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Table 11. Shipment Characteristics by NAICS and Mode of Transportation for Metropolitan Area of Origin: 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Table 11. Shipment Characteristics by NAICS and Mode of Transportation for Metropolitan Area of Origin: 2007

Estimates are based on data from the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive.

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NAICS2 212, Mining (except oil and gas)

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 169 100 13,805 100 262 100 17 25.4 - 23 - 28.7 - 30
Single modes 169 100 13,805 100 262 100 17 25.4 - 23 - 28.7 - 30
Truck5 169 100 13,805 100 262 100 17 25.4 - 23 - 28.7 - 30
For-hire truck 144 84.8 10,970 79.5 202 77.2 17 23 5 18.4 6.7 29.2 8.8 32.8
Private truck 26 15.2 2,834 20.5 S S 20 5.7 8 16.8 10.8 S S 7.4

NAICS2 31-33, Manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 57,364 100 22,130 100 7,108 100 508 12.5 - 8.6 - 7.2 - 7.9
Single modes 53,304 92.9 21,389 96.7 6,654 93.6 383 12.7 1.4 9 1 7.5 1.3 7.3
Truck5 52,561 91.6 20,848 94.2 6,234 87.7 366 13 1.7 9.1 1.6 8.4 3.8 8
For-hire truck 37,863 66 12,329 55.7 5,574 78.4 585 12.2 4.4 7 3 8.5 4.4 6.7
Private truck 14,699 25.6 8,519 38.5 660 9.3 79 23.5 3.9 15.7 3.5 25.8 1.9 12.1
Rail S S 540 2.4 S S 930 S S 48.5 1.7 S S 33.2
Air (incl truck and air) 187 0.3 2 - 3 - 1,178 48.8 0.1 27.6 - 39.2 - 18.3
Multiple modes 1,507 2.6 308 1.4 274 3.8 847 24.9 0.6 29.5 0.6 21.3 1 5.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,128 2 30 0.1 24 0.3 838 31.6 0.5 26.3 - 32.9 0.1 5.7
Truck and rail 196 0.3 219 1 154 2.2 1,559 43.7 0.3 38.3 0.6 36.2 1.1 26.6
Truck and water 177 0.3 55 0.2 93 1.3 3,190 23 0.1 21.4 0.1 26.7 0.4 25.7
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 2,554 4.5 432 2 181 2.5 284 39.4 1.4 27.2 0.7 39.5 0.9 45.8

NAICS2 311, Food manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,410 100 1,957 100 509 100 480 22.8 - 24.5 - 25.2 - 14.8
Single modes 1,378 97.8 1,948 99.5 504 99 407 22.8 0.9 24.6 0.4 25.3 0.5 16.6
Truck5 1,320 93.6 1,750 89.4 398 78.2 406 22.9 1.5 23.9 3.1 24.4 6.1 16.9
For-hire truck 810 57.5 854 43.6 313 61.4 607 24.6 6.2 29.5 10.1 27.5 7.9 10.4
Private truck 510 36.2 896 45.8 85 16.7 134 26.1 5.3 33.5 9.1 32.9 4.3 33
Rail 59 4.1 198 10.1 106 20.8 532 28 2.9 29.1 5.1 28.9 8.9 18.2
Multiple modes S S S S S S 710 S S S S S S 9.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 711 S S S S S S 11.6
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 4 0.3 2 0.1 - - S 6.8 0.5 11.1 0.4 19.7 0.1 S

NAICS2 312, Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 15,352 100 3,803 100 691 100 140 14.8 - 35.2 - 35.5 - 44.2
Single modes 15,297 99.6 3,684 96.9 647 93.6 132 14.9 0.2 36.2 1.8 34.8 2.2 46
Truck5 15,297 99.6 3,684 96.9 647 93.6 132 14.9 0.2 36.2 1.8 34.8 2.2 46
For-hire truck 7,647 49.8 1,829 48.1 566 82 309 26.4 18.1 33.7 16 34.1 10.3 20.3
Private truck 7,650 49.8 1,855 48.8 S S 22 33.4 17.2 48.4 16.6 S S 46.6
Multiple modes S S S S S S 663 S S S S S S 25.4
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 721 S S S S S S 27.8
Truck and rail 49 0.3 80 2.1 44 6.3 550 23.5 1.2 17.7 6.1 17.3 5.8 -
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 313, Textile mills

