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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 5-B - Federal Transportation Expenditures by Agency from Own Funds: FY 1985-2002

Friday, January 6, 2012

Table 5-B - Federal Transportation Expenditures by Agency from Own Funds: FY 1985-2002

(Chained 2000 $ millions)

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Agency 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Total Transportation Expenditures 43,048 43,985 41,016 41,034 40,336 41,090 41,738 43,938 44,593 46,000 45,665 44,761 44,852 43,838 45,167 49,443 53,139 57,739
Department of Transportation Agencies, total 36,383 38,080 35,431 35,613 34,927 36,175 36,565 38,853 39,337 40,945 41,216 40,289 40,078 38,857 40,384 45,011 49,281 54,620
Federal Highway Administration 19,597 20,206 18,563 19,830 18,517 18,991 18,381 19,402 19,870 21,738 21,338 21,358 21,477 20,407 22,794 26,152 27,601 29,571
Federal Aviation Administration 6,491 6,934 7,134 7,353 7,882 8,492 9,160 10,147 10,515 10,175 10,267 9,746 9,404 9,733 9,737 9,472 10,440 12,350
Federal Transit Administration 5,105 4,961 4,809 4,626 4,863 5,010 4,876 4,495 4,129 4,379 4,965 4,793 4,916 4,558 4,397 5,331 6,915 7,313
Federal Railroad Adminstration 1,575 1,346 1,175 817 825 712 992 1,129 977 965 1,158 1,105 1,223 1,150 447 763 711 1,233
U.S. Coast Guard 2,024 1,857 2,001 1,957 2,093 1,989 2,028 2,399 2,220 2,257 2,177 2,137 2,033 2,116 2,196 2,339 2,395 2,739
Maritime Administration 1,043 2,216 1,248 478 164 345 450 566 881 627 500 340 270 210 128 240 272 555
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 309 315 303 292 309 330 300 300 289 302 311 289 307 322 342 329 362 394
Office of the Secretary of Transportation 150 128 105 109 117 132 230 267 279 290 279 297 204 124 86 96 195 74
Research and Special Programs Administration 35 57 9 30 33 34 19 10 42 82 65 57 70 70 73 42 99 26
Office of the Inspector General 41 38 38 40 38 41 39 44 48 44 44 39 41 43 45 43 44 35
Bureau of Transportation Statistics - - - - - - - - - 4 26 21 23 19 24 21 26 42
Surface Transportation Board - - - - - - - - - - - 14 15 15 14 16 14 14
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (2) 3 8 13 13 13 12 15 12 13 11 11 12 12 11 12 13 12
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 14 20 38 67 74 87 78 80 75 70 74 80 84 77 90 155 195 261
Other Federal Agencies, total 6,665 5,905 5,584 5,420 5,409 4,916 5,173 5,085 5,257 5,055 4,449 4,472 4,774 4,981 4,783 4,433 3,858 3,119
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1,925 1,717 1,766 1,780 1,790 1,742 1,767 1,769 1,674 1,676 1,598 1,512 1,522 1,640 1,700 1,693 1,710 1,651
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 979 961 906 961 1,174 1,181 1,286 1,395 1,448 1,540 1,290 1,301 1,397 1,420 1,256 1,014 851 -
Panama Canal Commission 628 611 665 639 609 626 634 633 620 627 644 675 709 735 704 538 11 12
Department of Agriculture 616 536 633 596 606 249 291 270 248 301 209 192 194 229 212 302 484 457
U.S. Railway Association 38 3 2 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Washington Metro Area Transit Authority 107 83 75 70 71 79 70 66 63 (16) 41 1 - - - - - -
Interstate Commerce Commission 76 67 62 60 60 57 56 50 49 49 41 9 - - - - - -
Civil Aeronautics Board 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Department of Interior 418 230 245 359 415 342 249 192 197 179 162 127 162 285 275 330 289 278
National Transportation Safety Board 33 32 33 35 34 35 37 44 44 42 41 43 49 63 62 72 62 62
Federal Maritime Commission 18 17 17 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 18 15 15 15 16 15 16
Housing and Urban Development 405 456 393 287 231 227 219 229 248 36 18 22 22 20 20 26 26 33
Appalachian Development 196 159 144 124 88 131 146 104 117 169 139 166 177 121 118 55 23 17
Other 1,221 1,032 643 490 313 225 397 310 528 431 245 406 527 453 422 387 388 592

KEY: "-" = Data not available, or no activity, or a value of zero; "0" = Value too small to report.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Numbers in parenthesis are negative values. The negative expenditure values are a result of offsetting collections. Offsetting collections are federal receipts from the public resulting from business-type activities, or transfers from other federal accounts. Such receipts are deducted from gross outlays of a receiving program in the budget of the U.S. Government, instead of combining them with federal receipts. Thus, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reports negative expenditures for some federal programs whenever offsetting collections exceed their eventual budget. This should be taken into consideration when examining total expenditures for specific federal programs.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Surface Transportation Board are new additions to the table. The data in this table are presented in chained 2000 dollars, while the data in the previous report were provided in chained 1996 dollars. Moreover, the numbers for some agencies in this table may be different from those in the earlier report, because of revisions made to the historical data series.

The following sources are used except for NASA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, D.C.: Annual publication), Table FA-5.
Executive Office of the President of the United States, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues).
_______. Budget of the United States Government FY 2005 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of May 2004.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): NASA, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues), Appendix E-3, available at:, as of July 2003.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, personal communication, as of July 2003.

Chain-Type Price Index:
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables (Washington D.C.), Table 3.9.4, available at:, as of May 2004.