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Table 14-B - Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government After Transfer of Federal Grants: FY 1985-2002

Friday, January 6, 2012

Table 14-B - Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government After Transfer of Federal Grants: FY 1985-2002

(Chained 2000 $ millions)

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Mode 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
All Modes, total 119,030 125,697 129,166 126,989 128,453 130,560 136,081 141,199 139,797 147,152 148,399 148,424 151,061 156,502 161,518 167,360 175,874 N/A
Federal 15,400 15,292 15,208 14,553 14,764 14,919 15,832 17,386 17,078 19,044 17,699 17,278 16,868 17,178 16,401 16,459 17,035 18,085
State 51,348 54,702 55,385 54,113 54,870 54,739 56,388 57,149 57,378 58,334 60,679 60,927 61,098 64,036 67,305 71,546 73,927 85,000
Local 52,282 55,704 58,573 58,323 58,818 60,903 63,861 66,664 65,342 69,773 70,020 70,219 73,096 75,288 77,811 79,354 84,912 N/A
Highway, total 71,977 75,715 77,952 80,325 81,044 80,991 83,576 84,904 84,099 87,247 90,398 90,955 92,177 96,312 99,864 103,952 107,420 N/A
Federal 1,570 591 1,374 1,419 1,440 1,093 1,059 985 1,178 2,078 1,642 1,816 1,520 1,517 1,573 1,710 2,160 1,799
State 41,914 45,315 45,397 47,187 47,765 47,138 48,834 49,788 50,491 51,259 53,422 53,002 53,354 55,922 58,790 61,942 64,593 40,667
Local 28,493 29,809 31,181 31,719 31,839 32,760 33,683 34,131 32,429 33,911 35,334 36,138 37,304 38,872 39,501 40,300 40,667 N/A
Transit, total 25,188 26,382 27,848 23,528 23,789 24,890 26,165 27,447 25,540 29,345 29,801 29,364 29,395 30,239 30,336 32,384 32,659 N/A
Federal 148 138 134 113 126 125 116 111 (450) 581 134 89 88 81 74 69 81 221
State 7,783 7,823 8,473 5,563 5,522 6,075 5,955 5,512 5,048 5,326 5,599 6,108 5,893 6,259 6,545 7,592 7,053 25,525
Local 17,256 18,421 19,241 17,852 18,141 18,690 20,094 21,824 20,942 23,437 24,068 23,167 23,414 23,899 23,717 24,723 25,525 N/A
Rail, total 1,632 1,361 1,190 829 831 717 987 1,123 975 978 1,168 1,114 1,239 1,168 460 767 723 1,249
Federal 1,555 1,315 1,146 785 801 691 982 1,111 954 933 1,134 1,078 1,181 1,093 402 744 674 1,191
State 77 46 44 44 29 26 5 12 21 46 34 37 58 75 58 23 49 58
Air, total 12,109 13,054 13,827 14,667 15,315 16,466 17,604 19,686 20,854 20,891 19,076 19,059 20,306 20,872 22,577 22,017 24,467 N/A
Federal 6,326 6,665 6,742 7,182 7,536 8,085 8,526 9,507 9,700 9,876 9,510 9,257 9,227 9,593 9,372 8,857 9,366 9,664
State 731 682 686 635 686 821 953 1,185 1,098 922 892 888 966 866 1,059 1,106 1,285 13,817
Local 5,052 5,708 6,398 6,851 7,093 7,560 8,125 8,994 10,055 10,092 8,675 8,914 10,114 10,413 12,145 12,054 13,817 N/A
Water, total 7,829 8,893 8,136 7,396 7,223 7,210 7,373 7,643 7,887 8,189 7,464 7,475 7,565 7,620 7,972 7,946 10,219 N/A
Federal 5,522 6,303 5,611 4,820 4,623 4,666 4,801 5,308 5,284 5,114 4,833 4,601 4,492 4,624 4,692 4,805 4,391 4,964
State 825 823 772 674 855 652 611 620 687 743 688 874 809 893 832 863 925 4,904
Local 1,481 1,767 1,753 1,902 1,745 1,893 1,960 1,715 1,916 2,332 1,943 1,999 2,264 2,104 2,448 2,277 4,904 N/A
Pipeline, total 12 6 5 12 20 34 35 40 40 45 51 36 33 36 35 36 28 41
Federal - - - 4 8 7 6 8 8 12 12 24 20 22 21 23 15 23
State 12 6 5 8 12 27 30 32 32 32 39 12 13 14 14 13 14 18
General Support, total 284 286 208 230 231 253 341 356 402 456 440 420 345 255 274 259 357 235
Federal 278 280 201 230 231 253 341 356 401 450 435 414 339 249 267 251 347 224
State 6 6 7 1 - - - - 0 6 6 7 6 6 7 8 10 11

KEY: "-" = Data not available, or no activity, or a value of zero; N/A = Data not available.

Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.

Numbers in parenthesis are negative values. The negative expenditure values are a result of offsetting collections. Offsetting collections are federal receipts from the public resulting from business-type activities, or transfers from other federal accounts. Such receipts are deducted from gross outlays of a receiving program in the budget of the U.S. Government, instead of combining them with federal receipts. Thus, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reports negative expenditures for some federal programs whenever offsetting collections exceed their eventual budget. This should be taken into consideration when examining total expenditures for specific federal programs.

The data in this table are presented in chained 2000 dollars, while the data in the previous report were provided in chained 1996 dollars. Moreover, some of the numbers in this table may be different from those in the earlier report, because of revisions made to the historical data series.

Federal Highway:
Executive Office of the President of the United States, Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual publication), and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, D.C.: Annual publication), Table FA-5.

Federal Air:
________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2005 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of May 2004;
________. Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues); and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues), Appendix E-3, available at:, as of May 2004.

Federal Water:
________. Budget of the United States Government - Appendix (Washington, D.C.: Annual issues); ________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2005 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of May 2004; and personal communication with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Federal Transit, Rail, Pipeline, and Unallocated:
________. Budget of the United States Government FY 2005 - Public Budget Database (Washington, D.C.), Outlays available at:, as of May 2004.

State and Local:
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, State and Local Government Finances (Washington, D.C.), available at:, as of May 2004.

Chain-Type Price Index:
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables (Washington D.C.), Table 3.9.4, available at:, as of May 2004.