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Table 9. Shipment Characteristics by NAICS by Mode for State of Destination: 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Table 9. Shipment Characteristics by NAICS by Mode for State of Destination: 2007

Estimates are based on the 2007 Commodity Flow Survey. Because of rounding, estimates may not be additive.

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Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 306,031 386,891 82,232 2.7 7.8 12.3

NAICS1 212, Mining (except oil and gas)

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,557 135,160 30,730 18 13 20
Single modes 2,236 125,223 23,890 16 13 22
Truck 4 983 76,665 2,042 17 14 13
For-hire truck 730 45,369 1,368 24 22 18
Private truck 253 31,296 674 18 17 16
Rail 1,220 43,623 19,984 20 20 24
Water 32 4,935 1,864 37 31 30
Shallow draft S S S S S S
Great Lakes 18 3,342 1,322 20 12 16
Multiple modes S 9,595 S S 47 S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S
Truck and rail 70 2,200 S 47 37 S
Truck and water S 7,395 S S 49 S
Other and unknown modes S S 14 S S 40

NAICS1 31-33, Manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 167,215 171,132 40,051 3 14 17
Single modes 149,990 158,267 36,134 3 14 19
Truck 4 132,207 132,942 26,536 4 18 27
For-hire truck 93,526 81,292 22,662 5 29 32
Private truck 38,681 51,650 3,874 8 18 19
Rail 10,613 16,928 7,899 15 16 13
Water 185 265 237 48 49 49
Shallow draft 185 265 237 48 49 49
Air (incl truck and air) 1,344 13 15 19 26 38
Pipeline 5 5,641 8,119 S 45 43 S
Multiple modes 13,108 3,664 3,507 6 21 29
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 10,530 195 123 6 5 6
Truck and rail 1,538 1,744 1,120 14 20 16
Truck and water S S S S S S
Rail and water 516 1,203 1,541 28 35 41
Other multiple modes S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 4,117 S 409 43 S 31

NAICS1 311, Food manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 15,670 12,680 4,154 9 6 4
Single modes 15,372 12,395 3,900 9 6 4
Truck 4 15,196 11,986 3,509 9 7 5
For-hire truck 11,509 7,696 3,023 12 7 6
Private truck 3,686 4,290 486 14 17 13
Rail 176 409 391 23 21 23
Air (incl truck and air) S S - S S 31
Multiple modes 172 175 185 24 39 34
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 49 4 2 28 27 24
Truck and rail 123 171 183 30 38 32
Other and unknown modes 125 110 69 25 24 36

NAICS1 312, Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,295 3,795 697 17 20 18
Single modes 2,093 3,660 526 18 20 14
Truck 4 2,089 3,644 525 18 20 14
For-hire truck 1,431 1,873 358 18 21 13
Private truck 658 1,771 167 30 28 28
Rail S S S S S S
Multiple modes 178 123 158 44 46 46
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 8 - - 48 36 41
Truck and rail 170 123 158 37 39 39
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 313, Textile mills

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 454 83 51 12 19 17
Single modes 414 81 50 14 19 17
Truck 4 411 81 50 14 19 17
For-hire truck 390 79 48 15 20 18
Private truck S 2 2 S 34 34
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 40 2 1 22 23 24
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 40 2 1 22 23 24
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 314, Textile product mills

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 571 122 78 18 23 21
Single modes 503 119 76 19 23 21
Truck 4 503 119 76 19 23 21
For-hire truck 428 97 65 19 27 25
Private truck 75 22 11 41 41 46
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 68 3 2 27 26 31
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 68 3 2 27 26 31
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 315, Apparel manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 262 S 17 35 S 43
Single modes 160 S 11 35 S 45
Truck 4 160 S 11 35 S 45
For-hire truck 143 S 11 39 S 46
Private truck S S - S S 37
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 102 S S 41 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 102 S S 41 S S
Truck and water S S S S S S