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 3,347 100 896 100 602 100 592 17.9 - 25.1 - 26.3 - 12.2
Single modes 3,163 94.5 835 93.2 513 85.2 590 18.3 1.4 25.5 2.3 27.7 3.9 12.6
Truck5 3,138 93.7 825 92.1 509 84.5 585 18.3 1.5 25.8 2.2 28 3.7 11.3
For-hire truck 2,710 81 743 82.9 499 82.8 723 16.6 3.3 25 3.1 27.9 3.7 10.2
Private truck 427 12.8 83 9.2 11 1.7 S 44.8 3.7 39.8 2.6 35.6 1.3 S
Rail 23 0.7 S S S S 392 46.5 2.8 S S S S 30.2
Air (incl truck and air) 2 0.1 S S S S 2,842 49.6 0.2 S S S S 26.3
Multiple modes 149 4.5 44 4.9 73 12.1 700 33.1 1.5 33.8 2.5 32.5 4.3 19.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 13 0.4 1 0.1 S S 582 38.8 0.1 49.5 0.1 S S 18.5
Truck and water 136 4.1 43 4.8 72 11.9 1,728 26.2 1.8 26.8 3.4 24.6 5.4 24.4
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 314, Textile product mills

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 372 100 63 100 7 100 501 37.7 - 27.6 - 42.3 - 27.4
Single modes 329 88.4 62 98.6 7 89.5 S 41.2 5.1 25.9 0.5 41.4 3.5 S
Truck5 329 88.4 62 98.6 7 89.5 S 41.2 5.1 25.9 0.5 41.4 3.5 S
For-hire truck S S 41 64.5 6 76.3 315 S S 24.3 18.7 41.3 19.1 34.9
Private truck S S S S S S 53 S S S S S S 32.7
Multiple modes S S S S S S 719 S S S S S S 23.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 719 S S S S S S 23.9

NAICS2 315, Apparel manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,229 100 127 100 97 100 1,043 29.9 - 35.9 - 33.5 - 12.7
Single modes 1,132 92.1 123 96.4 93 95.4 991 32.1 3.4 37.3 2 34.7 2.2 13.2
Truck5 1,132 92.1 123 96.4 93 95.4 992 32.1 3.4 37.3 2 34.7 2.2 13.2
For-hire truck 1,041 84.7 113 88.7 92 94.5 1,117 35.2 8.6 40.4 9.4 35.1 4 6.4
Private truck 91 7.4 10 7.7 S S 43 25.4 9.2 23 11.6 S S 38.2
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 81 6.6 S S S S 1,074 46 3 S S S S 16
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 1,074 S S S S S S 16
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 16 1.3 1 0.7 1 0.7 807 43.6 2.2 38.3 0.8 44.2 1.2 24.8

NAICS2 321, Wood product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,004 100 2,743 100 641 100 417 20 - 33.2 - 30.7 - 18.7
Single modes 949 94.5 2,708 98.7 611 95.3 369 17.9 1.7 33.3 0.7 30.1 1.6 22.5
Truck5 931 92.7 2,652 96.7 568 88.7 367 18.3 2.5 33.9 2.1 30.7 4.5 22.7
For-hire truck 630 62.7 1,484 54.1 386 60.2 549 11.3 6 27.6 6.2 25.8 7.1 19
Private truck 301 30 1,168 42.6 183 28.5 S 40.4 4.9 45.3 6.5 49.4 6.2 S
Rail S S 57 2.1 S S 745 S S 40.3 6.8 S S 16.4
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 21 2.1 S S S S S 41 1.4 S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S 1 - 1 0.1 S S S 45.1 0.4 42 0.1 S
Truck and rail S S S S 26 4.1 824 S S S S 48 6 38.4
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 322, Paper manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,201 100 864 100 171 100 268 26.1 - 40.7 - 28.9 - 30.4
Single modes 1,174 97.8 849 98.2 171 99.6 179 26.4 1.7 41.5 1.7 28.9 0.2 45.3
Truck5 1,174 97.8 849 98.2 171 99.6 179 26.4 1.7 41.5 1.7 28.9 0.2 45.3
For-hire truck 827 68.8 403 46.7 137 79.8 471 20.3 6.9 24.9 11.5 23.3 5.4 10.8
Private truck S S S S S S 60 S S S S S S 18.9
Multiple modes S S S S S S 931 S S S S S S 14.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 931 S S S S S S 14.3
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 5 S S S S S S 21

NAICS2 323, Printing and related support activities

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck 96 8.1 12 1.6 1 0.6 S 42 7.2 46.6 12.1 30.9 2.2 S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 61 5.1 2 0.3 1 1.7 815 26.8 8.4 38.5 5.1 26.8 10.9 15.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 61 5.1 2 0.3 1 1.7 815 26.8 8.4 38.5 5.1 26.8 10.9 15.8
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 764 S S S S S S 48.8

