Number 120 - Passenger Origin-Destination Survey List of Fare Basis Codes
Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Office of Aviation Information Management
Number 120
Issue Date: March 15, 1989
Effective Date: July 1, 1989
Part: Part 241, Section: 19-7
Subsection: O&D Instructions
This directive is to establish a simplified set of fare basis codes to be used in reporting Passenger Origin and Destination Survey data. The fare basis code categories promulgated in this directive supersede those shown in Passenger Origin-Destination Directive No. 138 issued on March 20, 1984 and 14 CFR Part 241 Revision (52 FR 6524-6538) effective March 4, 1987. The complex format of the "Master List of Fare Basis Codes" is no longer used. The number of categories remain the same at six. The Department will no longer attempt to classify the multiplicity of individual fare codes, but will use a simple generic definition for each category as shown below.
Reporting Code | Fare Category Description |
F | Unrestricted First Class |
FR | Restricted First Class |
F | Unrestricted Business Class |
CR | Restricted Business Class |
Y | Unrestricted Coach/Economy Class |
YD | Restricted Coach/Economy Class |
The fare categories are divided into unrestricted (full) and restricted (discount) fares. "Unrestricted" includes all fares not subject to restrictions other than time of day, such as night and off-peak fare offerings.These categories include all "full" or "premium" fares (F, C, P, W, Y, J, R), plus all otherwise unrestricted off-peak fares (FN, YN, CN, and KN), the shuttle fares (E and TY, where no reservations/restrictions exists), and the "economy" (K) fare classes.Restricted includes any fare subject to significant restrictions, such as, advanced purchase requirements, minimum/maximum stay. refund penalty. 'status* (membership in a particular group, such as Military and Children/Youth), tour package. etc.
This Directive is issued under authority delegated in Section 385.27(b) of the Department's Organization Regulations (14 CFR 385.27(b)). Large Certificated U.S. air carriers entitled to petition for review of this directive under section 385.50 et seg., (14 CFR 185.50 et seg.) may file such petitions by March 31, 1989. This directive shall be effective and become the action of the Research and Special Programs Administration of the Department upon expiration of the above period, unless within such period a petition for review is filed.
If you have any questions on fare basis codes, please call Mr. Dick King (202) 366-4375 or Mr. Richard Strite, Chief Data Administration Division on (202) 366-4373.
Robin A. Caldwell
Director, Office of Aviation
Information Management, RSPA