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Table 6. Shipment Characteristics by Two-Digit Commodity and Mode of Transportation for State of Origin: 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Table 6. Shipment Characteristics by Two-Digit Commodity and Mode of Transportation for State of Origin: 2007

Estimates are based on the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive.

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All Commodities4

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 355,503 100 379,374 100 75,389 100 491 4.8 - 7 - 4.5 - 6
Single modes 303,707 85.4 355,473 93.7 65,706 87.2 244 4.8 0.6 7.4 1.9 5.2 1.1 8
Truck5 281,871 79.3 295,034 77.8 44,600 59.2 229 4.7 1.1 7.4 2 2.9 2 8.5
For-hire truck 193,929 54.6 169,588 44.7 36,864 48.9 513 6.4 1.8 6.3 2 3.6 2.5 6.3
Private truck 87,943 24.7 125,446 33.1 7,736 10.3 59 5.7 1.6 14.7 2.7 14 0.9 3.6
Rail 19,276 5.4 56,048 14.8 20,442 27.1 644 15.3 0.7 16.5 2.1 14.3 2.8 11.2
Water S S 3,586 0.9 S S 152 S S 48 0.9 S S 30.9
Shallow draft S S 3,586 0.9 S S 152 S S 48 0.9 S S 30.9
Air (incl truck and air) 2,046 0.6 37 - 41 0.1 923 38.8 0.2 31.2 - 37.4 - 14.8
Pipeline6 463 0.1 768 0.2 S S S 34 - 34.1 0.1 S S S
Multiple modes 43,337 12.2 13,455 3.5 8,805 11.7 736 6.9 0.6 10.7 0.4 8.4 1.1 4.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 32,886 9.3 841 0.2 558 0.7 734 6.1 0.6 13.2 - 11.5 0.1 4.3
Truck and rail 9,542 2.7 8,014 2.1 4,938 6.5 940 22.9 0.5 16.7 0.3 13.1 0.9 9.4
Truck and water 279 0.1 3,223 0.8 1,693 2.2 S 21.4 - 29 0.2 33.6 0.7 S
Rail and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes 300 0.1 1,308 0.3 1,474 2 S 35.1 - 42.3 0.2 41.9 1 S
Other and unknown modes 8,458 2.4 S S 878 1.2 122 22.9 0.5 S S 15 0.2 45.3

SCTG1 1, Live animals and live fish

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 1,730 100 1,085 100 652 100 380 40.8 - 34.5 - 47.4 - 39.3
Single modes 1,730 100 1,085 100 652 100 380 40.8 - 34.5 - 47.4 - 39.3
Truck5 1,730 100 1,085 100 652 100 380 40.8 - 34.5 - 47.4 - 39.3
For-hire truck 1,493 86.3 965 88.9 616 94.5 449 29.7 5.9 24.1 5.3 40.7 2.4 45.7
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 2, Cereal grains

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 2,547 100 17,949 100 7,029 100 115 22.1 - 23.3 - 28.3 - 43.1
Single modes 2,380 93.4 16,916 94.2 5,924 84.3 101 24.6 4.6 25.9 4.5 35.2 9.5 41.1
Truck5 954 37.4 6,387 35.6 581 8.3 S 42 9.5 46.4 9.3 35.8 5.1 S
For-hire truck 802 31.5 5,291 29.5 526 7.5 107 43.6 8.8 47.8 8.4 39.1 4.8 41.8
Private truck 152 6 1,096 6.1 55 0.8 35 44.3 2.2 45.9 2.2 43.9 1 36
Rail 1,426 56 10,528 58.7 5,342 76 536 38.4 10.3 38.5 10 39.4 9.3 14.9
Water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 157 6.2 951 5.3 1,066 15.2 1,354 40.5 7.1 41.7 6.8 42.1 14.8 16.6
Truck and rail S S 50 0.3 63 0.9 S S S 43 1.6 13.1 3.8 S
Other multiple modes 134 5.3 901 5 1,003 14.3 1,191 40.4 8.7 41.5 8.3 41.2 18.2 6.3
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 47 S S S S S S 11.3

SCTG1 3, Other agricultural products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 2,472 100 4,734 100 1,194 100 138 18.1 - 22.2 - 25.3 - 24.1
Single modes 2,407 97.4 4,405 93 1,003 84 136 18.1 1.3 20.4 2.5 26.3 7.5 22.7
Truck5 1,988 80.4 3,160 66.8 319 26.7 136 23.4 7.8 21.5 9.2 29.8 13.1 23.1
For-hire truck 1,442 58.4 2,255 47.6 259 21.7 204 36.1 11.9 30.6 10 35.5 11.2 18.2
Private truck 545 22.1 905 19.1 60 5 67 23.4 9.2 21.7 7.8 25.9 5.9 18.3
Rail 420 17 1,245 26.3 684 57.3 714 29.5 11.3 35.1 12.4 35.1 13.5 19
Multiple modes 65 2.6 329 7 S S S 31.7 2.9 42.6 4.9 S S S
Truck and rail 51 2 278 5.9 S S 582 28.4 2.9 40.5 5.6 S S 42.7
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 4, Animal feed and products of animal origin, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 5,403 100 11,113 100 5,191 100 180 26.3 - 23.5 - 28.4 - 24.6
Single modes 4,744 87.8 9,239 83.1 3,441 66.3 148 25.4 2.5 22.6 3.6 27.5 7.1 24.7
Truck5 4,104 75.9 6,499 58.5 1,572 30.3 133 26.2 4.7 21.5 7.1 25.6 11.8 24
For-hire truck 2,684 49.7 3,084 27.8 1,243 23.9 409 30.7 6.7 23.1 4.1 29 7.6 17.5
Private truck 1,420 26.3 3,414 30.7 330 6.3 57 26.2 7.2 24.2 4.7 26 6.5 27.7
Rail 640 11.8 2,741 24.7 1,868 36 684 34.3 3.4 34 4.2 35.8 4.8 11.9
Multiple modes 635 11.7 1,802 16.2 1,747 33.6 974 28.7 1.7 31.8 2.9 30.4 5.3 14.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 783 S S S S S S 26.6
Truck and rail 623 11.5 1,754 15.8 1,639 31.6 1,169 30.1 1.8 33.7 3.1 34.7 4.7 13.9
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 5, Meat, fish, seafood, and their preparations