NAICS1 316, Leather and allied product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 42 2 1 29 27 25
Single modes 15 1 1 49 38 47
Truck 4 15 1 1 49 38 47
For-hire truck 6 - - 39 32 33
Private truck S S S S S S
Multiple modes 27 1 1 36 38 33
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 27 1 1 36 38 33

NAICS1 321, Wood product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,695 4,836 1,690 10 12 13
Single modes 2,589 4,674 1,557 10 13 13
Truck 4 2,457 4,361 1,212 10 13 12
For-hire truck 1,407 2,225 1,043 13 15 13
Private truck 1,050 2,136 169 12 23 22
Rail 132 312 345 30 27 28
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 79 142 127 15 20 19
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 19 2 1 24 39 30
Truck and rail 60 141 126 17 15 14
Other and unknown modes S 20 7 S 28 38

NAICS1 322, Paper manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 4,501 4,323 2,068 6 6 9
Single modes 4,373 4,240 2,012 5 6 9
Truck 4 4,029 3,661 1,559 6 7 10
For-hire truck 3,364 3,025 1,484 7 7 10
Private truck 665 636 75 16 19 15
Rail 343 579 453 22 19 22
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 119 77 54 36 35 40
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 69 5 S 44 31 S
Truck and rail 50 73 52 25 27 32
Other and unknown modes S 6 S S 49 S

NAICS1 323, Printing and related support activities

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 3,101 1,065 449 16 25 29
Single modes 2,013 798 322 13 12 22
Truck 4 1,999 783 317 13 12 22
For-hire truck 1,389 571 259 14 11 16
Private truck 610 213 S 19 27 S
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 909 30 14 45 15 21
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 909 30 14 45 15 21
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 324, Petroleum and coal products manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 13,599 61,688 S 24 39 S
Single modes 11,174 52,705 S 25 44 S
Truck 4 4,519 S S 20 S S
For-hire truck 3,092 S S 22 S S
Private truck 1,427 6,824 196 28 26 21
Rail 1,046 2,596 1,140 28 23 23
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Pipeline 5 5,608 8,035 S 44 42 S
Multiple modes S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S - S S 36
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Rail and water S S S S S S
Other multiple modes S 519 S S 45 S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 325, Chemical manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 19,760 20,996 6,117 22 36 11
Single modes 18,310 20,441 5,651 22 37 12
Truck 4 15,156 16,995 2,813 27 45 24
For-hire truck 11,708 4,732 1,669 30 12 8
Private truck S S S S S S
Rail 2,991 3,361 2,775 14 12 12
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Pipeline 5 33 84 S 31 34 S
Multiple modes 1,394 471 429 22 35 34
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,079 17 8 26 16 15
Truck and rail 232 400 346 20 38 36
Truck and water S S S S S S
Rail and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 56 S 37 42 S 42

NAICS1 Code 326, Plastics and rubber products manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 7,081 2,580 846 5 14 7
Single modes 6,814 2,546 833 6 14 7
Truck 4 6,801 2,545 833 6 14 7
For-hire truck 5,092 1,629 730 7 8 8
Private truck 1,708 916 103 16 39 17
Rail S S - S S 21
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 220 18 9 11 24 19
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 216 15 8 12 27 21
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 48 16 4 28 23 26

NAICS1 Code 327, Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 3,021 20,449 1,657 11 17 11
Single modes 2,901 19,968 1,575 12 17 11
Truck 4 2,871 19,618 1,456 12 17 10
For-hire truck 1,657 5,455 1,054 9 20 11
Private truck 1,214 14,163 401 22 25 19
Rail 30 350 119 30 34 38
Air (incl truck and air) S - S S 40 S
Multiple modes 91 S S 20 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 74 2 2 20 23 34
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S 40 S S 41

NAICS1 Code 331, Primary metal manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 21,449 23,516 6,789 9 15 18
Single modes 20,603 22,077 5,344 9 16 19
Truck 4 14,657 12,771 2,477 7 12 8
For-hire truck 11,248 9,730 2,134 8 12 9
Private truck 3,409 3,041 343 20 25 17
Rail 5,727 9,042 2,630 25 29 38
Water S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 34 - - 28 25 36
Multiple modes 764 1,420 S 27 40 S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 87 1 1 25 21 23
Truck and rail 405 498 165 31 31 29
Rail and water 272 920 1,269 42 40 40
Other multiple modes 1 1 2 - - -
Other and unknown modes 81 18 8 48 34 42

