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Freight Analysis Framework Version 4 User’s Guide for Release 4.0

Thursday, April 4, 2024

1.1 Mode of Transportation

Same as FAF3, FAF4 includes the seven modes of transportation from the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) plus an extra category involving imports. Table 1 in Section 3 below provides a summary and brief description of each mode. Specifically,

  • Domestic Modes are the modes used between domestic origins and destinations, modes used between zones of entry and domestic destination for imports, and modes used between domestic origins and zones of exit for exports.

  • Foreign Modes comprise the mode of arrival to zones of entry for imports or mode of departure from zones of exit for exports; they do not include modes used in foreign countries to and from foreign ports and airports.

Note about Multiple Modes and Mail: FAF3 and the CFS use Multiple Modes and Mail rather than intermodal to represent commodities that move by more than one mode. Intermodal typically refers to containerized cargo that moves between ship and surface modes or between truck and rail, and repeated efforts to identify containerized cargo in the CFS have proved unsuccessful. Shipments reported as Multiple Modes can include anything from containerized cargo to coal moving from mine to railhead by truck and rail to harbor. The "Mail" component recognizes that shippers who use parcel delivery services typically do not know what modes were involved after the shipment was picked up.

1.2 Type of Commodity

Commodities are classified at the 2-digit level of the Standard Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG), which is summarized in Table 2. A complete description of these categories and their constituent parts can be found at

1.3 Geography

To minimize potential confusion between geography-related terms, the following convention is used in this document.

  • Origin – The beginning of a freight movement regardless of geography
    • Domestic Origin
      • For domestic freight movement, the FAF region or state where a freight movement begins
      • For imports, the FAF region or state where a freight movement begins the domestic portion of the trip (see Zone of Entry)
      • For exports, the FAF region or state where a freight movement begins the domestic portion of the trip
    • Foreign Origin – For imports, the foreign region where a freight movement begins
  • Destination – The ending of a freight movement regardless of geography
    • Domestic Destination
      • For domestic freight movements, the FAF region or state where a freight movement ends
      • For imports, the FAF region or state where a freight movement ends the domestic portion of the trip
      • For exports, the FAF region or state where a freight movement ends the domestic portion of the trip (see Zone of Exit)
    • Foreign Destination – For exports, the foreign region where a freight movement ends
  • FAF Region – The 132 domestic regions defined in Table 3.
  • State – The 50 States and Washington, D.C.
  • Foreign Region – The 8 international regions defined in Table 4 were based on information obtained from the United Nations Statistics Division.  Specific countries included in each region can be found at the United Nations site.
  • Zone of Entry – This is the FAF region or state where an import enters the United States. This term refers to the entire region or state and does not limit the entry to any single location. This replaces the term "international gateway" used previously.
  • Zone of Exit – This is the FAF region or state where an export leaves the United States. This term refers to the entire region or state and does not limit the exit to any single location.

1.4 Origin-Destination-Commodity-Mode Database

FAF4 data sets are available at the FAF4 domestic region level and the state level, both provided in Microsoft Access and Comma Separated Values (CSV) formats. Specifically,

FAF Regional Database

FAF4 domestic region level datasets and products provide information for states, state portions of large metropolitan areas, and remainders of states as listed in Table 3. Metropolitan areas consist of Metropolitan Statistical Areas or Consolidated Statistical Areas as defined by the Office of Management and Budget. When a metropolitan area is entirely within a state or when a state's portion of a multi-state metropolitan area is large enough to support the sampling procedures in the CFS, the area becomes a separate FAF region. Small single-state metropolitan areas and small portions of a multi-state metropolitan area are part of the State or Remainder of State. Different from FAF3, ten (metropolitan area type) CFS Areas were added for FAF4 and details of changes can be found at US Census CFS website.