NAICS2 324, Petroleum and coal products manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 325, Chemical manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 13,781 100 2,921 100 1,803 100 623 42.7 - 35.7 - 35.1 - 14.2
Single modes 13,611 98.8 2,843 97.3 1,743 96.7 572 43.3 2.4 35.8 1.2 35.3 1.7 9.6
Truck5 13,287 96.4 2,595 88.8 1,519 84.3 569 44.8 5.6 37.9 5.7 40.1 8.3 10.4
For-hire truck 13,094 95 2,493 85.4 1,491 82.7 609 45.3 6.9 38.8 7.6 40.6 8 13.7
Private truck 192 1.4 101 3.5 28 1.6 S 32.6 6.1 34.8 10.8 38.1 5 S
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 3 - - - - - 639 47.6 0.6 28.9 0.1 29.1 0.1 17.6
Multiple modes S S S S S S 738 S S S S S S 21.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 55 0.4 2 0.1 1 0.1 705 49.6 2 40.7 0.2 43.8 0.3 21.1
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 326, Plastics and rubber products manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,997 100 561 100 318 100 507 10.8 - 11 - 19.7 - 9.3
Single modes 1,892 94.7 544 97 305 95.8 447 12.1 1.8 12 1.6 21.3 2.3 10.9
Truck5 1,889 94.6 544 97 305 95.8 432 12.1 1.9 12 1.6 21.3 2.3 11.1
For-hire truck 1,368 68.5 414 73.8 285 89.6 583 9.1 4.9 14.2 4.4 20.7 2.9 5.4
Private truck 520 26.1 130 23.2 20 6.2 145 35.8 4.8 17.3 3.5 37.4 1.2 21
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 669 S S S S S S 15.5
Multiple modes 34 1.7 3 0.5 S S 664 48 0.8 45.7 0.2 S S 21.2
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S 1 0.3 658 S S S S 42.5 0.1 16.2
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 72 3.6 14 2.4 9 2.8 514 27.9 3.9 33.7 3.3 29.3 4.8 35.5

NAICS2 327, Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 881 100 4,622 100 621 100 112 20 - 19.2 - 24.4 - 24.7
Single modes 857 97.3 4,439 96 590 94.9 111 20.1 1.1 18.6 1.5 23.3 1.6 24.5
Truck5 855 97 4,423 95.7 579 93.2 111 20.1 1.2 18.5 1.6 22.8 2.4 24.6
For-hire truck 499 56.6 1,328 28.7 476 76.5 381 27.9 10.8 26.5 11.4 27.3 11.7 16.9
Private truck 356 40.4 3,095 67 104 16.7 58 27.8 10.1 25.7 10.9 37.7 11.7 21.7
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 976 S S S S S S 34.3
Multiple modes S S S S S S 515 S S S S S S 3.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 538 S S S S S S 6.8
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 13 1.5 S S 11 1.8 S 45 1.4 S S 31.8 1.1 S

NAICS2 331, Primary metal manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 750 100 235 100 120 100 652 28.1 - 39 - 43.2 - 9.1
Single modes 673 89.7 235 100 120 99.9 640 23.4 5.1 39 - 43.3 0.1 8.9
Truck5 671 89.4 235 99.9 120 99.9 640 23.4 5.1 39.1 0.1 43.3 0.1 9
For-hire truck 603 80.4 214 90.9 115 95.8 660 25.7 5.9 41.1 7 45.1 3.7 8.3
Private truck 67 9 21 9 5 4 274 33.9 7.1 24.3 8.1 12.5 4.3 13.2
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 779 S S S S S S 18.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 779 S S S S S S 18.6

NAICS2 332, Fabricated metal product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,168 100 744 100 299 100 460 17.6 - 42.7 - 37.5 - 20.5
Single modes 2,012 92.8 732 98.5 296 99.1 382 18.9 3.1 43.1 0.9 37.8 0.5 29.6
Truck5 1,997 92.1 732 98.4 296 99 380 19.2 3.2 43.1 0.9 37.9 0.5 29.8
For-hire truck 1,644 75.8 567 76.2 274 91.6 638 16.8 5.2 38.3 5.6 37 2.7 14.1
Private truck 353 16.3 S S S S S 48.3 4.9 S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 15 0.7 S S S S 1,061 48.5 2.8 S S S S 13.1
Multiple modes S S 2 0.3 2 0.5 905 S S 31.4 0.8 33.8 0.5 10.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S 1 0.2 1 0.5 905 S S 35.4 0.6 39.2 0.4 10.7
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 16 0.7 10 1.3 S S S 41.8 0.8 46.9 1.6 S S S

