FIGURE 8 Annual Number of Jobs in the United States: 1994 and 2014
NOTES: Total includes an estimate of the number of nonfarm, civilian payroll jobs in the U.S. economy. It includes the number of persons on establishment payrolls employed full or part -time who received pay for any part of the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month. Data exclude proprietors, self-employed, unpaid family or volunteer workers, farm workers, domestic workers, and uniformed members of the armed services. Government includes Federal (90-91), State (90-92), and Local Government (90-93). Private Service-producing includes an estimates of the number of private, nonfarm, and civilian payroll jobs in the following sectors: Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (40); Information (50); Financial Activities (55); Professional and Business Services (60); Education and Health Services (65); Leisure and Hospitality (70); and Other Services (80) and EXCLUDES Government (90). Estimates are not seasonally adjusted.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Employment Statistics Survey (CES), Current Employment Statistics—CES (national), available at as of May 2015.