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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 2-1 U.S. Passenger Miles Traveled by Mode, 2009–2011

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


  2009 2010 2011
Air carrier, certificated, domestic, all services 551,741 564,695 575,613
Highway, total 4,241,346 4,244,834 4,230,505
Light duty vehicle 3,625,598 3,646,452 3,650,223
Motorcycle 22,428 19,941 19,972
Busa 305,014 291,914 292,716
Transit, total 53,898 52,627 54,328
Motor busa 21,100 20,570 19,883
Light rail 2,196 2,173 2,198
Heavy rail 16,805 16,407 17,317
Trolley bus 168 169 160
Commuter rail 11,129 10,774 11,314
Demand responsive 881 874 879
Ferry boat 365 389 389
Other 1,254 1,272 2,189
Intercity/Amtrak 5,914 6,420 6,670

a Bus in the highway category includes intercity bus as well as bus and demand response numbers from the transit category. Individual categories under Highway will not add to total as "Highway, total" includes passenger miles from single unit and combination trucks.

SOURCE: Various sources as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics, table 1-40, available at as of June 2014