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Table 3Empirical Results for Trip Duration Model

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Table 3
Empirical Results for Trip Duration Model

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Variable Coefficient t-statistic
Constant 2.504 76.81
Trip purpose    
Production end (nonhome-based trip is base)    
Home-based 0.213 16.16
Attraction end (work purpose is base)    
School 0.041 1.56
Social-recreational 0.125 5.11
Shopping –0.299 –16.07
Other –0.215 –13.07
Time-of-day variables ("evening" period is base)    
morning–a.m. peak/p.m. peak 0.445 15.57
a.m. offpeak/p.m. offpeak 0.176 6.75
Time of day and trip purpose interaction effects    
morning–a.m. peak/p.m. peak x nonwork –0.155 –11.23
a.m. offpeak/p.m. offpeak x social-recreational –0.261 –8.94
Zonal and trip-related attributes    
Zonal size-related variables    
Zonal area x 10 –5 1.243 2.56
Zonal acreage in office space x 10 –3 2.363 3.85
Number of people in service employment x 10 –5 2.544 9.75
Zonal acreage in manufacturing facilities x 10 –4 6.917 5.19
Zonal acreage in retail facilities x 10 –3 –2.266 –4.82
Zonal acreage in institutional facilities x 10 –3 –1.020 –2.54
Zonal nonsize-related variables    
Zonal household density x 10 –3 –1.612 –4.42
Median income of zone x 10 –6 –2.576 –6.55
Presence of an airport or airport-related infrastructure x 10 –2 5.342 2.56
Trip-related variables    
Intrazonal trip –0.777 –33.95
Intrazonal p.m. peak trip –0.189 –5.08
Intrazonal shopping/social-recreational trip 0.158 6.12


Number of observations 19,455
Regression sums of squares 2,737.09
Residual sums of squares 11,058.14
Standard error of estimate 0.754
R2 0.198
Adjusted R2 0.198