NAICS1 Code 332, Fabricated metal product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 13,279 5,541 1,172 6 11 7
Single modes 12,152 5,416 1,127 7 11 8
Truck 4 12,023 5,315 1,100 7 12 8
For-hire truck 7,717 3,267 920 9 11 10
Private truck 4,306 2,048 180 18 28 32
Rail 87 S 26 37 S 37
Air (incl truck and air) 42 1 S 36 50 S
Multiple modes 917 S 23 9 S 35
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 886 23 10 9 14 10
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 210 65 22 39 36 49

NAICS1 Code 333, Machinery manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 9,133 1,194 408 9 14 9
Single modes 7,524 1,152 381 10 15 10
Truck 4 7,386 1,148 375 10 15 10
For-hire truck 5,945 708 289 11 10 10
Private truck 1,442 440 86 20 36 33
Air (incl truck and air) 138 S S 44 S S
Multiple modes 1,443 28 24 10 14 31
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,396 23 17 10 10 24
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 165 14 3 34 33 29

NAICS1 Code 334, Computer and electronic product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 7,168 164 109 18 16 17
Single modes 4,373 144 86 27 19 21
Truck 4 4,083 140 83 29 19 21
For-hire truck 3,502 134 80 31 20 22
Private truck 581 6 3 31 22 37
Air (incl truck and air) 290 3 3 27 46 44
Multiple modes 2,763 17 16 18 16 19
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,724 17 16 18 16 19
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 335, Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 4,354 674 321 8 11 10
Single modes 3,928 662 312 8 11 10
Truck 4 3,847 659 308 9 12 10
For-hire truck 3,390 573 276 8 12 11
Private truck 457 86 32 28 30 28
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 424 11 8 14 18 30
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 419 10 6 14 18 20
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 336, Transportation equipment manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 32,151 6,581 1,452 7 9 11
Single modes 29,559 6,381 1,366 8 9 12
Truck 4 28,974 6,235 1,354 9 10 12
For-hire truck 16,755 3,713 985 8 13 14
Private truck 12,219 2,521 369 18 18 22
Rail 50 144 10 16 25 23
Air (incl truck and air) 535 2 S 42 40 S
Multiple modes 1,229 81 32 15 46 29
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 883 11 7 18 22 31
Truck and rail 346 S 25 36 S 34
Other and unknown modes 1,363 119 53 26 20 27

NAICS1 Code 337, Furniture and related product manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 1,859 458 158 11 14 12
Single modes 1,799 451 152 12 14 12
Truck 4 1,798 451 152 12 14 12
For-hire truck 1,200 305 134 17 16 14
Private truck 599 146 17 24 30 26
Rail - - - 10 49 48
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 54 5 5 23 24 43
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 45 4 3 22 22 28
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 339, Miscellaneous manufacturing

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 4,770 359 170 9 15 13
Single modes 3,319 333 153 11 17 14
Truck 4 3,232 332 152 11 17 14
For-hire truck 2,155 210 120 13 15 16
Private truck 1,077 122 32 21 42 47
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 85 1 1 29 47 39
Multiple modes 1,420 23 16 12 26 24
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,419 20 15 12 28 24
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 31 3 S 31 41 S

NAICS1 Code 42, Wholesale trade

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 102,812 75,128 11,148 4 7 9
Single modes 83,902 72,650 9,967 4 7 9
Truck 4 80,655 65,738 8,497 4 8 9
For-hire truck 39,495 33,948 6,595 6 10 11
Private truck 41,160 31,790 1,902 6 10 7
Rail 1,355 6,062 1,269 20 24 23
Water S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S
Great Lakes S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) 1,398 11 13 43 38 45
Pipeline 5 438 642 S 32 31 S
Multiple modes 17,372 1,883 1,083 14 31 31
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 16,557 429 259 14 12 17
Truck and rail 745 1,207 617 36 40 37
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 1,538 595 98 25 28 33