State Level Database

The state-level datasets and products include information for the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

2 Accessing FAF4 Data

FAF4 can be accessed via links from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).  Users can download the FAF4 regional origin-destination-commodity-mode (ODCM) dataset directly from these websites or be connected to the Data Extraction Tool for customized databases.

2.1 Data Extraction Tool

The FAF4 Data Extraction Tool is a web-based interface that allows FAF users to select specific categories of data, through easy-to-use pull-down menus, to create customized subsets of FAF4 data.  The resulting selection (output of the tool) can be saved as a CSV file and used for further analysis by the user.  Note that, you can click on a column heading of the resulting table shown on the screen to reorder the displayed values by that selected variable (column).   A second click on the same variable heading will reverse the ranking order.  As in the FAF3, there are four types of trade data options to select from; they are Total Flows, Domestic Flows, Import Flows, and Export Flows.  The pull-down menu selections provided under each option are slightly different. To make multiple selections from a menu, hold the control key while making a selection (by clicking on the menu item).

Total Flows

This option allows users to select data associates with freight moved between domestic origins and domestic destinations and includes both domestic and foreign shipments. For import shipments, the origin of the flow is zone of entry (the FAF region or state of entry), and for export shipments, the destination of the flow is zone of exit (the FAF region or state of exit). Mode of transportation for Total Flows is the mode used within domestic regions or states. 

Pull-down menu categories are:

  • Years: For FAF4.0, only 2012 option is active. As future FAF4 products are developed and become available, selection of other years will be activated and results will be provided for each year selected.
  • Origin: Select from “Combined National Total”, “Origin State-Specific info”, or “Origin FAF Zone-Specific info” to obtain data on associate shipments by at the desired domestic-origin geography
    • Combine National Total is not origin specific; it provides the total of freight movements to, from, and within the United States. 
    • Origin State-Specific info allows selections from another pull-down menu to the 50 States and Washington, D.C. You can then select All, one, or multiple States.
    • Origin FAF Zone-Specific info shows a pull-down menu for the 132 FAF regions. You can then select All, one, or multiple regions.  For ease of use, two options are provided for the listing of FAF regions, one by state name (as used in the FAF3) and another by alphabetical order of the FAF zone name.
  • Destination: As with Origin, you can select “Combine National Total”, “Destination State-Specific info”, or “Destination FAF Zone-Specific info” to obtain data on associate shipments by the desired domestic-destination geography.
    • Combine National Total is not destination specific; it provides the total freight movements to, from and within the United States. 
    • Destination State-Specific info allows selections from the pull -down menu to the 50 States and Washington, D.C. You can select All, one, or multiple States.
    • Destination FAF Zone-Specific info shows the pull-down menu to the 132 FAF regions. You can select All, one, or multiple regions.  As with the origin selection, two options are provided for the listing of FAF regions, one by state name (as used in the FAF3) and another by alphabetical order of the FAF zone name.
  • Measure: The options are “Select All”, “Tons”, “Ton-miles”, or “Values”.  Note that the estimate for “Ton-miles” is not yet available thus this option is inactive at the current time.
  • Commodity: Select from “Combine Total”, “Select All” or click one or multiple individual commodities for specific commodity selections.
    • Combine Total is not commodity specific and provides total freight moved.
    • Select All provides data by each selected commodity individually.
    • Click on a specific commodity (or select multiple commodities) shows data associated with selected commodity only (or selected commodities individually, if multiple selections were made).
  • Domestic Mode: Select from “Combine Total”, “Select All” or pick desired one or multiple choices of individual modes.
    • Combine Total is not mode specific and provides total freight moved by all modes.
    • Select All provides data for freight moved by all seven modes individually.
    • Click on specific mode(s) gives data on total freight volume by the selected mode(s) individually.

Once all desired selections are completed, click the Submit button and the results will be shown on the screen with an option to download to a CSV file.