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 3,829 100 1,496 100 706 100 235 30.6 - 27.2 - 25.7 - 25.8
Single modes 3,806 99.4 1,487 99.4 692 98 236 30.7 0.6 27.4 0.6 26.1 1.6 26.1
Truck5 3,806 99.4 1,487 99.4 692 98 236 30.7 0.6 27.4 0.6 26.1 1.6 26.1
For-hire truck 3,174 82.9 1,196 79.9 644 91.2 402 32.7 8.3 28 8.9 26.2 5.5 13.2
Private truck S S S S 48 6.8 60 S S S S 50 5.3 45.3
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier - - S S S S 131 23.9 - S S S S 24.2
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 6, Grains, alcohol, and tobacco products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 5,205 100 3,356 100 1,446 100 381 16.3 - 18.9 - 33.7 - 16.1
Single modes 4,937 94.8 3,298 98.3 1,411 97.6 168 16.6 1.6 19.2 0.8 34.5 2 25.2
Truck5 4,805 92.3 3,053 91 1,130 78.1 155 17.2 2.6 19.9 3.2 39.9 6.6 27.1
For-hire truck 3,010 57.8 2,078 61.9 981 67.8 486 21.2 5.1 27.4 6.9 45.3 6.7 12.7
Private truck 1,795 34.5 976 29.1 149 10.3 102 16.2 4.3 18.5 7.2 20.1 4.7 14.1
Rail S S 240 7.1 272 18.8 1,132 S S 47.7 10.4 47.7 19.3 23.2
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 201 3.9 30 0.9 26 1.8 731 39 1.9 39.5 0.7 45.9 2.3 15.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 183 3.5 26 0.8 S S 731 44.4 2 44.3 0.6 S S 16.1
Truck and rail S S 3 0.1 S S S S S 2 0.9 S S S
Other and unknown modes 67 1.3 28 0.8 9 0.6 S 31.1 0.7 30 0.6 42.8 0.8 S

SCTG1 7, Other prepared foodstuffs and fats and oils

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 12,919 100 14,033 100 3,267 100 277 11.3 - 17.7 - 17.5 - 21.2
Single modes 12,491 96.7 13,674 97.4 3,023 92.5 89 11.1 0.8 17.9 0.9 18.3 4.1 17.3
Truck5 12,136 93.9 12,963 92.4 2,580 79 88 11 1.2 17.9 1.7 15.4 5.6 16.9
For-hire truck 7,029 54.4 6,195 44.1 2,000 61.2 282 11.7 4.7 13.8 5.4 13.7 5.9 13.8
Private truck 5,107 39.5 6,768 48.2 580 17.8 46 19.1 4.7 24.7 5.6 31.3 3 22.7
Rail 354 2.7 711 5.1 443 13.6 536 27.3 0.7 33.9 1.2 46.3 3.6 22.2
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 368 2.9 284 2 211 6.5 759 37 0.8 33.9 0.9 44.3 4.2 12.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 125 1 S S S S 759 37.5 0.7 S S S S 15.7
Truck and rail S S 183 1.3 114 3.5 S S S 29.4 0.6 33.6 1 S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 60 0.5 S S 33 1 251 47.2 0.2 S S 49 0.3 32.2

SCTG1 8, Alcoholic beverages

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 1,758 100 1,275 100 S S S 22.9 - 40.5 - S S S
Single modes 1,757 99.9 1,275 100 S S 50 19.4 - 38.9 - S S 17.4
Truck5 1,625 92.4 1,055 82.8 S S 50 18.1 4.7 29.4 6.9 S S 18
For-hire truck 130 7.4 S S S S S 40.8 5.6 S S S S S
Private truck 1,494 85 881 69.1 S S 52 18.5 6.1 30 9.4 S S 16.6
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 367 S S S S S S 21.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 367 S S S S S S 21.7

SCTG1 9, Tobacco products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 629 100 11 100 1 100 71 24.3 - 25.2 - 35.7 - 15.9
Single modes 601 95.4 11 94.1 1 88.8 71 23.4 1.7 24.6 2.5 37.3 4.6 16
Truck5 601 95.4 11 94.1 1 88.8 71 23.4 1.7 24.6 2.5 37.3 4.6 16
For-hire truck 33 5.3 1 5.9 - 4.9 81 41.6 2.5 40.9 3.5 40.2 2 14.2
Private truck 567 90.1 10 88.2 1 83.9 70 22.3 2.9 24.2 4.4 36.9 5.8 16.4
Multiple modes S S S S S S 117 S S S S S S 22.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 117 S S S S S S 22.7
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 76 S S S S S S 23.3

SCTG1 10, Calcareous monumental or building stone

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 420 S S S S S S 24.1
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 11, Natural sands

