Freight Analysis Framework Version 5 (FAF5): Experimental County-Level Estimates
The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) database provides estimates of the weight and value of shipments throughout the United States for all commodity types and forms of transportation using a geographic system of 132 FAF zones. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) developed an experimental county-to-county commodity flow product to provide the user community with more geographically granular commodity flow data to support planning, policymaking, and operational decisions at the state and local levels. Using the links below, users can download state-specific files or the entire set of disaggregation factors to create customized queries. Users can click this link to access the User Guide and technical documentation that accompany this release. This experimental product provides flows for five commodity groups and five mode categories (see documentation for more details). BTS welcomes users to email with feedback on this experimental product.
How to Download Files
Click on the following link to download the experimental factors for all U.S. counties:
Zipfile with experimental disaggregation factors for all counties
Click on the following links to download files for each state. The state FIPS code is also shown next to the state. Each zip file contains four tables with 1) county-level OD flows for the state of interest and every adjacent state, 2) county-to-FAF OD flows from the multi-state area to all other FAF zones, 3) FAF-to-county OD flows from all other FAF zones to the multi-state area, and 4) FAF-to-FAF OD flows from all other FAF zones to all other FAF zones. The files use county-level geography for the state of interest and states adjacent to this state. FAF zones represent flows outside of this area.
01 - Alabama
02 - Alaska
04 - Arizona
05 - Arkansas
06 - California
08 - Colorado
09 - Connecticut
10 - Delaware
11 - Washington DC
12 - Florida
13 - Georgia
15 - Hawaii
16 - Idaho
17 - Illinois
18 - Indiana
19 - Iowa
20 - Kansas
21 - Kentucky
22 - Louisiana
23 - Maine
24 - Maryland
25 - Massachusetts
26 - Michigan
27 - Minnesota
28 - Mississippi
29 - Missouri
30 - Montana
31 - Nebraska
32 - Nevada
33 - New Hampshire
34 - New Jersey
35 - New Mexico
36 - New York
37 - North Carolina
38 - North Dakota
39 - Ohio
40 - Oklahoma
41 - Oregon
42 - Pennsylvania
44 - Rhode Island
45 - South Carolina
46 - South Dakota
47 - Tennessee
48 - Texas
49 - Utah
50 - Vermont
51 - Virginia
53 - Washington
54 - West Virginia
55 - Wisconsin
56 - Wyoming