Domestic Flows

This option allows users to select data associates with freight moved between domestic origins and domestic destinations. No foreign trade flows are included and the mode of transportation is the mode used within and between domestic regions or states. Selection categories are identical to Total Flows and include the following menus: Years, Origin, Destination, Measure, Commodity, and Mode.  Only domestic shipments are considered under this type of flows.  Same as above, once desired selections are completed; click on the Submit button to display the results and generate the customized dataset.

Import Flows

This option enables users to select data associate with freight moved from foreign origins to domestic destinations. Geographies for this type of flow data include Foreign Origin (eight zones), U.S. Entry Region (zone of entry), and Domestic Destination. Mode of transportation provided in this option consists of two parts: (1) foreign mode used between a foreign origin zone and a zone of entry in the U.S. and (2) domestic mode used between the zone of entry and its domestic destination. Data selection categories include:

  • Years: For FAF4.0, only 2012 option is active. As future FAF4 products are developed and become available, selection of other years will be activated and results will be provided for each year selected.
  • Foreign Origin: Select from options “Combine Total”, “Select All”, or one or multiple foreign origin zones.
    • Combine Total is not origin specific; the option presents the total volume of freight entering the United States.
    • Select All provides total volume of freight originated from the eight foreign regions individually.
  • U.S. Entry Region: This represents the region where the port of entry is located.  Select from options of “Combine National Total”, “State-Specific info”, or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by state)”, or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by alphabetical order)”.  This represents “domestic origin” of the imported goods.
    • Combine National Total is not zone specific; it shows total freight entering the United States though all ports of entry. 
    • State-Specific gives additional options in the pull-down menu to the 50 States and Washington, D.C. You can select All, one, or multiple States.
    • FAF Zone-Specific gives the options in a pull down menu to the 132 FAF Regions. You can then select All, one, or multiple regions.
  • Foreign Mode: This is the mode used between a foreign region and the U.S. region of entry for the imported goods. Selection includes “Combine Total”, “Select All”, and the option to choose one or multiple individual modes.
    • Combine Total is not mode specific; it provides data for total freight volume moved from the selected Foreign Origin to the selected zone of entry (i.e., U.S. Entry Region).
    • Select All provides data on freight volumes moved by all seven modes individually.
  • Measure: The options are “Select All”, “Tons”, “Ton-miles”, or “Values”.  Note that the estimate for “Ton-miles” is not yet available thus this option is inactive at the current time.
  • Domestic Destination: This represents the domestic destination of imported goods.  One can make selections from the options: “Combine National Total”, “State-Specific info”, “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by state), or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort ty alphabetical order)”.
    • Combine National Total is not destination-specific; the data shows aggregated total freight imported to the United States. 
    • State-Specific info gives the options in a pull-down menu to the 50 States and Washington, DC. You can then select All, one, or multiple States to obtain associated data records.
    • FAF Zone-Specific info gives the options in the pull-down menu to the 132 FAF Regions. You can then select All, one, or multiple regions.
  • Commodity: Select from “Combine Total”, “Select All” or click one or multiple individual commodities for specific commodity selections.
    • Combine Total is not commodity specific and provides total freight moved.
    • Select All provides data by each selected commodity individually.
    • Click on a specific commodity (or select multiple commodities) shows data associated with selected commodity only (or selected commodities individually, if multiple selections were made).
  • Domestic Mode: This is the mode used in moving imported goods from the “U.S. Entry Region” to its domestic destination.  Options provided are “Combine Total”, “Select All” or click on 1 or multiple individual modes to make selections.
    • Combine Total is not mode specific and provides aggregated total freight moved for all modes combined.
    • Select All provides data for freight moved by each of the eight domestic modes (including “no domestic mode”) individually.

Once all desired selections are completed, click the Submit button and the results will be shown on the screen with an option to download to a CSV file.

