Number of Employees: Passenger Airlines, 2001-2005
Number of Employees: Passenger Airlines, 2001-2005
July | Network Carriers | Low-Cost Carriers | Total (excluding Regional and Other Carriers) | Regional Carriers | Other Carriers | Total |
2001 | 465,198 | 69,569 | 534,767 | – | – | – |
2002 | 394,686 | 71,263 | 465,949 | – | – | – |
2003 | 332,376 | 74,025 | 406,401 | 44,280 | 8,277 | 458,958 |
2004 | 325,436 | 75,994 | 401,430 | 58,038 | 12,668 | 472,136 |
2005 | 308,714 | 75,145 | 383,859 | 60,738 | 13,631 | 458,228 |
Note: Includes the total of full-time and part-time employees. Airlines that operate at least one aircraft with the capability to carry combined passengers, cargo and fuel of 18,000 pounds must report monthly employment statistics. The "other carrier" category generally reflects those airlines that operate within specific niche markets, such as Aloha and Hawaiian Airlines that serve the Hawaiian Islands.
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. as of Nov. 21, 2005