Number 275 - Currently Effective Accounting And Reporting Directives Are Now Available On The Internet
Department Of Transportation Bureau Of Transportation Statistics Office Of Airline Information
Number 275
Issue Date: 7/19/04
Effective Date: Immediately
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Office of Airline Information periodically issues Accounting and Reporting Directives (Directives) that interpret the accounting, reporting, and record retention regulations in various parts of the Department's Economic Regulations. These Directives supplement the accounting and reporting regulations by providing clarification and/or guidance regarding specific aspects of the regulations as they apply to the affected air carriers.
The purpose of this Directive is to inform all affected air carriers and interested parties that all BTS accounting and reporting directives that are currently effective can be viewed on the Internet at However, if you do not have Internet access and require a copy of any of the directives, please fax your request to Buzz Rife at 202-366-3383.
Please e-mail any questions you have to Buzz Rife at sends e-mail) or contact him by telephone on (202) 366-6112.
Donald W. Bright
Assistant Director
Airline Information