Export Flows

This option enables users to select data associate with freight moved from domestic origins to foreign destinations. Geographies for this type of flow data include Domestic Origin, U.S. Exit Region (zone of exit), and Foreign Destination (8 foreign zones). Mode of transportation provided in this option consists of two parts: (1) domestic mode used between the domestic origin of the shipment and its zone of exit, and (2) foreign mode used between the zone of exit and foreign destination.  Data selection categories include:

  • Years: For FAF4.0, only 2012 option is active. As future FAF4 products are developed and become available, selection of other years will be activated and results will be provided for each year selected.
  • Measure: The options are “Select All”, “Tons”, “Ton-miles”, or “Values”.  Note that the estimate for “Ton-miles” is not yet available thus this option is inactive at the current time.
  • Domestic Origin: This represents the domestic origin of exported goods.  One can make selections from the options: “Combine National Total”, “State-Specific info”, “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by state), or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort ty alphabetical order)”.
    • Combine National Total is not origin-specific; the data shows aggregated total freight exported from the United States. 
    • State-Specific info gives the options in a pull-down menu to the 50 States and Washington, DC. You can then select All, one, or multiple States to obtain associated data records.
    • FAF Zone-Specific info gives the options in the pull-down menu to the 132 FAF Regions. You can then select All, one, or multiple regions.
  • U.S. Exit Region: This represents the region where the port of exit is located.  Select from options of “Combine National Total”, “State-Specific info”, or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by state)”, or “FAF Zone-Specific info (sort by alphabetical order)”.  This represents “domestic destination” of the exported goods.
    • Combine National Total is not zone specific; it shows total freight leaving the United States though all ports of exit. 
    • State-Specific gives additional options in the pull-down menu to the 50 States and Washington, D.C. You can select All, one, or multiple States.
    • FAF Zone-Specific gives the options in a pull down menu to the 132 FAF Regions. You can then select All, one, or multiple regions.
  • Domestic Mode: This is the mode used in moving exported goods from domestic origin to its “U.S. Exit Region”.  Options provided are “Combine Total”, “Select All” or click on 1 or multiple individual modes to make selections.
    • Combine Total is not mode specific and provides aggregated total freight moved for all modes combined.
    • Select All provides data for freight moved by each of the seven domestic modes individually.
  • Foreign Destination: Select from options “Combine Total”, “Select All”, or one or multiple foreign destination zones.
    • Combine Total is not destination specific; the option presents the total volume of freight leaving the United States.
    • Select All provides total volume of freight terminated in the eight foreign regions individually.
  • Commodity: Select from “Combine Total”, “Select All” or click one or multiple individual commodities for specific commodity selections.
    • Combine Total is not commodity specific and provides total freight moved.
    • Select All provides data by each selected commodity individually.
    • Click on a specific commodity (or select multiple commodities) shows data associated with selected commodity only (or selected commodities individually, if multiple selections were made).
  • Foreign Mode: This is the mode used between a foreign destination region and the U.S. region of exit for the exported goods. Selection includes “Combine Total”, “Select All”, and the option to choose one or multiple individual modes.
    • Combine Total is not mode specific; it provides data for total freight volume moved from the selected zone of exit (i.e., U.S. Exit Region) to the selected Foreign Destination.
    • Select All provides data on freight volumes moved by all seven modes individually.

Once you have completed your selections, click the Submit button and the results will be provided on the screen with an option to download to a CSV file.

A NOTE OF CAUTION about determining value and tons for an individual region or state

The Data Extraction Tool (DET) was designed to aid users in selecting customized subsets of FAF 4 database (which includes over 1.7 million records) for further analysis or uses in other applications.  That is, instead of downloading the rather large database, users can select specific records of interests, or obtain data at higher aggregated levels as needed. 

