Average Wage and Salary Accruals per Full-Time Equivalent Employee by Transportation Industry
(North American Industry Classification System [NAICS] basis) (Current dollars)
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table_03_25_102122.xlsx (24.37 KB)Notes:
Data in this table is based on the 2002 NAICS codes. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) provides this data on a Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) basis ending in 2000 and on a NAICS basis beginning in 1998. This table is not comparable to previous editions due to the Comprehensive Benchmark revision by the BEA in 2007.
Use care in comparing the data in this table with those in table 3-26. This table includes weighted part-time employees' salaries. Table 3-26 covers only full-time employees.
Wage and salary accruals consist of the monetary remuneration of employees, including compensation of corporate officers; commissions, tips and bonuses; voluntary employee contributions to certain deferred compensation plans, such as 401(k) plans; and receipts in kind that represent income. In other words, accruals are wage and salary earned, not wage and salary paid. For example, wage and salary earned in 1999 but not paid until 2000 are included in accruals for 1999. However, the difference between wage and salary earned and wage and salary paid is usually very small.
KEY: R = revised.
a Wages do not include supplements to wages and salaries such as pension, profit-sharing, and other retirement plans, and health, life, and unemployment insurance compensation.
b Comprises business establishments involved in scenic and sightseeing transportation, support activities for transportation, and couriers and messengers.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables, table 6.6d, available at https://apps.bea.gov/iTable/iTable.cfm?reqid=19&step=2#reqid=19&step=2&isuri=1&1921=survey as of Oct. 13, 2022.