Reservation Cancellation/Change Fees by Airline 2014
Airlines ranked by 2014 reservation cancellation/change fee revenue, dollars in thousands (000)
Dataset Table:
Rank | Airline | 1Q | 2Q | 3Q | 4Q | 2014 |
1 | Delta | 220,251 | 223,834 | 226,140 | 205,156 | 875,381 |
2 | United | 194,003 | 205,802 | 211,078 | 191,700 | 802,583 |
3 | American | 131,739 | 142,307 | 143,032 | 136,750 | 553,828 |
4 | US Airways | 84,600 | 83,162 | 79,868 | 73,107 | 320,737 |
5 | JetBlue | 38,578 | 37,817 | 38,100 | 40,781 | 155,276 |
6 | Alaska | 23,765 | 23,975 | 24,155 | 20,766 | 92,661 |
7 | Envoy | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40,879 | 40,879 |
8 | Spirit | 9,096 | 9,443 | 9,787 | 10,063 | 38,389 |
9 | Virgin America | 9,238 | 8,956 | 9,342 | 10,281 | 37,817 |
10 | Frontier | 4,836 | 5,687 | 6,602 | 5,808 | 22,933 |
11 | Hawaiian | 4,883 | 4,806 | 5,474 | 4,969 | 20,132 |
13 | Allegiant | 2,177 | 2,485 | 2,087 | 2,345 | 9,094 |
14 | Southwest | 1,909 | 3,845 | 2,201 | 243 | 8,198 |
12 | Sun Country | 575 | 515 | 582 | 565 | 2,237 |
15 | Island Air Hawaii | 148 | 167 | 164 | 121 | 600 |
All | 725,798 | 752,801 | 758,612 | 743,534 | 2,980,745 | |
Envoy, Hawaiian and Sun Country 4Q numbers were revised as of May 5, 2015.
Updated: May 5, 2015
For 1990-2006 data, see Schedule P1.2, 39191 - Reservation Cancellation Fees,
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Schedule P-1.2