Caution should be exercised when using this online tool to generate summary “tabulations,” however.  As an example, when using the DET to generate a combined total flow for domestic shipments originated from Kansas (i.e., Kansas to all states), the results produced from DET include (1) freight that is moving within the region (e.g., Kansas to Kansas), and (2) all freight leaving the region (e.g., Kansas to all other states). Therefore, if you want to identify only the freight that is moving out of a specific region, you will need to perform two separate “tabulation” processes.  First, identify the totals for shipments moving from the desired origin (or to a destination). Second, obtain the within-region total by selecting the region or state of interest as both the origin and destination, and then subtract those results from the total results obtained in the first tabulation step.

2.2 Summary Statistics

FAF4 includes several pre-generated data products providing commonly used statistics. Statistics reports are typically Excel spreadsheets, which can be opened, viewed, and saved or downloaded for later processing. 

Specifically, a series of Excel worksheets were generated using total flows that moved between domestic origins and destinations, including both domestic and foreign shipments. The foreign shipments represent flows between the region of entry and destination state for imported shipments and flows between the origin state and region of exit for exported shipments. Modes of transportation provided in these tables are the modes used within domestic regions. Four worksheets are available for the FAF4 base-year 2012, including the following:

  • Shipments within, from, and to state by mode by value/weight
  • Shipments within, from and to state by commodity by value/weight
  • Top ten commodities shipped within, from, and to state by value/weight
  • Top trade partners by state by value/weight

The worksheets contain a spreadsheet for each measure and its corresponding percentage of the total measure that is accessed by clicking on the appropriate tab at the bottom of the Excel worksheet.  Note that “Million Dollars” is the unit of measure for value and “thousand tons” is the unit of measure for weight.  These worksheets contain pivot tables that filter and format FAF data into easily readable and printable tables. When a worksheet is first opened, it defaults to the value spreadsheet for Alabama. Any table heading that has a small icon to the right of it has a filter that allows you to change what is displayed by clicking on the icon and checking the desired box(s) in the drop-down menu. You should be aware that these filters do not carry over from spreadsheet to spreadsheet and you will need to enter them for each one.

3 Code Tables and Data Dictionary

Table 1 FAF Modes

Code Mode Description
1 Truck Includes private and for-hire truck. 
Does not include truck that is part of Multiple Modes and Mail or truck moves in conjunction with domestic air cargo.
2 Rail Includes any common carrier or private railroad. 
Does not include rail that is part of Multiple Modes and Mail.
3 Water Includes shallow draft, deep draft, Great Lakes and intra-port shipments. 
Does not include water that is part of Multiple Modes and Mail.
4 Air (includes truck-air) Includes shipments move by air or a combination of truck and air in commercial or private aircraft. Includes air freight and air express. 
In the case of imports and exports by air, domestic moves by ground to and from the port of entry or exit are categorized with Truck.
5 Multiple Modes and Mail Includes shipments by multiple modes and by parcel delivery services, U.S. Postal Service, or couriers (capped at 150 pounds). This category is not limited to containerized or trailer-on-flatcar shipments.
6 Pipeline Includes crude petroleum, natural gas, and product pipelines. 
Note: Does include flows from offshore wells to land which are counted as Water moves by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 
Does not include pipeline that is part of Multiple Modes and Mail.
7 Other and Unknown Includes movements not elsewhere classified such as flyaway aircraft, and shipments for which the mode cannot be determined.
8 No Domestic Mode Includes shipments that have an international mode, but no domestic mode and is limited to import shipments of crude petroleum transferred directly from inbound ships to a U.S. refinery at the zone of entry. This is done to ensure a proper accounting of import flows, while avoiding assigning flows to the domestic transportation network that do not use it.