NAICS2 333, Machinery manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,724 100 571 100 439 100 510 33.9 - 42.8 - 42.1 - 29.3
Single modes 2,570 94.3 562 98.4 426 97.1 393 33.2 1.9 43 2 42.5 5.4 44.9
Truck5 2,472 90.7 552 96.6 397 90.4 371 34.1 2.9 43.8 3.5 45.5 7.9 40.2
For-hire truck 2,272 83.4 494 86.5 394 89.7 729 36.1 8.2 43.6 8.4 45.5 8.9 10.8
Private truck 200 7.4 S S 3 0.7 S 34.7 15.2 S S 48.7 8.4 S
Rail 96 3.5 10 1.8 29 6.7 2,917 25.6 8.4 31.7 8.9 30.2 18.1 1.9
Air (incl truck and air) 2 0.1 S S S S 715 42.8 0.2 S S S S 38.3
Multiple modes S S 3 0.6 S S 649 S S 43.2 2.6 S S 16.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S 2 0.3 S S 646 S S 46.3 0.6 S S 16.3
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 334, Computer and electronic product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,958 100 S S S S 267 28.4 - S S S S 31.5
Single modes S S S S S S 158 S S S S S S 39.8
Truck5 S S S S S S 158 S S S S S S 39.8
For-hire truck S S S S S S 2,179 S S S S S S 6.1
Private truck S S S S S S 18 S S S S S S 25
Multiple modes S S S S S S 900 S S S S S S 28.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 900 S S S S S S 28.9
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 335, Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S 405 100 S S 487 S S 49.6 - S S 28.5
Single modes S S S S S S 494 S S S S S S 25.6
Truck5 S S S S S S 490 S S S S S S 25.7
For-hire truck 1,378 58.9 239 59 199 78.3 562 45.3 9.5 40.7 8.5 47.8 5.9 22.4
Private truck S S S S S S 133 S S S S S S 39.1
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) - - - - S S 1,892 33.3 - 41.9 - S S 47.2
Multiple modes 45 1.9 S S S S S 20.1 1.7 S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 34 1.4 S S 1 0.4 S 21.8 1.8 S S 46.6 0.5 S
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 917 S S S S S S 11.7

NAICS2 336, Transportation equipment manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,684 100 261 100 155 100 991 31.8 - 25.8 - 41.7 - 14.2
Single modes S S S S S S 1,033 S S S S S S 18.4
Truck5 S S S S S S 481 S S S S S S 11.2
For-hire truck S S 85 32.8 S S 600 S S 32.8 19.2 S S 10.4
Private truck S S S S S S 184 S S S S S S 23.9
Air (incl truck and air) 155 9.2 1 0.4 2 1.1 1,288 46.3 6.6 28.7 0.4 40.3 3.6 8.2
Multiple modes 3 0.2 - - - 0.1 801 47.8 0.2 46 0.1 44.5 0.1 7.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 3 0.2 - - - 0.1 801 47.8 0.2 46 0.1 44.5 0.1 7.6
Other and unknown modes 1,068 63.4 S S 124 80.2 776 16.3 19.5 S S 25 12.6 3.2

NAICS2 337, Furniture and related product manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,071 100 395 100 233 100 501 14.6 - 20 - 31.4 - 15.1
Single modes 2,029 98 391 98.9 228 98 421 14.9 0.9 20.2 0.4 32.3 2.3 20.1
Truck5 2,029 98 391 98.9 228 98 421 14.9 0.9 20.2 0.4 32.3 2.3 20.1
For-hire truck 1,314 63.5 263 66.5 204 87.5 650 21 6.1 18.3 5 30 2.6 15.2
Private truck 715 34.5 128 32.4 S S 71 29.5 6.1 37.4 4.9 S S 31.8
Multiple modes 42 2 4 1.1 S S 724 47.8 1 49.7 0.5 S S 11.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 710 S S S S S S 12.4
Truck and water 10 0.5 1 0.2 S S S 43.2 3.2 13.7 1.6 S S S

NAICS2 339, Miscellaneous manufacturing

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 889 100 S S S S 807 31.8 - S S S S 16.3
Single modes 645 72.6 S S S S 480 34.8 10.2 S S S S 46.3
Truck5 643 72.3 S S S S 480 34.8 10.1 S S S S 46.3
For-hire truck 571 64.2 S S S S 668 34.2 11.4 S S S S 41.9
Private truck 72 8.1 S S S S S 31.9 19.9 S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 2 0.2 - - S S 679 16.7 0.4 7.6 0.6 S S 45.6
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,039 S S S S S S 11.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 1,039 S S S S S S 12
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 624 S S S S S S 0.1

NAICS2 42, Wholesale trade

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 21,068 100 10,379 100 2,406 100 404 10.3 - 13.1 - 14.5 - 10.3
Single modes 15,057 71.5 9,704 93.5 2,061 85.7 175 11.5 4.2 12.5 2 17 5.4 15.3
Truck5 14,603 69.3 9,278 89.4 2,013 83.7 140 11.2 4.5 12.8 3.5 17.5 5.3 15.5
For-hire truck 6,637 31.5 3,953 38.1 1,483 61.6 582 20.5 4 18 5.2 21.1 6.4 11.4
Private truck 7,966 37.8 5,326 51.3 531 22.1 68 11.9 4.8 17.2 6.1 20.7 3.5 7.9
Rail 49 0.2 S S S S S 41.3 0.6 S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 5,606 26.6 466 4.5 290 12.1 593 17.7 3.7 32.1 1.6 36 5.6 14.4
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 5,232 24.8 S S S S 593 20.2 4 S S S S 14.1
Truck and rail 259 1.2 192 1.9 114 4.7 616 38.4 1.6 29.9 3.4 43.6 11.2 28.1
Truck and water S S 53 0.5 37 1.6 726 S S 27.1 0.5 20.3 1.1 16.6
Other and unknown modes 405 1.9 S S S S S 24.2 1 S S S S S