NAICS1 Code 423, Merchant wholesalers, durable goods

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 52,564 24,803 5,192 6 9 12
Single modes 40,737 23,789 4,788 6 9 13
Truck 4 38,472 21,189 4,083 7 10 14
For-hire truck 20,173 10,663 3,380 10 13 17
Private truck 18,299 10,527 703 9 12 10
Rail 883 2,590 694 22 16 23
Air (incl truck and air) 1,381 10 S 43 43 S
Multiple modes 10,439 666 339 10 18 17
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 10,164 255 155 10 10 18
Truck and rail 276 411 184 32 26 29
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 1,388 348 65 27 21 39

NAICS1 Code 4231, Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 9,790 1,622 578 13 20 25
Single modes 8,360 1,493 509 15 21 28
Truck 4 8,279 1,492 508 15 21 29
For-hire truck 4,578 786 453 17 20 31
Private truck 3,700 706 55 24 36 22
Air (incl truck and air) S 1 1 S 44 50
Multiple modes 1,137 47 39 18 23 33
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,040 39 20 19 27 22
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S 82 S S 45 S

NAICS1 Code 4232, Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 1,274 424 107 17 28 16
Single modes 1,066 370 77 19 27 16
Truck 4 1,065 370 77 20 27 16
For-hire truck 490 95 54 36 20 15
Private truck 576 275 24 23 35 36
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 144 18 14 41 45 50
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 135 15 S 41 44 S
Truck and rail 9 3 3 39 43 24
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4233, Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,525 4,679 548 11 22 16
Single modes 2,405 4,578 516 11 22 15
Truck 4 2,405 4,578 516 11 22 15
For-hire truck 678 1,961 373 11 23 20
Private truck 1,726 2,617 143 13 28 16
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 48 S S 31 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 34 3 2 38 36 43
Truck and rail 14 S 22 16 S 50
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4234, Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 6,679 S S 33 S S
Single modes 3,481 S S 39 S S
Truck 4 3,282 S S 42 S S
For-hire truck 2,772 S S 49 S S
Private truck 510 28 3 29 33 28
Air (incl truck and air) 200 1 1 33 25 30
Multiple modes 3,053 53 36 30 21 29
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 3,053 53 36 30 21 29
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4235, Metal and mineral (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 5,870 5,140 835 12 13 13
Single modes 5,717 5,113 831 12 14 13
Truck 4 5,437 4,617 718 13 15 15
For-hire truck 3,271 2,567 562 14 14 17
Private truck 2,166 2,049 156 22 27 24
Rail S 497 114 S 43 45
Air (incl truck and air) S - - S 5 4
Multiple modes 123 6 3 32 28 33
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 123 6 3 32 28 33
Other and unknown modes S S 1 S S 47

NAICS1 Code 4236, Electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 6,089 493 216 15 25 36
Single modes 4,318 451 178 18 27 37
Truck 4 3,526 445 170 18 27 38
For-hire truck 1,611 309 164 23 36 39
Private truck 1,916 136 6 25 23 25
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 1,693 34 36 18 27 47
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,693 34 36 18 27 47
Other and unknown modes 78 9 S 48 44 S

NAICS1 Code 4237, Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 4,013 560 85 16 22 21
Single modes 3,174 500 77 17 24 22
Truck 4 3,165 500 77 17 24 22
For-hire truck 973 155 53 19 22 31
Private truck 2,192 344 24 24 33 35
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 602 19 7 32 20 27
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 602 19 7 32 20 27
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4238, Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 9,882 1,474 263 9 17 17
Single modes 6,638 1,344 233 11 18 19
Truck 4 6,519 1,343 233 12 18 19
For-hire truck 3,028 600 166 22 33 27
Private truck 3,491 743 67 19 23 21
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S 1 S S 36 S
Multiple modes 2,825 79 24 12 21 20
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,769 68 22 12 13 20
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S 52 6 S 48 41

