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Table 14: Regional Airlines Full-time Equivalent Employees* by Month 2013 – 2017, February 2017

Dataset Table:

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Percent Change
2013 - 2017 2016 - 2017
January 50,640 50,425 49,477 50,482 51,430 1.6 1.9
February 50,191 50,458 50,318 50,416 52,676 5.0 4.5
March 50,181 50,623 50,361 50,424
April 49,387 50,526 50,326 50,374
May 49,424 50,633 50,469 50,554
June 49,415 50,336 50,373 50,823
July 49,387 51,107 49,403 51,021
August 49,434 50,671 49,320 50,957
September 49,546 50,574 49,231 50,677
October 49,890 49,789 50,486 50,637
November 49,851 50,605 50,522 50,625
December 50,191 50,083 50,521 50,616
12 - Month Average 49,795 50,486 50,067 50,634
Jan - Feb Average 50,416 50,442 49,898 50,449 52,053 3.3 3.2


* Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE) calculations count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.


Bureau of Transportation Statistics