NAICS2 423, Merchant wholesalers, durable goods

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 11,693 100 6,041 100 1,184 100 445 13.8 - 20.1 - 24.2 - 11.8
Single modes 6,484 55.4 5,417 89.7 895 75.6 187 15.2 5.7 20.3 3.8 26.5 7.6 16.2
Truck5 6,045 51.7 4,992 82.6 848 71.6 123 11.8 5.9 20.2 5.1 28.3 7.9 18.4
For-hire truck 2,210 18.9 2,471 40.9 614 51.9 499 18.2 3 28.1 6 28.8 6.5 11.2
Private truck 3,835 32.8 2,521 41.7 233 19.7 60 14 5 25.1 8.3 31.6 4 9
Rail 49 0.4 S S S S S 41.3 1.3 S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 4,844 41.4 427 7.1 259 21.9 590 22 5.2 34.8 3.5 40.8 7.6 22.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 4,553 38.9 S S S S 589 24.7 6.2 S S S S 22.1
Truck and rail 259 2.2 192 3.2 114 9.6 616 38.4 3.4 29.9 5.6 43.6 13.7 28.1
Truck and water 31 0.3 47 0.8 29 2.5 623 48.5 0.5 26.2 0.9 27.3 1.3 3
Other and unknown modes 366 3.1 S S S S S 25.4 1.2 S S S S S

NAICS2 4231, Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,214 100 232 100 76 100 S 25.7 - 35.6 - 42.4 - S
Single modes 1,078 88.8 224 96.2 74 98.4 88 29 10.3 37.1 12.2 43.2 12.3 17.8
Truck5 1,078 88.8 224 96.2 74 98.4 88 29 10.3 37.1 12.2 43.2 12.3 17.8
For-hire truck 339 27.9 105 45.4 65 85.9 S 27.2 11.4 35.5 12.1 42.9 9.5 S
Private truck 739 60.8 118 50.8 9 12.4 84 35.5 11 43.5 11.3 37.4 10 16
Multiple modes 87 7.1 3 1.5 1 1.1 440 44 13.3 42.9 14.8 38 15.5 29.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 87 7.1 3 1.5 1 1.1 440 44 13.3 42.9 14.8 38 15.5 29.5
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 60 S S S S S S 21.1

NAICS2 4232, Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 676 100 190 100 136 100 557 21.5 - 29.1 - 39.1 - 15.5
Single modes 482 71.3 113 59.5 S S 361 20.7 9.6 27.1 14.4 S S 37.5
Truck5 482 71.3 113 59.5 S S 361 20.7 9.6 27.1 14.4 S S 37.5
For-hire truck S S S S S S 685 S S S S S S 10.7
Private truck 285 42.1 S S 9 6.7 127 33.3 15.2 S S 36 17.7 47.7
Multiple modes 194 28.7 S S S S 863 41.1 18.6 S S S S 8.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1 0.2 - 0.1 S S 724 47.5 6.3 2.5 2.8 S S 0.3
Truck and rail S S S S S S 869 S S S S S S 12.2

NAICS2 4233, Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,435 100 2,240 100 193 100 82 33.2 - 42.7 - 42.9 - 43.4
Single modes 1,382 96.3 2,212 98.7 183 95.1 75 32.8 1.2 43.2 0.7 40.9 1.5 39.4
Truck5 1,382 96.3 2,212 98.7 183 95.1 75 32.8 1.2 43.2 0.7 40.9 1.5 39.4
For-hire truck 233 16.2 S S S S 166 43 11.8 S S S S 41.2
Private truck 1,149 80.1 1,569 70 92 47.6 69 29.7 5.2 40.7 8.3 26.2 13.1 33.3
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 32 2.2 S S S S 32 49.8 2.1 S S S S 36.2

NAICS2 4234, Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 3,557 100 S S S S 512 21.7 - S S S S 24.2
Single modes S S S S S S 396 S S S S S S 39.1
Truck5 S S S S S S 430 S S S S S S 44.6
For-hire truck S S S S S S 460 S S S S S S 41.8
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 2,998 84.3 S S S S 538 25 8.3 S S S S 25.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,998 84.3 S S S S 538 25 8.3 S S S S 25.6
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 18 S S S S S S 0.9

