.1 9,824 65.9 862 45.3 39
Rail S S S S S S 1,044
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 959
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 1,962 5.1 214 1.4 44 2.3 S
Parcel, USPS or courier 1,962 5.1 214 1.4 44 2.3 S
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes 155 0.4 S S S S S

Commodity unknown

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles1 Average miles
per shipment
(million $)
Percent of total 2002
Percent of total 2002
Percent of
All modes 1,051 100.0 1,771 100.0 S S 444
Single modes 962 91.6 1,306 73.7 S S 227
Truck3 917 87.2 997 56.3 S S S
For-hire Truck S S S S S S 485
Private Truck 264 25.1 S S 17 5.5 S
Rail 31 2.9 S S S S 371
Shallow draft
Great Lakes
Deep draft
Air (including truck and air) S S S S S S 1,628
Pipeline4 S S S
Multiple modes 59 5.6 S S S S 928
Parcel, USPS or courier 59 5.6 S S S S 928
Truck and rail
Truck and water
Rail and water
Other multiple modes
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 58

– Represents data cell equal to zero or less than 1 unit of measure.
S Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.

1 Ton-miles estimates are based on estimated distances traveled along a modeled transportation network. See "Mileage Calculations" section for additional information.
2 Estimates exclude shipments of crude petroleum (SCTG 16).
3 "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private tuck and for-hire truck.
4 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTES: Value-of-shipments estimates have not been adjusted for price changes. Appendix B tables provide estimated measures of sampling variability. The Introduction and appendixes give information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions. Links to this information on the Internet may be found at Coverage for the 2002 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) differs from the previous surveys due to a change from the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System to the 1997 North American Industry Classification System and other survey improvements. Therefore, data users are urged to use caution when comparing 2002 CFS estimates with estimates from prior years.

SOURCE: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (USDOT) and U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Commodity Flow Survey, Individual State Data, December 2004.