Table 1-2: Alabama Public Road Length, Miles by Ownership: 2000
Table 1-2: Alabama Public Road Length, Miles by Ownership: 2000
National Highway System | Other federal-aid highway | Nonfederal-aid highway | Total | |
Total | 3,655 | 20,084 | 70,570 | 94,309 |
State highway agency | 3,624 | 7,224 | 44 | 10,892 |
County | 7 | 8,887 | 49,730 | 58,624 |
Town, township, municipal | 24 | 3,929 | 19,946 | 23,899 |
Other jurisdiction1 | Z | Z | 162 | 162 |
Federal agency2 | Z | 44 | 688 | 732 |
1 Includes state park, state toll, other state agency, other local agency, and roadways not identified by ownership.
2 Roadways in federal parks, forests, and reservations that are not part of the state and local highway systems.
KEY: Z = zero or less than 1 unit of measurement.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, table HM-14, available at as of Feb. 1, 2002.