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 55 100 7,357 100 240 100 25 35.3 - 40.5 - 49.7 - 27
Single modes 55 99.3 7,267 98.8 200 83.5 24 35.5 0.8 40.6 0.9 44.8 5.2 26.1
Truck5 53 95.5 6,552 89.1 145 60.4 24 35.2 6.8 42.5 10.5 44.1 14.6 27.2
For-hire truck 23 41.9 S S S S 27 49.7 10.6 S S S S 20.7
Private truck S S S S S S 20 S S S S S S 34.6
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Water S S S S S S 47 S S S S S S 43.5
Shallow draft S S S S S S 47 S S S S S S 43.5
Multiple modes - 0.6 90 1.2 S S 457 13.6 5.1 18.6 5.5 S S 48.9
Truck and water - 0.6 90 1.2 S S 457 13.6 5.1 18.6 5.5 S S 48.9
Other and unknown modes S S - - S S S S S 12.6 - S S S

SCTG1 12, Gravel and crushed stone

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 672 100 65,862 100 2,502 100 25 18.5 - 13.4 - 16.4 - 7.4
Single modes 614 91.4 63,785 96.8 2,199 87.9 24 20.1 5.3 13.3 1 17.8 4.4 5.1
Truck5 589 87.7 60,098 91.2 1,578 63.1 24 21.2 6.5 14.6 3.6 14.8 7.8 5
For-hire truck 360 53.6 34,642 52.6 1,029 41.1 27 26.2 6 18.3 4.6 16.1 5.3 24.7
Private truck 229 34.1 25,456 38.7 549 21.9 20 17.3 5.5 14.1 4.2 15.3 3.2 11.2
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Water S S S S S S 184 S S S S S S 29.8
Shallow draft S S S S S S 184 S S S S S S 29.8
Multiple modes 11 1.6 1,691 2.6 279 11.2 S 25.6 1.5 33.5 2 19.2 8.1 S
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water 7 1.1 987 1.5 237 9.5 227 26.5 1.3 12.8 1.9 31.2 8.9 26.4
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 13, Nonmetallic minerals nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 195 100 6,003 100 376 100 S 25.8 - 39.1 - 28.7 - S
Single modes 194 99.7 6,002 100 376 100 S 25.8 0.1 39.1 - 28.7 - S
Truck5 194 99.7 6,002 100 376 100 S 25.8 0.2 39.1 - 28.7 - S
For-hire truck 120 61.6 1,274 21.2 306 81.4 267 41.5 13.4 37.3 13.7 36.6 14.5 33.1
Private truck 74 38.1 4,729 78.8 70 18.5 18 27.1 15.2 44.6 9.1 36.1 18.1 25.5
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes - 0.1 S S S S 573 35.5 0.5 S S S S 44.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier - 0.1 S S S S 573 35.5 0.5 S S S S 44.5
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 14, Metallic ores and concentrates

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 17 100 6 100 3 100 461 42.5 - 16.3 - 29.8 - 33.4
Single modes 16 94.6 6 99.9 3 99.9 461 39.3 4.1 16.2 0.1 29.9 0.1 33.4
Truck5 16 94.6 6 99.9 3 99.9 461 39.3 4.1 16.2 0.1 29.9 0.1 33.4
For-hire truck 16 94.6 6 99.9 3 99.9 461 39.3 4.1 16.2 0.1 29.9 0.1 33.4
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 15, Nonagglomerated bituminous coal

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 1,286 100 41,104 100 3,295 100 83 22 - 25.5 - 14.8 - 37.6
Single modes 1,144 89 37,584 91.4 1,951 59.2 S 24.7 5.2 28.1 5.2 28.8 14 S
Truck5 512 39.8 17,298 42.1 459 13.9 S 25.2 12.3 32.7 12.5 25 11.8 S
For-hire truck 512 39.8 17,298 42.1 459 13.9 S 25.2 12.3 32.7 12.5 25 11.8 S
Rail 632 49.2 20,286 49.4 1,492 45.3 82 20.8 16.6 19.2 17.1 13 19.1 42.3
Multiple modes 142 11 3,520 8.6 1,344 40.8 383 19 8.6 17.5 9.1 19.9 19.2 25.8
Truck and rail 61 4.7 1,570 3.8 254 7.7 S 27.8 3.6 32.5 3.4 17.3 3.8 S
Truck and water 81 6.3 1,950 4.7 S S 562 5.3 10 5.7 10.7 S S 13

SCTG1 17, Gasoline and aviation turbine fuel

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 8,177 100 12,161 100 460 100 38 17 - 17.3 - 20.8 - 10.3
Single modes 8,176 100 12,160 100 460 100 38 17 - 17.3 - 20.8 - 10.3
Truck5 7,889 96.5 11,752 96.6 451 98.1 38 16.8 1.4 17 1.2 21.1 1.1 10.3
For-hire truck 2,909 35.6 4,344 35.7 179 39 50 23.1 7.5 24.2 7.5 30.7 8.2 11.2
Private truck 4,980 60.9 7,408 60.9 272 59.1 30 20.8 6.8 20.9 6.9 23.3 7.8 8.7
Pipeline6 287 3.5 408 3.4 S S S 46.7 1.4 46.8 1.2 S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 18, Fuel oils

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 4,390 100 6,883 100 292 100 38 17.3 - 16.4 - 19.5 - 9.6
Single modes 4,390 100 6,883 100 292 100 38 17.3 - 16.4 - 19.5 - 9.6
Truck5 4,198 95.6 6,565 95.4 259 88.8 38 17.6 1.7 16.8 2.3 18.4 3.8 9.7
For-hire truck 1,491 34 2,414 35.1 119 40.7 77 25.9 6.3 22.5 5.9 22.7 6.5 16.5
Private truck 2,706 61.6 4,151 60.3 140 48.1 28 18.9 6.1 19.5 5.7 25.3 7.1 8.2
Rail 27 0.6 64 0.9 S S S 31.1 5.3 9.5 11.5 S S S
Pipeline6 166 3.8 254 3.7 S S S 39.5 1.2 39.8 1.2 S S S