NAICS2 4235, Metal and mineral (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 467 100 318 100 67 100 94 19.5 - 18.1 - 26.7 - 41.5
Single modes 467 100 318 100 67 100 94 19.5 - 18.1 - 26.7 - 41.4
Truck5 467 100 318 100 67 100 94 19.5 - 18.1 - 26.7 - 41.4
For-hire truck 197 42.2 155 48.8 55 82 253 24.5 13.9 22.5 12.7 25.7 4.1 22.8
Private truck 270 57.8 163 51.2 12 18 75 28.3 10.8 25.7 12.2 27.5 18.4 8.4
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4236, Electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 642 100 49 100 7 100 650 39.7 - 27.7 - 35.4 - 27.1
Single modes 328 51.1 28 55.7 4 52.4 S 33.3 13.9 38.8 15.2 37 15.1 S
Truck5 328 51.1 28 55.7 4 52.4 S 33.3 13.9 38.8 15.2 37 15.1 S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 458 S S S S S S 11.2
Private truck S S S S S S 46 S S S S S S 31.2
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,666 S S S S S S 30
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 1,666 S S S S S S 30
Other and unknown modes 100 15.6 S S S S 46 40.9 6.2 S S S S 33.9

NAICS2 4237, Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 888 100 136 100 42 100 445 28.5 - 36.5 - 21.6 - 32.5
Single modes 614 69.2 101 74.3 34 81.2 S 33 8.3 29 8.3 24.2 8.2 S
Truck5 586 66 95 70.3 34 81.1 S 34.3 9 29.1 9.6 24.2 8.2 S
For-hire truck S S 36 26.2 27 63.7 878 S S 23.5 15.6 27.5 10.2 14.5
Private truck 252 28.4 60 44 S S S 49.2 15.1 39 16.4 S S S
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 273 30.8 S S 8 18.8 728 32.1 10.9 S S 25.2 12 15
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 227 25.5 7 5 7 15.8 801 35.4 11.4 26.1 12.5 27.6 12 12.3
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4238, Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,192 100 S S S S 387 35.7 - S S S S 26
Single modes 1,236 56.4 S S S S S 36.3 8.7 S S S S S
Truck5 1,236 56.4 S S S S S 36.3 8.7 S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 726 S S S S S S 20.9
Private truck 817 37.3 241 58.6 19 20.8 33 38.1 11.7 42.1 11.8 49.5 18 37.4
Multiple modes 898 41 20 5 12 13 498 37.1 9.7 43.4 15.5 41.5 16.3 18.2
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 898 41 20 5 12 13 498 37.1 9.7 43.4 15.5 41.5 16.3 18.2
Other and unknown modes 58 2.6 2 0.4 S S S 45.7 12.3 47.3 3 S S S

NAICS2 4239, Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 622 100 S S S S 227 26.2 - S S S S 35.6
Single modes 441 70.9 S S S S 208 27.7 9.9 S S S S 49.2
Truck5 421 67.7 S S S S 225 29.8 9.7 S S S S 44.3
For-hire truck 344 55.3 1,300 57 S S 225 29.9 11.1 49.9 10.7 S S 47.3
Private truck 77 12.4 S S S S 226 50 6.3 S S S S 37.1
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 475 S S S S S S 16.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 473 S S S S S S 7.1
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S 32 1.4 20 4.3 643 S S 45 2.1 44.9 5.3 0.1
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 424, Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 9,374 100 4,337 100 1,222 100 266 14.7 - 26.6 - 30.4 - 19.5
Single modes 8,573 91.5 4,287 98.8 1,166 95.4 159 16.5 3.7 26.9 0.4 31.7 2.5 31.1
Truck5 8,558 91.3 4,287 98.8 1,166 95.4 157 16.5 3.8 26.9 0.4 31.7 2.5 31.3
For-hire truck 4,427 47.2 1,482 34.2 869 71.1 664 28.5 7.5 42.9 6.9 39.4 9.9 20.3
Private truck 4,131 44.1 2,805 64.7 297 24.3 75 17.3 6.2 30.7 6.9 32.5 9.1 17.8
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 1,430 S S S S S S 37.7
Multiple modes 762 8.1 39 0.9 31 2.5 627 41.7 3.8 42.9 0.4 41.5 1.9 20.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 678 7.2 32 0.7 23 1.9 627 45.3 3.8 40.3 0.3 32.7 2 20.5
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 174 S S S S S S 32.9

NAICS2 4241, Paper and paper product merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 672 100 161 100 S S 174 23.6 - 39.3 - S S 31.4
Single modes 599 89.1 152 94.3 S S S 18 5.1 42.9 15.7 S S S
Truck5 599 89.1 152 94.3 S S S 18 5.1 42.9 15.7 S S S
For-hire truck S S 3 1.7 S S 688 S S 5.5 3.1 S S 41.4
Private truck 529 78.7 149 92.6 S S 72 21.8 9.5 43.5 17.4 S S 43.3
Multiple modes S S S S S S 439 S S S S S S 30
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 439 S S S S S S 30

