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precursor data

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Precursor Safety Data Publications

Recent Reports

The Precursor Safety Data Program regularly publishes reports summarizing activity and analysis related to its close-call safety programs. Visit individual focus area pages for more complete lists of tip-specific reports, or review some of the latest...

Confidentiality and Safety Data


As part of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), the Precursor Safety Data Program (PSDP) supports BTS’ role as a federal statistical agency and its mission to collect and disseminate high-quality transportation information while upholding its legal and ethical obligations...

About the Precursor Safety Data Program


The Precursor Safety Data Program, managed by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Office of Safety Data and Analysis, aims to improve safety within industries that include daily operational risk. The program accomplishes this by collecting and protecting data on close call...

Precursor Safety Data Program

A trusted partner in collecting and analyzing close-call and other precursor data to improve safety

The Precursor Safety Data Program is operated by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Office of Safety Data and Analysis to improve safety practices by understanding the factors...