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Table 3Corrected and Uncorrected ADT and DVMT Values (0.2 mile grid-based sample)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Table 3
Corrected and Uncorrected ADT and DVMT Values (0.2 mile grid-based sample)

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  Number of counts Average1 ADT (veh/day) Average weighted2 ADT (veh/day) DVMT estimate (veh-miles) Weighted DVMT estimate (veh-miles)
Pike County 243 454.87 453.18 377,232.79 375,831.24
Henderson County 164 386.27 367.59 232,105.78 220,881.16
Fayette County 337 747.06 719.56 548,177.69 527,998.74

1. Straight arithmetic mean.

2. Mean is weighted by the ratio of target and actual slopes from the regression analysis. Key: ADT = average daily traffic; DVMT = daily vehicle-miles traveled; veh/day = vehicles per day; veh-miles = vehicle-miles.