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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Class I Railroad System Mileage and Ton-miles of Freight: 1960, 1965, 1970-2015


Dataset Table:

System mileage Ton-miles
1960 207,334 572,309
1965 199,798 697,878
1970 196,479 764,809
1975 191,520 754,252
1980 164,822 918,958
1985 145,764 876,984
1990 119,758 1,033,969
1991 116,626 1,038,875
1992 113,056 1,066,781
1993 110,425 1,109,309
1994 109,332 1,200,701
1995 108,264 1,305,688
1996 105,779 1,355,975
1997 102,128 1,348,926
1998 100,570 1,376,802
1999 99,430 1,433,461
2000 99,250 1,465,960
2001 97,817 1,495,472
2002 100,125 1,507,011
2003 99,126 1,551,438
2004 97,662 1,662,598
2005 95,664 1,696,425
2006 94,801 1,771,897
2007 94,313 1,770,545
2008 94,082 1,777,236
2009 93,921 1,532,214
2010 95,573 1,691,004
2011 95,387 1,729,256
2012 95,391 1,712,567
2013 95,235 1,740,687
2014 94,372 1,851,000
2015 93,628 1,745,000


Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts, Statistical Highlights (Washington, DC: Annual Issues).