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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Table 1 Travel Between the United States and Foreign Countries: 1990, 1995, and 2000

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Table 1
Travel Between the United States and Foreign Countries: 1990, 1995, and 2000

(Thousands of trips)

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  1990 1995 2000 Percentage change, 1990-2000 Annual growth rate (percent)
TOTAL TRIPS 315,173 314,188 366,251 16.2 1.5
Outbound travel from the United States 131,145 138,670 171,152 30.5 2.7
Inbound travel to the United States 184,028 175,518 195,099 6.0 0.6
NORTH AMERICA 1 284,124 274,490 313,423 10.3 1.0
Overnight2 52,939 54,456 58,881 11.2 1.1
U.S. residents to Canada 12,252 13,005 15,114 23.4 2.1
U.S. residents to Mexico 16,381 18,771 18,849 15.1 1.4
Canadian residents to the United States 17,263 14,662 14,594 -15.5 -1.7
Mexican residents to the United States 7,041 8,016 10,322 46.6 3.9
Same-day 231,185 220,034 254,542 10.1 1.0
U.S. residents to Canada 22,482 24,325 28,769 28.0 2.5
U.S. residents to Mexico 64,038 63,508 81,565 27.4 2.4
Canadian residents to the United States 53,171 37,491 28,019 -47.3 -6.2
Mexican residents to the United States 91,494 94,710 116,189 27.0 2.4
North America share of total (percent) 90.1 87.4 85.6    
OVERSEAS OVERNIGHT TRAVEL3 31,049 39,698 52,828 70.1 5.5
Outbound travel from the United States 15,990 19,059 26,853 67.9 5.3
Inbound travel to the United States 15,059 20,639 25,975 72.5 5.6
OVERSEAS OVERNIGHT TRAVEL BY REGION 3(bidirectional)          
Europe 14,702 17,389 24,970 69.8 5.4
Western Europe 14,439 16,706 24,091 66.8 5.3
Eastern Europe 503 1,158 1,228 144.3 9.3
Asia 6,902 10,180 12,468 80.7 6.1
Caribbean 4,367 4,665 5,198 19.0 1.8
South America 2,239 4,069 5,036 125.0 8.4
Middle East 893 1,464 2,072 132.0 8.8
Oceania 4 1,238 1,179 1,778 43.7 3.7
Central America 1,020 1,271 1,708 67.4 5.3
Africa 425 605 778 83.1 6.2

1 North American data in this table are different from and should not be compared with the border-crossing data in table 7. See also box 1 on page 4.
2 U.S.-Canada and U.S.-Mexico overnight travel data presented in this table are from the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries. They reflect overall totals for inbound and outbound overnight travel with Canada and Mexico. Table 5 in this report also presents overall totals, but with mode of transportation details. Data for table 5 are from Canadian and Mexican government agencies. These agencies make adjustments and revisions to their data at the modal level. Because of this, the overall overnight travel totals in table 5 will differ from those in this table. Throughout this report, U.S. Department of Commerce data are used for overall overnight travel totals, while Canadian and Mexican sources are used for mode of transportation and trip purpose analysis.
3 The aggregate figures for overseas trips differ from the sum of trips to or from individual regions because a single outbound trip by a U.S. resident is counted once as an "overseas" trip but could be attributed to multiple regions.
4 Oceania includes Australia and New Zealand.

SOURCES: Overnight - U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Tourism Industries, "Arrivals to the U.S. 1990-2000," and "U.S. Resident Travel Abroad: Historical Visitation-Outbound 1990-2000 (One or More Nights)," available at, as of July 1, 2001.

Same-day -- Statistics Canada, International Travel: Travel Between Canada and Other Countries (Touriscope), Catalogue No. 66-201-XPB (Ottawa, Ontario: Banco de México, Dirección General de Investigación Económica, Dirección de Medición Económica, 1999 and 2001.