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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 1.Selected Federal Agencies that Collect or Compile Transportation Data

Monday, September 10, 2012

Table 1.Selected Federal Agencies that Collect or Compile Transportation Data

Multimodal Data (including economic data)

Bureau of Economic Analysis USDOC
Bureau of Labor Statistics USDOL
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Research and Innovative Technology Administration) USDOT
Customs and Border Protection USDHS
Census Bureau USDOC

Aviation Data

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Research and Innovative Technology Administration) USDOT
Federal Aviation Administration USDOT
Office of Aviation and International Affairs USDOT
National Transportation Safety Board (independent)

Hazardous Materials Data

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration USDOT
U.S. Census Bureau/ RITA/BTS

Highway Data

Federal Highway Administration USDOT
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration USDOT
Federal Transit Administration USDOT
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration USDOT

Maritime and Inland Waterways Data

Maritime Administration USDOT
Federal Maritime Commission
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation USDOT
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army)
U.S. Coast Guard USDHS

Pipeline Data

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration USDOT

Railroad Data

Federal Railroad Administration USDOT
Surface Transportation Board USDOT

Transit Data

Federal Transit Administration USDOT

Other Agencies Collecting Data Related to Transportation

Agricultural Marketing Service USDOA
Environmental Protection Agency
Energy Information Administration USDOE

KEY: USDOA—U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDOC—U.S. Department of Commerce; US-DHS—U.S. Department of Homeland Security; USDOE—U.S. Department of Energy; USDOL—U.S. Department of Labor; USDOT—U.S. Department of Transportation.