Table 2 FAF Commodity Codes

Code Commodity Description
01 Animals and Fish (live)
02 Cereal Grains (includes seed)
03 Agricultural Products (excludes Animal Feed, Cereal Grains, and Forage Products)
04 Animal Feed, Eggs, Honey, and Other Products of Animal Origin
05 Meat, Poultry, Fish, Seafood, and Their Preparations
06 Milled Grain Products and Preparations, and Bakery Products
07 Other Prepared Foodstuffs, Fats and Oils
08 Alcoholic Beverages and Denatured Alcohol
09 Tobacco Products
10 Monumental or Building Stone
11 Natural Sands
12 Gravel and Crushed Stone (excludes Dolomite and Slate)
13 Other Non-Metallic Minerals not elsewhere classified
14 Metallic Ores and Concentrates
15 Coal
16 Crude Petroleum
17 Gasoline, Aviation Turbine Fuel, and Ethanol (includes Kerosene, and Fuel Alcohols)
18 Fuel Oils (includes Diesel, Bunker C, and Biodiesel)
19 Other Coal and Petroleum Products, not elsewhere classified
20 Basic Chemicals
21 Pharmaceutical Products
22 Fertilizers
23 Other Chemical Products and Preparations
24 Plastics and Rubber
25 Logs and Other Wood in the Rough
26 Wood Products
27 Pulp, Newsprint, Paper, and Paperboard
28 Paper or Paperboard Articles
29 Printed Products
30 Textiles, Leather, and Articles of Textiles or Leather
31 Non-Metallic Mineral Products
32 Base Metal in Primary or Semi-Finished Forms and in Finished Basic Shapes
33 Articles of Base Metal
34 Machinery
35 Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment and Components, and Office Equipment
36 Motorized and Other Vehicles (includes parts)
37 Transportation Equipment, not elsewhere classified
38 Precision Instruments and Apparatus
39 Furniture, Mattresses and Mattress Supports, Lamps, Lighting Fittings, and Illuminated Signs
40 Miscellaneous Manufactured Products
41 Waste and Scrap (excludes of agriculture or food, see 041xx)
43 Mixed Freight
99 Commodity unknown


