Flights with 70 Percent or More Delayed Arrivals (4th Quarter 2009: Oct-Dec 2009)
Dataset Table:
Carrier | Flight Number | Origin | Dest | Scheduled Departure Time | Number Delayed | Total Operations (minimum of 30) | Percent Not On-Time | Average Minutes of Delay (Late flights only) |
Comair | 6352 | IAH | JFK | 1140 | 28 | 31 | 90.32 | 62.14 |
Frontier | 752 | LAX | MKE | 1004 | 49 | 59 | 83.05 | 36.22 |
Flights ranked by percent not on-time (number delayed includes cancelled and diverted flights). A flight is considered delayed when it arrived 15 or more minutes later than the schedule. A complete listing of airline and airport abbreviations is available. Some flights on the list are a combination of flights operated by the same carrier between the same origin and destination with a change in scheduled departure time of 30 minutes or less.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics