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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 2-15: U.S. Transit Safety Data: 2000

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Table 2-15: U.S. Transit Safety Data: 2000

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  Collision Noncollision Total property damage($ thousands)
Number of incidents Fatalities Injuries Number of incidents Fatalities Injuries
Automated guideway 1 0 0 16 0 15 34
Cable car 10 0 15 10 0 11 10
Commuter rail 267 104 95 1,981 2 1,865 8,047
Demand responsive 3,055 6 1,603 1,510 11 1,494 6,910
Ferry boat 7 0 6 719 0 730 106
Heavy rail 389 55 316 12,388 22 10,530 5,034
Light rail 343 30 361 979 0 978 3,062
Motor bus 23,184 93 20,800 19,847 8 20,967 43,717
Trolley bus 122 0 103 257 0 265 103
Van pool 186 1 65 5 0 5 563

NOTES FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: Collision includes at-grade crossings and suicides. Noncollision includes: 1) derailments/buses going off road; 2) personal casualties in parking facilities, inside vehicles, on right of way, boarding/alighting, and in station/bus stops; and 3) nonarson fires.

SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, 2000 National Transit Database, available at as of Dec. 5, 2001.