Condition of Urban Bus and Rail Transit Maintenance Facilities
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table_01_30_102524.xlsx (28.22 KB)Notes:
Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. Totals for 2018 and later years incudes facilities without condition assessment.
Transit Maintenance Facilities data for 2018 and later years are obtained from the National Transit Database and cannot be compared with data for earlier years. Facility types include Combined Administrative and Maintenance facility; General Purpose Maintenance facility/depot; Heavy Maintenance & overhaul facility; Maintenance facility (Service and Inspection), and Other, Administrative & Maintenance facility.
KEY: N = data do not exist.
a These data are derived from the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM). TERM uses statistically determined decay curves to simulate the deterioration of the Nation's transit vehicles, facilities, and other infrastructure components. National Transit Database (NTD) data are applied to these decay curves to estimate conditions. Only the condition of directly operated facilities are provided for 1995, 1997 and 2000. The NTD began gathering information on facilities owned by bus systems providing services under contract in 1999 (known as purchased transportation), however, TERM did not base condition estimates on this full set of facilities until 2002.
b Beginning in 2018, data include facilities for Commuter Bus, Motorbus, Bus Rapid Transit and Trolleybus served as primary mode.
c Beginning in 2018, data include facilities for Commuter Rail, Heavy Rail, Light Rail, Streetcar Rail and Hybrid Rail served as primary mode.
1995-2004: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Transit Economic Requirements Model, as of Feb. 12, 2008.
2006: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit: Conditions and Performance (Washington, DC: Biennial Issues), tables 3-31 and 3-34, available at as of June 25, 2010.
2009-14: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database, Personal Communication, Oct 2017.
2018-23: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database, Annual Database Facility Inventory, available at as of Oct. 21, 2024.