NAICS2 4242, Drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 513 S S S S S S 39.4
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4243, Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 2,994 100 269 100 274 100 789 13.7 - 43.4 - 45.8 - 12.2
Single modes 2,428 81.1 248 92.1 259 94.6 964 20.5 11.5 47.2 12.8 48.9 12.8 19.2
Truck5 2,414 80.6 248 92.1 259 94.6 952 21 12.1 47.2 12.9 48.9 12.9 20
For-hire truck 2,100 70.1 229 85 250 91.4 1,286 25.6 13.2 48.6 14.1 49.4 13.1 14.6
Private truck 314 10.5 19 7.1 9 3.2 309 28 13.1 22.5 12.8 35.6 5.7 24.1
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 1,446 S S S S S S 36.5
Multiple modes S S S S 15 5.3 724 S S S S 39.4 17.4 17.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S 13 4.9 724 S S S S 45.7 17.6 18.2
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4244, Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,852 100 S S S S 215 44.5 - S S S S 30.1
Single modes 1,851 99.9 S S S S 218 44.5 - S S S S 29.7
Truck5 1,851 99.9 S S S S 218 44.5 - S S S S 29.7
For-hire truck S S S S S S 875 S S S S S S 35.8
Private truck 1,166 62.9 738 57.5 S S 106 30.3 12.2 34.5 13.3 S S 9.4
Multiple modes - - S S - - S 11.4 0.1 S S 11.4 0.1 S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier - - S S - - S 11.4 0.1 S S 11.4 0.1 S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 11 S S S S S S 21

NAICS2 4245, Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S S S S S 1,130 S S S S S S 8.5
Single modes S S S S S S 886 S S S S S S 18.5
Truck5 S S S S S S 886 S S S S S S 18.5
For-hire truck S S S S S S 1,148 S S S S S S 27.1
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,332 S S S S S S 8.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 12 4.4 - 0.5 1 0.6 1,324 18.1 9.8 19.9 8.8 18.3 6.3 8.7
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4246, Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 933 100 S S S S S 35.4 - S S S S S
Single modes 913 97.9 S S S S S 34.9 1 S S S S S
Truck5 913 97.9 S S S S S 34.9 1 S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 1 0.1 S S - - S 39.1 0.3 S S 33.2 0.2 S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1 0.1 S S - - S 39.1 0.3 S S 33.2 0.2 S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4247, Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,177 100 1,451 100 70 100 42 31.9 - 34.1 - 36 - 13.8
Single modes 1,177 100 1,451 100 70 100 42 31.9 - 34.1 - 36 - 13.8
Truck5 1,177 100 1,451 100 70 100 42 31.9 - 34.1 - 36 - 13.8
For-hire truck 357 30.3 409 28.2 29 41.2 71 15.5 12 16.2 13.3 29.6 16.1 21.6
Private truck 820 69.7 1,042 71.8 S S 39 38.2 9.4 41.4 9.2 S S 13.9
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4248, Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 323 100 148 100 5 100 46 26.9 - 25.1 - 32.9 - 23.8
Single modes 323 100 148 100 5 100 46 26.9 - 25.1 - 32.9 - 23.8
Truck5 323 100 148 100 5 100 46 26.9 - 25.1 - 32.9 - 23.8
For-hire truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck 310 96.1 145 98.1 4 93.4 42 26.2 2.4 25.3 1.6 30.3 3.4 23.2

NAICS2 4249, Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 851 100 152 100 S S S 28.7 - 39.6 - S S S
Single modes 801 94 147 96.7 S S S 30 5.8 40.6 5.7 S S S
Truck5 801 94 147 96.7 S S S 30 5.8 40.6 5.7 S S S
For-hire truck 315 37 74 49 29 65.4 715 27.7 14 49.7 12.7 46.1 11.1 24
Private truck 485 57 73 47.7 S S 80 34.4 11.8 29.4 14.5 S S 30.3
Multiple modes 36 4.3 4 2.3 3 6.3 786 42 4.5 45.8 4.3 49.4 3.5 20.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 36 4.3 4 2.3 3 6.3 786 42 4.5 45.8 4.3 49.4 3.5 20.8
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

NAICS2 4541, Electronic shopping and mail-order houses

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,209 100 S S 44 100 827 30 - S S 42.7 - 10.9
Single modes S S S S S S 401 S S S S S S 35.3
Truck5 S S S S S S 401 S S S S S S 35.3
For-hire truck S S S S S S 404 S S S S S S 41.4
Private truck S S S S - 0.1 28 S S S S 30.2 19.3 19
Multiple modes 752 62.2 28 44.8 S S 849 37 12.4 39.7 14.7 S S 9.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 752 62.2 28 44.8 S S 849 37 12.4 39.7 14.7 S S 9.6
Other and unknown modes 91 7.5 1 2.3 S S 581 39.7 7.2 41.8 5.1 S S 34.8