SCTG1 19, Coal and petroleum products, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 9,223 100 30,849 100 4,347 100 89 26.3 - 24.4 - 26.5 - 18
Single modes 7,356 79.8 22,535 73 4,259 98 87 30.3 9.9 11 10.5 26.9 7.7 18.7
Truck5 5,754 62.4 18,905 61.3 1,594 36.7 70 32.5 9.2 10.8 9.5 39 11 21
For-hire truck 4,434 48.1 13,095 42.4 1,413 32.5 124 39.3 9.8 21.2 9.9 44.3 8.2 24.7
Private truck 1,320 14.3 5,810 18.8 181 4.2 36 18.1 9.6 27.8 10.1 20.5 10.3 14
Rail 1,602 17.4 3,630 11.8 2,665 61.3 743 23.3 6.7 19.1 5.4 28.4 8.5 12
Multiple modes S S S S S S 249 S S S S S S 21.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S 1 - S S 211 S S 38.2 - S S 22.5
Truck and rail S S S S S S 1,208 S S S S S S 38.2
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 20, Basic chemicals

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 4,235 100 S S 3,112 100 139 43.8 - S S 36.7 - 43.6
Single modes 3,777 89.2 S S 2,996 96.3 129 47.5 6.1 S S 37.7 4 46.3
Truck5 3,263 77 S S 2,135 68.6 125 47.2 7.4 S S 48.9 9.3 46
For-hire truck S S 859 4.4 284 9.1 490 S S 39.5 13 37.7 13.2 10.2
Private truck 1,093 25.8 S S S S 89 38.1 9.5 S S S S 19.4
Rail S S S S S S 816 S S S S S S 23.3
Air (incl truck and air) - - S S S S 724 48.9 - S S S S 31.7
Pipeline6 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Rail and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 21, Pharmaceutical products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 12,559 100 280 100 95 100 473 35.7 - 33.5 - 49.7 - 9.5
Single modes 9,678 77.1 252 90 S S 323 47 11 37.1 7.8 S S 38.6
Truck5 9,468 75.4 251 89.5 S S 231 48.5 12 37.4 8.4 S S 46.5
For-hire truck S S 184 65.5 S S 786 S S 44.4 11.2 S S 14.8
Private truck S S 67 24 5 5 S S S 34.5 9.6 45.8 5.3 S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 1,017 S S S S S S 18.9
Pipeline6 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 2,519 20.1 25 9.1 12 13 494 28.5 9.7 24.5 7.5 29.9 5.2 10.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,519 20.1 25 9.1 12 13 494 28.5 9.7 24.5 7.5 29.9 5.2 10.7
Other and unknown modes S S 3 1 S S 891 S S 45.1 2.4 S S 30.6

SCTG1 22, Fertilizers

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S 101 S S S S S S 49.6
Truck5 S S S S S S 101 S S S S S S 49.2
For-hire truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Private truck S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Rail S S S S S S 621 S S S S S S 32.1
Water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,754 S S S S S S 28
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 379 S S S S S S 34
Truck and rail S S S S S S 2,373 S S S S S S 1.9
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 23, Chemical products and preparations, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 6,099 100 3,361 100 1,730 100 589 12.7 - 17.8 - 16.5 - 22.6
Single modes 5,594 91.7 3,273 97.4 1,670 96.6 744 13.1 3.1 18.2 1.4 16.3 1.3 27
Truck5 5,541 90.9 3,104 92.3 1,516 87.7 744 13.1 3.4 19.8 4.7 19.6 7.6 27
For-hire truck 3,831 62.8 2,123 63.2 1,395 80.7 1,446 16.5 5.6 21.6 5.1 20.9 7.1 20.2
Private truck 1,710 28 981 29.2 121 7 56 16.9 4.4 26 5.3 26.1 1.8 14.9
Rail 50 0.8 169 5 S S 887 40.5 0.9 48.8 11.5 S S 33.2
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 495 8.1 84 2.5 58 3.4 370 48.5 3.1 47.9 1.4 45.3 1.3 19.6
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S 13 0.7 369 S S S S 48.3 0.9 19.4
Truck and rail 36 0.6 S S S S 921 41.1 0.4 S S S S 40.6
Rail and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 10 0.2 5 0.1 S S S 40.4 0.1 33.7 - S S S

SCTG1 24, Plastics and rubber

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 28,749 100 9,462 100 4,130 100 345 17.1 - 13.7 - 13.3 - 11.3
Single modes 25,998 90.4 9,132 96.5 3,893 94.3 284 16.7 2.7 13.6 1 13 1.7 13.7
Truck5 24,661 85.8 8,666 91.6 3,595 87 281 17.1 3.7 13.7 2.9 12.4 3.8 13.6
For-hire truck 12,983 45.2 4,780 50.5 2,929 70.9 612 11.2 8.6 16 9 14 6.1 7.1
Private truck 11,678 40.6 3,886 41.1 666 16.1 79 39.5 9.3 36.8 10.2 46.7 6.6 25.5
Rail S S S S 296 7.2 881 S S S S 42.9 3.8 17.7
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 845 S S S S S S 14.7
Multiple modes 2,561 8.9 286 3 219 5.3 423 41.7 2.7 41.7 1.1 42.1 1.8 11
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 421 S S S S S S 10.8
Truck and rail S S S S S S 991 S S S S S S 30.4
Truck and water 14 - 5 - S S 4,753 39.5 0.1 41.7 0.1 S S 19.7
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 190 0.7 45 0.5 18 0.4 329 31.3 0.3 31.9 0.2 43.7 0.3 37