NAICS1 Code 4239, Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 6,442 10,017 2,020 10 19 15
Single modes 5,576 9,599 1,862 11 20 16
Truck 4 4,795 7,505 1,281 13 22 20
For-hire truck 2,772 3,877 1,055 13 29 24
Private truck 2,023 3,628 226 25 24 19
Rail 606 2,093 580 22 19 26
Air (incl truck and air) 176 S S 48 S S
Multiple modes 813 386 155 16 31 32
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 713 18 17 18 19 27
Truck and rail 100 367 138 29 29 33
Other and unknown modes 53 S S 42 S S

NAICS1 Code 424, Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 50,247 50,325 5,955 8 10 11
Single modes 43,165 48,860 5,179 8 10 9
Truck 4 42,183 44,548 4,414 8 10 9
For-hire truck 19,322 23,286 3,215 11 15 11
Private truck 22,861 21,263 1,199 9 14 9
Rail 471 3,472 575 30 32 40
Water S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S
Great Lakes S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Pipeline 5 438 642 S 32 31 S
Multiple modes 6,933 1,217 744 32 48 44
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 6,394 174 104 30 28 35
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 149 247 S 33 49 S

NAICS1 Code 4241, Paper and paper product merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 1,805 856 186 18 30 21
Single modes 1,565 833 179 21 31 22
Truck 4 1,559 832 179 21 31 22
For-hire truck 704 466 145 33 36 27
Private truck 855 366 34 22 30 27
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 239 14 6 25 24 42
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 239 14 6 25 24 42
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4242, Drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 8,455 496 159 19 24 20
Single modes 5,148 464 145 27 25 23
Truck 4 5,147 464 145 27 25 23
For-hire truck 3,230 172 100 45 29 32
Private truck 1,917 292 44 26 41 39
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 3,294 31 14 29 22 23
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 3,240 31 14 29 22 23
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 13 1 S 43 41 S

NAICS1 Code 4243, Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 3,219 158 127 45 31 30
Single modes 834 65 51 20 22 23
Truck 4 833 65 51 20 22 23
For-hire truck 731 53 48 22 24 23
Private truck 102 12 3 30 30 41
Air (incl truck and air) S - S S 38 S
Multiple modes S S 76 S S 48
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 7 S S 24 S S

NAICS1 Code 4244, Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 10,190 6,657 1,445 12 13 18
Single modes 10,131 6,649 1,442 12 13 19
Truck 4 10,130 6,648 1,442 12 13 19
For-hire truck 3,211 2,552 1,106 25 20 24
Private truck 6,919 4,097 337 12 16 14
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 57 7 3 28 43 39
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 53 6 2 30 49 39
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes 2 S S 38 S S

NAICS1 Code 4245, Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,147 10,947 896 22 27 30
Single modes 2,120 10,817 884 23 28 31
Truck 4 1,717 7,936 525 24 33 30
For-hire truck 1,229 5,920 420 31 44 37
Private truck 488 2,016 105 42 42 32
Rail 402 2,880 S 34 37 S
Water S S S S S S
Shallow draft S S S S S S
Multiple modes S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1 S S 31 S S
Truck and rail 18 S 8 8 S 41
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4246, Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 2,599 2,120 609 10 18 21
Single modes 2,284 1,956 523 11 20 24
Truck 4 2,258 1,509 345 11 15 18
For-hire truck 1,323 929 254 12 17 15
Private truck 934 580 91 24 22 41
Rail 26 447 178 12 41 2
Air (incl truck and air) 1 S S 29 S S
Multiple modes 259 93 68 20 32 35
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 168 S 2 27 S 26
Truck and rail 91 80 66 19 21 24
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4247, Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 13,646 21,016 1,391 15 15 29
Single modes 13,571 20,769 1,183 15 15 19
Truck 4 13,066 19,914 991 15 16 16
For-hire truck 5,570 8,460 566 14 13 22
Private truck 7,497 11,454 425 20 21 21
Rail S S S S S S
Water S S S S S S
Great Lakes S S S S S S
Pipeline 5 438 642 S 32 31 S
Multiple modes S S S S S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes - - S 44 50 S