Table 3 FAF Domestic Regions

Code FAF Region* State State/Remainder of State which includes Part of this CMA* Type of Region**
011 Birmingham-Hoover-Talladega, AL CFS Area AL   C
012 Mobile-Daphne-Fairhope, AL CFS Area AL   C
019 Remainder of Alabama AL   R
020 Alaska AK   S
041 Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale, AZ CFS Area AZ   M
042 Tucson-Nogales, AZ CFS Area AZ   C
049 Remainder of Arizona AZ   R
050 Remainder of Arkansas AR   S
061 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA CFS Area CA   C
062 Sacramento-Roseville, CA CFS Area CA   C
063 San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos, CA CFS Area CA   M
064 San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA CFS Area CA   C
065 Fresno-Madera, CA CFS Area CA   C
069 Remainder of California CA   R
081 Denver-Aurora, CO CFS Area CO   C
089 Remainder of Colorado CO   R
091 Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT CFS Area CT   M
092 New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CFS Area (CT Part) CT NY, NY, PA C
099 Remainder of Connecticut CT   R
101 Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD CFS Area (DE Part) DE PA, NJ, MD C
109 Remainder of Delaware DE   R
111 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV CFS Area (DC Part) DC VA, MD, WV SM
121 Jacksonville-St. Marys-Palatka, FL-GA CFS Area (FL Part) FL GA C
122 Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Port St. Lucie, FL CFS Area FL   C
123 Orlando-Deltona-Daytona Beach, FL CFS Area FL   C
124 Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL CFS Area FL   M
129 Remainder of Florida FL   R
131 Atlanta-Athens-Clarke County-Sandy Springs, GA CFS Area GA   C
132 Savannah-Hinesville-Statesboro, GA CFS Area GA   C
139 Remainder of Georgia GA   R
151 Urban Honolulu, HI CFS Area HI   M
159 Remainder of Hawaii HI   R
160 Idaho ID IN, WI S
171 Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI CFS Area (IL Part) IL   C
172 St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL CFS Area (IL Part) IL MO C
179 Remainder of Illinois IL   R
181 Chicago-Naperville, IL-IN-WI CFS Area (IN Part) IN IL, WI C
182 Indianapolis-Carmel-Muncie, IN CFS Area IN   C
183 Fort Wayne-Huntington-Auburn, IN CFS Area IN   C
189 Remainder of Indiana IN   R
190 Remainder of Iowa IA   S
201 Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS CFS Area (KS Part) KS MO C
202 Wichita-Arkansas City-Winfield, KS CFS Area KS   C
209 Remainder of Kansas KS   R
211 Cincinnati-Wilmington-Maysville, OH-KY-IN CFS Area (KY Part) KY OH, IN C
212 Louisville/Jefferson County-Elizabethtown-Madison, KY-IN CFS Area (KY Part) KY IN C
219 Remainder of Kentucky KY   R
221 Baton Rouge, LA CFS Area LA   M
222 Lake Charles, LA CFS Area LA   M
223 New Orleans-Metairie-Hammond, LA-MS CFS Area (LA Part) LA MS C
229 Remainder of Louisiana LA   R
230 Remainder of Maine ME   S
241 Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD CFS Area MD   M
242 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV CFS Area (MD Part) MD DC, VA, WV M
249 Remainder of Maryland MD   R
251 Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT CFS Area (MA Part) MA RI, NH, CT C
259 Remainder of Massachusetts MA   R
261 Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI CFS Area MI   C
262 Grand Rapids-Wyoming-Muskegon, MI CFS Area MI   C
269 Remainder of Michigan MI   R
271 Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI CFS Area (MN Part) MN WI C
279 Remainder of Minnesota MN   R
280 Remainder of Mississippi MS   S
291 Kansas City-Overland Park-Kansas City, MO-KS CFS Area (MO Part) MO KS C
292 St. Louis-St. Charles-Farmington, MO-IL CFS Area (MO Part) MO IL C
299 Remainder of Missouri MO   R
300 Remainder of Montana MT   S
311 Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA CFS Area (NE Part) NE IA C
319 Remainder of Nebraska NE   R
321 Las Vegas-Henderson, NV-AZ CFS Area (NV Part) NV AZ C
329 Remainder of Nevada NV   R
331 Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT CFS Area (NH Part) NH MA, RI, CT C
339 Remainder of New Hampshire NH   R
341 New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CFS Area (NJ Part) NJ NY, CT, PA C
342 Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD CFS Area (NJ Part) NJ PA, DE, MD C
350 Remainder of New Mexico NM   S
361 Albany-Schenectady, NY CFS Area NY   C
362 Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY CFS Area NY   C
363 New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CFS Area (NY Part) NY NJ, CT, PA C
364 Rochester-Batavia-Seneca Falls, NY CFS Area NY   C
369 Remainder of New York NY   R
371 Charlotte-Concord, NC-SC CFS Area (NC Part) NC SC C
372 Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point, NC CFS Area NC   C
373 Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC CFS Area NC   C
379 Remainder of North Carolina NC   R
380 Remainder of North Dakota ND   S
391 Cincinnati-Wilmington-Maysville, OH-KY-IN CFS Area (OH Part) OH KY, IN C
392 Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH CFS Area OH   C
393 Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH CFS Area OH   C
394 Dayton-Springfield-Sidney, OH CFS Area OH   C
399 Remainder of Ohio OH   R
401 Oklahoma City-Shawnee, OK CFS Area OK   C
402 Tulsa-Muskogee-Bartlesville, OK CFS Area OK   C
409 Remainder of Oklahoma OK   R
411 Portland-Vancouver-Salem, OR-WA CFS Area (OR Part) OR WA C
419 Remainder of Oregon OR   R
421 Philadelphia-Reading-Camden, PA-NJ-DE-MD CFS Area (PA Part) PA NJ, DE, MD C
422 Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton, PA-OH-WV CFS Area (PA Part) PA OH, WV C
423 New York-Newark, NY-NJ-CT-PA CFS Area (PA Part) PA NY, NJ, CT C
429 Remainder of Pennsylvania PA   R
441 Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT CFS Area (RI Part) RI MA, NH, CT SM
451 Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville, SC CFS Area SC   M
452 Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, SC CFS Area SC   C
459 Remainder of South Carolina SC   R
460 Remainder of South Dakota SD   S
471 Memphis, TN-MS-AR CFS Area (TN Part) TN MS, AR C
472 Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro, TN CFS Area TN   C
473 Knoxville-Morristown-Sevierville, TN CFS Area TN   C
479 Remainder of Tennessee TN   R
481 Austin-Round Rock, TX CFS Area TX   M
482 Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX CFS Area TX   M
483 Corpus Christi-Kingsville-Alice, TX CFS Area TX   C
484 Dallas-Fort Worth, TX-OK CFS Area (TX Part) TX OK C
485 El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM CFS Area (TX Part) TX NM C
486 Houston-The Woodlands, TX CFS Area TX   C
487 Laredo, TX CFS Area TX   M
488 San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX CFS Area TX   M
489 Remainder of Texas TX   R
491 Salt Lake City-Provo-Orem, UT CFS Area UT   C
499 Remainder of Utah UT   R
500 Remainder of Vermont VT   S
511 Richmond, VA CFS Area VA   M
512 Virginia Beach-Norfolk, VA-NC CFS Area (VA Part) VA NC C
513 Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV CFS Area (VA Part) VA DC, MD, WV M
519 Remainder of Virginia VA   R
531 Seattle-Tacoma, WA CFS Area WA   C
532 Portland-Vancouver-Salem, OR-WA CFS Area (WA Part) WA OR C
539 Remainder of Washington WA   R
540 Remainder of West Virginia WV   S
551 Milwaukee-Racine-Waukesha, WI CFS Area WI   C
559 Remainder of Wisconsin WI   R
560 Remainder of Wyoming WY   S