SCTG1 25, Logs and other wood in the rough

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 369 S S S S S S 45.8
Private truck S S S S S S 114 S S S S S S 13.9
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and rail S S S S S S 1,534 S S S S S S 28.2
Rail and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 26, Wood products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 4,182 100 4,562 100 S S 215 14.3 - 15.7 - S S 11.4
Single modes 3,953 94.5 4,438 97.3 S S 164 14.6 0.9 16.5 2.1 S S 15
Truck5 3,951 94.5 4,433 97.2 S S 164 14.7 0.9 16.6 2.2 S S 15
For-hire truck 2,023 48.4 1,624 35.6 S S 536 20.5 5.7 26.6 6.2 S S 13.3
Private truck 1,928 46.1 2,809 61.6 142 8.8 78 14.1 5.8 17 7.3 32.6 5.4 17.4
Rail 3 0.1 4 0.1 S S 2,432 25.8 0.5 33.7 1.6 S S 28
Multiple modes 119 2.8 41 0.9 80 4.9 792 28.4 0.8 26.1 0.8 36.6 5.6 20
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 37 0.9 5 0.1 4 0.2 691 40.8 0.5 37.8 - 41.1 0.4 16.8
Truck and rail S S 21 0.5 28 1.7 1,475 S S 33.9 0.3 23.2 2.1 15
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Rail and water 4 0.1 4 0.1 S S 3,965 11.2 0.2 16.3 0.3 S S 37.5
Other multiple modes 10 0.2 11 0.2 S S 3,241 46.1 0.9 49.7 2 S S 27
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 419 S S S S S S 25.4

SCTG1 27, Pulp, newsprint, paper, and paperboard

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 2,160 100 1,904 100 775 100 347 16.8 - 18.7 - 17.9 - 22.4
Single modes 2,005 92.8 1,841 96.7 719 92.7 262 18.5 3.4 19.5 2.8 18.1 4.5 24.5
Truck5 1,977 91.5 1,771 93 635 81.9 260 18.6 3.5 19.6 2.9 16 5.7 24.4
For-hire truck 1,611 74.6 1,508 79.2 616 79.5 403 18.8 6 20.1 6.6 16.4 5.5 30.4
Private truck 366 16.9 264 13.8 19 2.5 54 31.7 5.8 34.8 6.3 24 1.3 14.9
Rail S S 70 3.7 S S 1,126 S S 50 2.1 S S 21
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 139 6.4 54 2.8 49 6.3 498 39 2.4 42.5 1.1 45.3 1.8 43.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 486 S S S S S S 33.7
Truck and rail S S 44 2.3 44 5.7 1,818 S S 47.7 1.4 47.3 2.1 22.3
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

SCTG1 28, Paper or paperboard articles

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 2,620 100 1,867 100 723 100 246 18.9 - 19.9 - 25.6 - 18.1
Single modes 2,412 92.1 1,793 96.1 615 85.1 164 19 2.1 20.2 2.2 25.8 4.9 22.6
Truck5 2,412 92.1 1,793 96.1 615 85.1 164 19 2.1 20.2 2.2 25.8 4.9 22.7
For-hire truck 1,688 64.4 1,325 71 567 78.5 430 21.6 4.7 23.2 6.5 26.7 6.6 12.5
Private truck 724 27.6 468 25.1 48 6.6 44 17 4.6 21.6 5.4 25.6 3.9 23.8
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Multiple modes 191 7.3 60 3.2 S S 391 33.6 2.1 35.8 1 S S 22.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 111 4.2 17 0.9 6 0.9 381 38.5 2 48.8 0.4 47.4 0.8 21.9
Truck and rail S S 31 1.7 72 9.9 2,312 S S 40.1 1.8 40.5 7.9 2.7
Truck and water S S S S 24 3.3 S S S S S 12.7 18.9 S
Other and unknown modes S S S S 6 0.8 S S S S S 44.3 4.9 S

SCTG1 29, Printed products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 7,318 100 1,263 100 748 100 667 14.8 - 19.7 - 18.9 - 7.3
Single modes 4,692 64.1 974 77.1 528 70.6 322 19 5.8 20.4 7.7 22.5 8.5 25.8
Truck5 4,432 60.6 961 76.1 507 67.8 302 20.9 6.9 20.9 7.7 22.9 8.3 26
For-hire truck 3,628 49.6 786 62.2 484 64.7 379 25.1 6.7 23.8 7.5 23 7.7 31.8
Private truck 803 11 176 13.9 23 3.1 32 19.3 2.8 22.7 3.3 47 1.6 27.9
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 973 S S S S S S 49.4
Multiple modes 2,508 34.3 124 9.8 109 14.6 828 17.9 5.5 14.3 3 14.2 3.8 3.2
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,507 34.3 123 9.7 108 14.5 828 17.9 5.5 14.8 3 14.6 3.7 3.2
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 442 S S S S S S 22.5

SCTG1 30, Textiles, leather, and articles of textiles or leather

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes S S S S 415 100 792 S S S S 46.4 - 6.7
Single modes S S S S S S 590 S S S S S S 19.2
Truck5 S S S S S S 588 S S S S S S 19.1
For-hire truck S S S S S S 745 S S S S S S 12.8
Private truck 138 1.1 22 2.8 1 0.3 S 42.6 2.2 45.2 4.4 40.6 1 S
Air (incl truck and air) 1 - S S S S 2,676 46.5 0.2 S S S S 44.5
Multiple modes 1,870 15.5 72 9.2 59 14.2 803 35.4 15.1 42.6 9.8 40.9 11 9.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,870 15.5 72 9.2 59 14.2 803 35.4 15.1 42.6 9.8 40.9 11 9.9
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S 594 S S S S S S 42.2

