Table 8: Ton-Miles by Two-Digit Commodity: 2007
Table 8: Ton-Miles by Two-Digit Commodity: 2007
SCTG code1 |
Commodity description | Ton-miles2 (millions) |
All Commodities | 3,490,806 | |
15 | Nonagglomerated bituminous coal | 722,280 |
02 | Cereal grains | 280,363 |
19 | Coal and petroleum products, NEC3 | 206,377 |
07 | Other prepared foodstuffs and fats and oils | 159,873 |
32 | Base metal in primary or semifinished forms | 148,620 |
20 | Basic chemicals | 148,281 |
26 | Wood products | 134,137 |
12 | Gravel and crushed stone | 132,653 |
17 | Gasoline and aviation turbine fuel | 129,911 |
31 | Nonmetallic mineral products | 123,301 |
03 | Other agricultural products | 121,512 |
24 | Plastics and rubber | 102,718 |
27 | Pulp, newsprint, paper, and paperboard | 80,369 |
04 | Animal feed and products of animal origin, NEC3 | 70,558 |
18 | Fuel oils | 65,627 |
1 Based on 2-digit code for Standard Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG).
2 Horizontal lines and color codes are used within the table to group the commodities. Commodities within the same group, or the same color code, cannot be determined to be different statistically from one another. However, from top to bottom, a change in grouping, or a change in color, denotes a statistical decrease in level of ton-miles, based on statistical significance testing at the 95% confidence level.
3 NEC = not elsewhere classified.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2007 Commodity Flow Survey, preliminary data table 6, December 2008.