Annual Highway Congestion Cost
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table_01_72_092021.xlsx (71.13 KB)Notes:
The urban areas included are those containing over 500,000 people and several smaller places mostly chosen by previous sponsors of the Texas Transportation Institute study on mobility.
Methodology and data sources have been changed in 2019 and were applied retroactively to past years; these figures are not comparable to those in past editions of NTS. Population group is based on 2020 population.
The cost of congestion is estimated with a value for each hour of travel time and each gallon of fuel. For a more detailed explanation of the formulas used, see the source document.
KEY: NA = not applicable; R = revised.
Very large urban areas - 3 million and over population.
Large urban areas - 1 million to less than 3 million population.
Medium urban areas - 500,000 to less than 1 million population.
Small urban areas - less than 500,000 population.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2021 Urban Mobility Report, (College Station, TX: 2021), available at as of Sept. 9, 2021.