SCTG1 31, Nonmetallic mineral products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 6,292 100 28,692 100 4,256 100 206 15.6 - 13.3 - 15.8 - 23.8
Single modes 6,110 97.1 28,044 97.7 4,129 97 145 16.4 1.5 13.6 0.9 16.4 1.2 23.4
Truck5 6,005 95.4 27,199 94.8 3,695 86.8 136 16.7 1.5 14.2 1.4 16.8 2.5 21.6
For-hire truck 4,312 68.5 11,970 41.7 3,201 75.2 352 21.6 5.3 22.5 6.6 19.5 4 12
Private truck 1,693 26.9 15,228 53.1 494 11.6 31 13.6 4.3 23.7 7.3 15.6 4.6 24.5
Rail 102 1.6 845 2.9 433 10.2 504 22.2 0.4 24.4 1.2 31.6 2.9 28.8
Air (incl truck and air) 2 - S S S S S 36.1 0.1 S S S S S
Multiple modes 61 1 S S 76 1.8 796 25.8 0.4 S S 41.3 0.9 11.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 22 0.4 2 - 2 - 802 24.4 0.1 37.8 - 42.2 - 10.7
Truck and rail 39 0.6 S S 74 1.7 S 36.4 0.3 S S 40.8 1 S
Other and unknown modes S S 378 1.3 S S S S S 50 0.8 S S S

SCTG1 32, Base metal in prim. or semifin. forms & in finished basic shapes

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 38,409 100 40,740 100 12,409 100 274 8 - 10.7 - 15.1 - 10.1
Single modes 36,539 95.1 38,873 95.4 11,344 91.4 213 8.4 1.2 10.4 1.3 15.6 3 10.3
Truck5 29,329 76.4 28,043 68.8 6,545 52.7 203 9 2.7 10.6 3.3 9.9 6 11.2
For-hire truck 21,570 56.2 21,730 53.3 5,946 47.9 381 12.7 3.7 13.6 3.6 11.2 5.7 7.9
Private truck 7,758 20.2 6,312 15.5 599 4.8 67 8.2 2.5 15.5 2.3 11.8 0.7 14.7
Rail 7,170 18.7 10,830 26.6 4,799 38.7 424 16.6 2.4 18.2 3.1 30.4 5.9 15.8
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 922 S S S S S S 11.6
Multiple modes 1,681 4.4 1,805 4.4 1,053 8.5 675 22.2 1 36.3 1.3 42.3 3 6.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 500 1.3 13 - 9 0.1 674 30.8 0.7 27.5 - 31.1 - 7.1
Truck and rail 1,045 2.7 1,625 4 918 7.4 660 23.1 0.7 32.9 1.2 37.4 2.6 20.1
Truck and water S S S S S S 2,737 S S S S S S 41.4
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 189 0.5 62 0.2 11 0.1 S 30.6 0.3 27.8 0.1 37.1 0.1 S

SCTG1 33, Articles of base metal

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 12,420 100 4,332 100 1,671 100 243 8.6 - 11.3 - 12.2 - 21.5
Single modes 11,379 91.6 4,212 97.2 1,555 93 155 8.3 1.5 11.5 0.6 13.5 2 27.3
Truck5 11,297 91 4,207 97.1 1,544 92.4 153 8.3 1.6 11.5 0.6 13.6 2 27.2
For-hire truck 7,899 63.6 3,037 70.1 1,423 85.2 535 10.4 4 13.3 3.2 13.2 2 5.6
Private truck 3,398 27.4 1,170 27 120 7.2 41 16.7 3.3 14.7 3 28.5 1.4 32.9
Rail 25 0.2 4 0.1 10 0.6 2,323 24 0.9 41.6 0.3 34.3 3 2.5
Air (incl truck and air) 56 0.5 1 - 1 0.1 1,441 33.5 0.2 43.8 - 43.4 - 26.5
Multiple modes 842 6.8 79 1.8 103 6.2 422 24.5 1.4 26.9 0.6 32.1 2.1 25.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 788 6.3 38 0.9 20 1.2 413 25.4 1.3 24 0.2 25.3 0.5 24
Truck and rail 42 0.3 41 0.9 74 4.4 1,674 18.7 0.1 33.8 0.6 38 2.4 15.4
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 198 1.6 40 0.9 14 0.8 S 38.2 0.4 36.1 0.2 38.4 0.2 S

SCTG1 34, Machinery

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 22,354 100 2,648 100 1,449 100 409 13.7 - 10.2 - 16.9 - 13.3
Single modes 18,788 84 2,347 88.7 1,130 78 275 14.7 2.6 8.9 1.8 12.9 3.9 15.5
Truck5 18,089 80.9 2,225 84 1,012 69.8 268 15.7 3 10.4 3.3 16.1 6.8 16.1
For-hire truck 13,117 58.7 1,506 56.9 922 63.6 637 16 3.6 10.8 5.2 16.6 6.9 11.7
Private truck 4,972 22.2 720 27.2 89 6.2 51 19 2.8 18.7 3.8 21.9 1.2 22.4
Rail S S S S S S 1,219 S S S S S S 26.4
Air (incl truck and air) 91 0.4 2 0.1 3 0.2 1,239 35.1 0.2 31.4 - 35.7 0.1 8.4
Multiple modes 3,011 13.5 234 8.8 295 20.4 544 14.6 2.4 31.2 1.6 35.7 3.9 9.9
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,024 9.1 56 2.1 31 2.2 532 14.5 2.5 19.7 0.4 24.3 0.7 9.7
Truck and rail 964 4.3 172 6.5 228 15.8 1,434 42.1 1.4 41.4 1.9 43.1 3.7 11.2
Truck and water 18 0.1 S S S S S 23.3 0.2 S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 555 2.5 67 2.5 24 1.7 368 22.2 0.5 20.8 0.6 30.1 0.6 40