NAICS2 45431, Fuel dealers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 528 100 645 100 12 100 19 21.2 - 20.3 - 28.9 - 9.9
Single modes 527 99.9 644 99.9 12 99.9 19 21.1 0.1 20.3 0.1 28.9 - 10
Truck5 527 99.9 644 99.9 12 99.9 19 21.1 0.1 20.3 0.1 28.9 - 10
Private truck 527 99.9 644 99.9 12 99.9 19 21.1 0.1 20.3 0.1 28.9 - 10
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 12 S S S S S S 17.1

NAICS2 4931, Warehousing and storage

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 13,619 100 1,918 100 673 100 1,213 15.8 - 20.2 - 22.8 - 12.8
Single modes 12,721 93.4 1,897 98.9 637 94.7 920 17.2 2.8 20.5 0.9 24.7 4.1 16.1
Truck5 12,468 91.5 1,890 98.5 627 93.1 833 17.8 3.6 20.7 2.6 25.6 5.1 17.6
For-hire truck 9,618 70.6 1,074 56 505 75.1 953 24.8 8.2 33.9 13.3 34.8 11.2 14.3
Private truck 2,850 20.9 816 42.5 121 18 181 36.3 10.3 37.6 15.6 38.3 12.5 20.6
Air (incl truck and air) 253 1.9 S S S S S 49.7 3.1 S S S S S
Multiple modes 898 6.6 S S S S 1,415 29.3 3 S S S S 10
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 884 6.5 S S S S 1,413 30.1 2.9 S S S S 10.2
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water 8 0.1 - - 1 0.1 5,023 35.7 0.6 42.7 0.2 39.8 0.8 47.7

NAICS2 5111, Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes S S S S S S 62 S S S S S S 25.7
Single modes S S S S S S 50 S S S S S S 19
Truck5 S S S S S S 50 S S S S S S 19
For-hire truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck S S 38 57.5 S S 44 S S 32.8 14.4 S S 17.2
Multiple modes S S S S S S 160 S S S S S S 27.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 160 S S S S S S 27.9

NAICS2 551114, Corporate, subsidiary, and regional managing offices

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles3 Average
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average
miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV4 Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of % CV Standard Error of %
All modes 1,717 100 367 100 214 100 391 17.4 - 28.1 - 25.2 - 29
Single modes 1,651 96.1 361 98.5 190 88.9 381 18.1 2.6 28.7 1.2 25.5 4.7 33.7
Truck5 1,581 92.1 296 80.8 176 82.1 379 18.8 3.5 22.6 6.6 26.7 7 32.4
For-hire truck 1,370 79.8 169 46.2 170 79.6 1,026 18.1 5.8 18.5 12.4 24.9 7.9 9.1
Private truck 211 12.3 127 34.6 5 2.5 S 21.2 9.5 38.3 10 34.7 10.3 S
Rail 69 4 S S S S S 45.5 8.2 S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 62 3.6 5 1.4 S S 550 33.7 5.1 46.8 2.3 S S 47.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S - 0.1 - 0.1 448 S S 37.2 0.1 43.8 0.1 37.6
Truck and rail 24 1.4 3 0.8 10 4.5 3,127 48.2 5.9 46.5 5.3 47.8 10 -
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 1,496 S S S S S S 31

KEY: S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality. - = Zero or Less than half the unit shown; thus, it has been rounded to zero.

1 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) geographic areas were drawn from a subset of Combined Statistical Areas (CSAs) and Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MeSAs) as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). However, CFS metropolitan areas are divided into their state parts when they include more than one state. In addition, the CFS also utilizes a unique geography referred to as, "remainder of state," to represent those areas of a state not contained within a separately published metropolitan area for the CFS (as opposed to not part of any Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) as defined by OMB). Because of the differences in the CFS geography, as compared to OMB defined geography, caution should be exercised when comparing CFS estimates to other estimates of similar geography.
2 North American Industry Classification System
3 Ton-miles estimates are based on estimated distances traveled along a modeled transportation network.
4 Coefficient of Variation.
5 "Truck" as a single mode includes any shipment that was made by private truck only, by for-hire truck only, or by a combination of private and for-hire truck.
6 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTES: Value-of-shipment estimates are reported in current prices. Estimated measures of sampling variability for each estimate known as coefficients of variation (CV) are also provided in these tables. More information on sampling error, confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions may be found at
Rows are not shown if all cells for that particular row have no value. For example, Detroit-Warren-Flint, MI by Food manufacturing (NAICS 311) by Rail has no data for any shipment characteristic therefore the entire row is not shown. Also, entire industries are not present if there is no such data for that particular area. For example, Houston-Baytown-Huntsville, TX by Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers (NAICS 5111) has no data for any mode therefore the entire industry is not shown.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census: Transportation Commodity Flow Survey, December 2009.