Table 1. Urbanicity Index: Count of 2010 Census Tracts by Category
Dataset Table:
Category | Census Tracts | With population density centile | Number of Tracts | 1 |
Urban | In UAs | 60 to 100 | 28,356 | 2 |
In UCs | 30 to 100 | 2,729 | 3 | |
Total (urban) | 31,085 | 4 | ||
Suburban | In UAs | Greater than 0 and less than 60 | 18,173 | 5 |
In UCs | Greater than 0 and less than 30 | 598 | 6 | |
Total (suburban) | 18,771 | 7 | ||
Rural | Not in an UA or UC | N/A | 22,563 | 8 |
Total (rural) | 22,563 | 9 | ||
No population (but land area) | 320 | 10 | ||
Total | 72,739 | 11 | ||
12 |
Dataset Excel:
LATCH_methodology_table1.xlsx (9.93 KB)Notes:
There are 317 Census tracts defined in the 2017 Tigerline Census Tract files with no land area. There are 320 tracts with land area but with no population in the 2017 Tigerline Census Tract files.
Urbanized Areas (UAs) area areas with 50,000 or more people; Urban Region/divisions (UCs) are areas with at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people. Census Tracts in UAs are defined as those with their centroid in an UA; Census Tracts in UCs are those with their centroid in an UC.
Density centile was calculated by sorting Census Tracts with a population greater than 0 by their population density in ascending order and then assigning a score from 0 to 100 to each Census Tract according to this order. The Census tract with the smallest population density was assigned a score of 0 and the Census tract with the largest population density was assigned a score of 100.
Return to all tables and figures in the Bureau of Transportation Statistics’ 2017 Local Area Transportation Characteristics by Household methodology