SCTG1 35, Electronic & other electrical equip & components & office equip

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 23,802 100 1,128 100 753 100 775 14.9 - 16.7 - 20.8 - 8
Single modes 17,619 74 980 86.9 629 83.5 416 18.3 4.9 20.6 6.1 26.4 8 12.7
Truck5 16,687 70.1 975 86.4 624 82.8 332 17.2 4.4 20.6 6.1 26.5 8.1 12.6
For-hire truck 13,718 57.6 730 64.7 596 79.2 745 21.7 5.3 23.1 8 26.8 8.5 5.5
Private truck 2,968 12.5 245 21.7 27 3.6 51 20.4 3.2 29 6 41.3 1.4 15.8
Air (incl truck and air) 932 3.9 5 0.5 5 0.7 883 43.5 1 42.4 0.1 43.3 0.2 12
Multiple modes 6,076 25.5 124 11 112 14.8 918 15.5 5 22.3 4.9 27.3 7 5.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 6,060 25.5 115 10.2 96 12.7 918 15.6 5 24.4 5 30.7 7.3 5.5
Truck and rail 16 0.1 10 0.9 16 2.1 1,626 32.5 0.1 34.4 1.5 32.3 4.2 6.4
Other and unknown modes 107 0.4 S S S S S 18.8 0.1 S S S S S

SCTG1 36, Motorized and other vehicles (including parts)

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 51,919 100 8,868 100 4,819 100 494 16.5 - 12.6 - 23.8 - 8.6
Single modes 42,060 81 7,845 88.5 3,757 78 366 14.6 2.1 10.9 1.8 22.5 3.6 11.1
Truck5 38,329 73.8 7,255 81.8 3,228 67 338 13.2 4.2 9.6 3.4 21.6 5.9 12.7
For-hire truck 30,563 58.9 5,343 60.3 2,984 61.9 625 16.3 2.6 13.5 3.4 23.2 5.8 6.5
Private truck 7,766 15 1,912 21.6 244 5.1 103 11.2 2.8 12.4 3.1 18.9 1.1 18.7
Rail S S 583 6.6 S S 994 S S 39.6 2.4 S S 18.4
Air (incl truck and air) 49 0.1 S S S S 925 39.7 - S S S S 18.5
Multiple modes 6,306 12.1 615 6.9 733 15.2 722 31.5 2.2 40.3 1.7 49.8 4.1 10.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 997 1.9 37 0.4 23 0.5 693 20.8 0.5 31.3 0.1 27.8 0.3 10.6
Truck and rail 5,304 10.2 576 6.5 S S 1,329 38.2 2.4 43.3 1.8 S S 12.2
Truck and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Rail and water S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 3,553 6.8 408 4.6 329 6.8 381 21.1 0.8 19 0.7 17.4 1.8 42.6

SCTG1 37, Transportation equipment, nec

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 1,621 100 S S S S 550 22.3 - S S S S 16.3
Single modes 1,367 84.3 S S S S 456 24.7 6.9 S S S S 22.5
Truck5 1,215 74.9 S S S S 441 26.3 9.8 S S S S 37.4
For-hire truck 1,037 64 S S S S 637 27.5 8.9 S S S S 24.6
Private truck 178 11 S S 1 1.3 255 49 5 S S 48.9 1.7 29.4
Air (incl truck and air) S S - 0.1 - 0.2 881 S S 34.7 3.4 21.6 2.5 38
Multiple modes 168 10.4 1 0.6 1 0.7 902 41.3 6.3 21.9 2.3 23 1.7 10.8
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 160 9.9 1 0.5 - 0.6 900 44.8 6.4 27.9 2.3 26.1 1.7 8
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 85 5.3 1 1 S S 736 44 10.3 42.8 7.9 S S 34.8

SCTG1 38, Precision instruments and apparatus

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 11,989 100 98 100 64 100 771 16.1 - 21.9 - 22.2 - 9.1
Single modes 1,717 14.3 47 47.5 27 41.9 353 20.8 4.4 30.1 8.2 19.4 7.7 24.1
Truck5 1,662 13.9 45 46.3 26 40 273 21.9 4.3 31 7.8 20.8 7.4 23.2
For-hire truck 1,123 9.4 41 41.8 25 39.7 647 31.2 2.5 35.6 7.4 21.1 7.4 19.4
Private truck 539 4.5 4 4.5 - 0.3 26 34.7 3.4 33.9 3 32.9 0.3 37.8
Air (incl truck and air) 55 0.5 1 1.2 1 1.9 1,357 46.6 0.2 39.3 1.5 37.2 2 9.1
Multiple modes 10,255 85.5 51 52.4 37 58.1 793 18.7 4.3 26.6 8.2 30 7.7 8.5
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 10,255 85.5 51 52.4 37 58.1 793 18.7 4.3 26.6 8.2 30 7.7 8.5
Other and unknown modes 17 0.1 S S S S S 45.1 0.2 S S S S S

