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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

February-March-April 2013 Regularly Scheduled Flights with More than 50% Delayed Arrivals of More than 30 Minutes

Dataset Table:

Carrier Flight Number Month Origin-Dest Scheduled Departure Time Total Operations (minimum of 10 per month)* Number Not On-Time* Percent Not On-Time* Average Minutes of Delay (30 min late flights only)**
ExpressJet 4588 Feb GRR-EWR 1846 13 8 61.5 141
ExpressJet 4588 Mar GRR-EWR 1830 26 15 57.7 108
ExpressJet 4362 Apr GRR-EWR 1833 26 14 53.9 88
ExpressJet 5720 Feb ROC-ORD 1827 11 6 54.6 117
ExpressJet 4255 Mar ROC-ORD 1831 26 15 57.7 88
ExpressJet 6023 Apr ROC-ORD 1825 26 14 53.9 111


* Includes canceled and diverted flights

** For flights late more than 30 minutes only.  Excludes canceled and diverted flights


Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time Data