Table 2: Value and Tonnage of U.S. Highway Shipments: 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Table 2: Value and Tonnage of U.S. Highway Shipments: 2007
Highway transportation mode | Value (million $) |
Percent of total |
Tons (thousands) |
Percent of total |
Highway total1 | 8,363,657 | 100 | 8,957,687 | 100 |
For-hire truck | 4,764,442 | 57 | 4,029,016 | 45 |
Private truck | 3,599,215 | 43 | 4,928,671 | 55 |
1 Highway shipments are single-mode shipments not transported by any other mode.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2007 Commodity Flow Survey, preliminary data table 1, December 2008.