SCTG1 39, Furniture, mattresses & mattress supports, lamps, lighting

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 6,034 100 760 100 442 100 568 20.3 - 20.6 - 16.6 - 5.6
Single modes 5,947 98.6 751 98.9 433 98 531 20.5 0.5 20.9 0.5 17 1.1 7.6
Truck5 5,924 98.2 748 98.5 431 97.4 506 20.4 0.5 21 0.8 17.2 1.4 7.3
For-hire truck 4,702 77.9 586 77.2 409 92.5 744 23.5 5.3 25 5.9 18.3 2.7 4.2
Private truck 1,221 20.2 162 21.3 22 4.9 108 31.4 5.5 28.4 6 25.4 2.1 31.5
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 5 0.1 - - S S 1,996 22.2 0.1 43.2 - S S 24.6
Multiple modes 82 1.4 7 0.9 S S 701 38.5 0.5 41.8 0.5 S S 5.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 55 0.9 4 0.5 3 0.7 699 29.3 0.3 27.2 0.1 24.9 0.2 5.7
Truck and rail S S S S S S 1,802 S S S S S S 21.9
Other and unknown modes 5 0.1 S S S S S 43.4 0.3 S S S S S

SCTG1 40, Miscellaneous manufactured products

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 16,171 100 4,894 100 2,198 100 693 33.8 - 25.9 - 24.6 - 4.4
Single modes 14,298 88.4 4,740 96.9 2,083 94.8 474 38.9 3.6 27 1.6 26.3 2.6 6.9
Truck5 14,198 87.8 4,738 96.8 2,081 94.7 467 39.1 3.7 27 1.6 26.3 2.6 6.8
For-hire truck 11,979 74.1 3,776 77.2 2,003 91.1 783 46.2 6.3 34.4 6.3 27.4 3.6 2.6
Private truck 2,219 13.7 962 19.7 78 3.6 77 11.6 3.7 21.1 5.1 9.2 1.4 14.8
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S 1 - 1 - 624 S S 32.1 - 28.1 - 49
Multiple modes 1,700 10.5 68 1.4 69 3.1 798 17.9 3.4 26.6 0.9 26.2 1.9 4.1
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,659 10.3 56 1.2 44 2 797 18.2 3.4 27 0.8 25.2 1.3 4.1
Truck and rail 28 0.2 10 0.2 20 0.9 1,774 27.2 0.5 11.1 0.6 32.1 2.7 31.1
Truck and water S S 1 - S S S S S 19.1 0.1 S S S
Other and unknown modes S S 86 1.8 47 2.1 542 S S 39.5 1.1 43.9 1.6 27

SCTG1 41, Waste and scrap

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 2,588 100 7,321 100 727 100 S 20.4 - 24.8 - 21.4 - S
Single modes 2,451 94.7 7,011 95.8 612 84.2 S 20.6 2.1 26.5 5.4 24.5 7.5 S
Truck5 2,012 77.8 5,676 77.5 456 62.8 S 21.8 5.2 29.6 6.3 28.6 7.1 S
For-hire truck 1,099 42.5 2,583 35.3 287 39.5 S 26.2 7.6 49.4 8.9 36 7.1 S
Private truck 913 35.3 3,094 42.3 169 23.3 52 26.5 4.8 22.9 6.6 21.6 5.6 21
Rail 438 16.9 1,334 18.2 156 21.4 S 29 7.1 28.8 7 31.2 9.2 S
Multiple modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 1 0.1 5 0.1 S S S 34.3 0.1 23.2 1.2 S S S

SCTG1 43, Mixed freight

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes 18,986 100 5,805 100 1,059 100 240 17 - 20.1 - 21.4 - 22.9
Single modes 18,293 96.3 5,742 98.9 1,041 98.3 181 17.1 1.2 20.3 0.7 21.5 0.9 19.8
Truck5 18,279 96.3 5,736 98.8 1,029 97.1 180 17.1 1.2 20.3 0.8 21.8 1.3 19.8
For-hire truck 7,008 36.9 2,341 40.3 623 58.8 745 17.8 6.9 45.2 9.2 29.2 9.4 24.4
Private truck 11,271 59.4 3,395 58.5 406 38.3 62 26.2 6.7 24.9 9 32.3 9.7 11.5
Rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S 985 S S S S S S 4.7
Multiple modes 378 2 20 0.4 16 1.5 685 34 1.1 32.4 0.1 48 0.6 16.3
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 345 1.8 13 0.2 7 0.6 685 33.6 1 25.2 0.1 39.8 0.4 16.3
Truck and rail S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S 43 0.7 S S S S S 41.9 0.6 S S S

SCTG1 99, Commodity Unknown

Mode of transportation Value Tons Ton-miles2 Average miles
per shipment
Value Tons Ton-miles Average miles per shipment CV
(million $)
Percent of total 2007
Percent of total 2007
Percent of
CV3 Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
CV Standard
Error of %
All modes S S S S S S 600 S S S S S S 40.1
Single modes S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
Truck5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S 622 S S S S S S 49.5
Private truck S S S S S S 78 S S S S S S 37.4
Multiple modes S S S S S S 1,316 S S S S S S 40.2
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S 1,316 S S S S S S 40.2

KEY: S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality. - = Zero or Less than half the unit shown; thus, it has been rounded to zero.

1 Standard Classification of Transported Goods.
2 Ton-miles estimates are based on estimated distances traveled along a modeled transportation network.
3 Coefficient of Variation.
4 Estimates exclude shipments of crude petroleum (SCTG 16).
5 "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private truck and for-hire truck.
6 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTES: Rows are not shown if all cells for that particular row have no values. For example, specific state by commodity by mode rows are not shown in this table because there are no data for those rows. Value-of-shipments estimates have not been adjusted for price changes. Estimated measures of sampling variability for each estimate known as coefficients of variation (CV) are also provided in these tables. More information on sampling error, confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions may be found at

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census: Transportation Commodity Flow Survey, December 2009.