U.S. Department of Transportation
Norman Y. Mineta
Michael P. Jackson
Deputy Secretary
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Ashish K. Sen
Rick Kowalewski
Deputy Director
Susan J. Lapham
Associate Director for Statistical Programs
John V. Wells
Chief Economist
Wendell Fletcher
Assistant Director for Transportation Analysis
Project Manager
Ron Duych
Data Collection and ProductionBattelle
William Mallett
Mary Field
Alexa Getting
Leonard Hughes
David Kall
Melody Liu
Laurie Scovell
Major Contributors
Martha Courtney
Derald Dudley
Darcy Herman
Pamela LaFontaine
Matt Sheppard
Lorisa Smith
Other Contributors
Alpha Glass
Steve Lewis
Chip Moore
Our mission: To lead in developing transportation data and information of high quality and to advance their effective use in both public and private transportation decisionmaking.
Our vision for the future: Data and information of high quality supporting every significant transportation policy decision, thus advancing the quality of life and the economic well-being of all Americans.
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U.S. Department of Transportation
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