* Many census metropolitan area (CMA) boundaries cross more than one state. Major subareas of a CMA are defined as separate FAF regions, one for each state. Small subareas of a CMA are included with the State or Rest of State region identified in this field. 

**Type of Region codes:

C: Combined Statistical Area (CSA)

M: Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

R: Rest of State-everything in a state that is not included in a CSA or MSA (RoS)

S: State that does not include a CSA or MSA

SM: Whole state is part of MSA


Table 4 FAF Foreign Regions

Code FAF Region
801 Canada
802 Mexico
803 Rest of Americas
804 Europe
805 Africa
806 SW & Central Asia
807 Eastern Asia
808 SE Asia & Oceania


Table 5 Data Dictionary for FAF Dataset

Field Description Codes Comment
fr_orig Foreign region origin Table 4 Imports: Foreign origin
dms_org Domestic region origin Table 3 Domestic: Origin Zone
Imports: Zone of entry
Exports: Origin Zone
dms_orgst Domestic state origin FIPS code Domestic: Origin State
Imports: State of entry
Exports: Origin State
dms_dest Domestic region destination Table 3 Domestic: Destination Zone
Imports: Destination Zone
Exports: Zone of exit
dms_destst Domestic state destination FIPS code Domestic: Destination State
Imports: Destination State
Exports: State of exit
fr_dest Foreign region destination Table 4 Exports: Foreign destination
fr_inmode Foreign inbound mode Table 1 Imports: Mode from foreign origin to zone of entry
dms_mode Domestic mode Table 1 Domestic: Mode
Imports: Mode from Zone of entry to destination
Exports: Mode from origin to zone of exit
fr_outmode Foreign outbound mode Table 1 Exports: Mode from zone of exit to foreign destination
sctg2 Commodity Table 2 --
trade_type Type of trade 1 Domestic Only --
2 Import
3 Export 
value_2012 Value in $million -- Value in 2012 nominal dollars
tons_2012 Weight in thousand tons -- --