NAICS1 Code 4248, Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 1,436 714 37 25 29 32
Single modes 1,436 714 37 24 28 32
Truck 4 1,436 714 37 24 28 32
For-hire truck 110 88 S 28 37 S
Private truck 1,326 626 23 23 30 27
Multiple modes 1 S S 19 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1 S S 19 S S

NAICS1 Code 4249, Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 6,750 7,361 1,106 25 41 33
Single modes 6,077 6,595 736 27 45 30
Truck 4 6,037 6,466 698 27 46 30
For-hire truck 3,214 S 561 42 S 36
Private truck 2,823 1,821 137 21 41 22
Rail 32 128 35 19 30 35
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 613 S S 36 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 329 21 13 15 19 27
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 4541, Electronic shopping and mail-order houses

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 3,017 86 55 9 21 13
Single modes 288 S 10 23 S 50
Truck 4 242 S S 23 S S
For-hire truck 142 S S 23 S S
Private truck S S 1 S S 47
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 2,722 60 46 10 14 14
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 2,722 60 46 10 14 14
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 Code 45431, Fuel dealers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes S S S S S S
Single modes S S S S S S
Truck 4 S S S S S S
For-hire truck S S S S S S
Private truck S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 4931, Warehousing and storage

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 18,538 4,203 820 12 8 12
Single modes 16,900 4,101 747 12 8 12
Truck 4 16,852 4,100 746 12 8 12
For-hire truck 11,238 2,455 526 19 14 18
Private truck 5,614 1,646 220 9 10 15
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S - - S 29 26
Multiple modes 1,497 34 32 25 15 31
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,436 26 12 25 16 14
Truck and rail 61 7 19 31 37 38
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 5111, Newspaper, periodical, book, and directory publishers

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 695 157 29 16 21 30
Single modes 486 144 22 20 22 40
Truck 4 484 144 21 20 22 41
For-hire truck 404 103 20 22 21 42
Private truck 80 41 1 32 28 36
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S S S S S S
Multiple modes 202 13 7 16 20 27
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 202 13 7 16 20 27
Other and unknown modes S S S S S S

NAICS1 551114, Corporate, subsidiary, and regional managing offices

Mode 2007 Value (million $) 2007 Tons (thousands) 2007 Ton-miles2 (millions) Value CV3 Tons CV Ton-miles CV
All modes 12,719 3,652 1,250 18 17 23
Single modes 11,394 3,387 1,165 19 18 25
Truck 4 10,307 2,615 916 19 12 17
For-hire truck 7,631 1,773 800 23 16 18
Private truck 2,676 842 116 33 20 19
Rail S S S S S S
Air (incl truck and air) S - - S 43 42
Pipeline 5 S S S S S S
Multiple modes 1,305 S S 20 S S
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier 1,132 28 13 21 39 27
Truck and rail S S S S S S
Truck and water S S S S S S
Other and unknown modes S 3 S S 33 S

KEY: S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality. - = Zero or Less than half the unit shown; thus, it has been rounded to zero.

1 Based on 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS is a hierarchical coding system and certain codes may be nested. For example, estimates for values and tons summed from NAICS codes 4231 through 4239 equal the estimates of values and tons for NAICS code 423.
2 Ton-miles estimates are based on estimated distances traveled along a modeled transportation network.
3 Coefficient of Variation.
4 "Truck" as a single mode includes shipments that were made by only private truck, only for-hire truck, or a combination of private truck and for-hire truck.
5 Estimates for pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.

NOTE: Rows are not shown if all cells for that particular row have no values. For example, specific state by industry by mode rows are not shown in this table because there are no data for those rows. Value-of-shipment estimates are reported in current prices. Estimated measures of sampling variability for each estimate known as coefficients of variation (CV) are also provided in these tables. More information on sampling error, confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, sample design, and definitions may be found at

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census: Transportation Commodity Flow Survey, December 2009.