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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 14-A Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government After Transfer of Federal Grants: FY 1985-2000

Friday, January 6, 2012

Table 14-A
Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government After Transfer of Federal Grants: FY 1985-2000

(Current $ millions)

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Mode 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
All Modes                                
Total 77,230 83,856 89,457 90,612 94,766 100,629 108,284 114,587 116,461 125,882 130,542 133,359 138,361 145,659 154,845 N/A
Federal 10,144 10,304 10,419 10,237 10,702 11,170 12,462 13,916 14,233 16,390 15,819 15,712 15,693 16,178 16,016 15,885
State 33,239 36,440 38,411 38,683 40,573 42,347 44,938 46,473 47,801 49,856 53,260 54,654 55,849 59,513 64,389 N/A
Local 33,847 37,112 40,627 41,692 43,490 47,113 50,885 54,198 54,426 59,636 61,462 62,993 66,820 69,968 74,440 N/A
Total 46,604 50,435 54,032 57,361 59,854 62,563 66,526 68,954 69,991 74,531 79,309 81,550 84,212 89,454 95,494 N/A
Federal 1,023 384 916 955 995 757 776 728 924 1,734 1,401 1,583 1,339 1,357 1,462 N/A
State 27,135 30,191 31,488 33,732 35,318 36,464 38,911 40,478 42,056 43,812 46,893 47,548 48,773 51,971 56,242 N/A
Local 18,446 19,860 21,627 22,674 23,541 25,342 26,839 27,748 27,011 28,984 31,016 32,419 34,101 36,126 37,790 N/A
Total 16,333 17,586 19,321 16,827 17,594 19,261 20,857 22,322 21,279 25,088 26,162 26,346 26,875 28,108 29,027 N/A
Federal 123 101 98 89 97 103 101 98 -369 503 121 84 84 81 77 861
State 5,039 5,212 5,877 3,977 4,083 4,699 4,745 4,481 4,205 4,553 4,915 5,479 5,387 5,817 6,261 N/A
Local 11,171 12,273 13,346 12,762 13,414 14,458 16,011 17,743 17,444 20,032 21,126 20,783 21,404 22,210 22,689 N/A
Total 1,072 917 817 586 606 541 783 906 819 845 1,043 1,015 1,148 1,099 565 N/A
Federal 1,022 886 786 554 582 518 772 886 793 805 1,012 979 1,092 1,022 502 694
State 50 31 31 33 24 22 11 20 27 40 31 36 56 77 63 N/A
Total 7,903 8,749 9,540 10,422 11,240 12,568 13,974 15,916 17,408 17,941 16,960 17,273 18,776 19,593 21,789 N/A
Federal 4,159 4,492 4,626 5,071 5,488 6,084 6,741 7,641 8,118 8,526 8,563 8,480 8,648 9,111 9,157 7,660
State 473 454 476 454 507 635 759 963 915 788 783 796 883 805 1,013 N/A
Local 3,271 3,803 4,438 4,897 5,245 5,848 6,474 7,312 8,375 8,626 7,614 7,997 9,245 9,677 11,619 N/A
Total 5,124 5,974 5,601 5,245 5,289 5,480 5,847 6,167 6,593 7,046 6,628 6,775 6,996 7,137 7,682 N/A
Federal 3,630 4,248 3,850 3,403 3,366 3,511 3,798 4,268 4,425 4,418 4,318 4,198 4,186 4,352 4,544 4,801
State 534 548 535 482 632 504 487 504 572 635 604 784 739 830 796 N/A
Local 959 1,177 1,216 1,360 1,290 1,464 1,562 1,395 1,596 1,993 1,706 1,794 2,070 1,955 2,342 N/A
Total 8 4 4 9 15 26 28 32 34 36 43 33 29 32 30 N/A
Federal N/A N/A N/A 3 6 5 4 6 7 8 9 22 17 19 16 14
State 8 4 4 6 9 21 24 26 27 28 34 11 12 13 14 N/A
Total 187 193 143 163 168 191 270 289 337 396 396 367 327 236 258 259
Federal 187 193 143 163 168 191 270 289 337 396 396 367 327 236 258 259

"–" = No activity or a value of zero.

"N/A" = Not Applicable.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.
Data for FY 2000 include only federal government expenditures excluding highway. Numbers in parenthesis are negative values due to offsetting collections. Offsetting collections are collections from the public that result from business-type activities and collections from other government accounts, which are deducted from gross outlays and budget authority, rather than combined with government receipts.

Federal Highways:
Executive Office of the President of the United States, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual publication), and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, D.C.: Annual publication), Table FA-5.
Federal Air:
________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2002 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of October 2001; ________. Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues); and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues), Appendix E-3, available at:, as of October 2001.
Federal Water:
________. Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues); ________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2002 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of October 2001; and personal communication with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Federal Transit, Rail, Pipeline, and Unallocated:
________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2002 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of October 2001.
State and Local:
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, State and Local Government Finance Estimates (Washington, D.C.), available at:, as of December 2001.