Transit Industry Electric Power and Primary Energy Consumption and Travel
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table_04_16_112223.xlsx (28.46 KB)Notes:
Data prior to 1996 are not comparable to data from 1996 onward due to a change in sources with differing methodologies. 2009 data for Gasoline and other no diesel fuels is not comparable to previous years' data due to a change in the reporting requirements that require transit agencies to submit energy consumption data for both purchased transportation (PT) services and directly operated (DO) transportation services. The major effect of this reporting change occurred within the following modes: Demand Response, Motor Bus, Publico, and Vanpool.
This table includes approximate electrical system losses, and thus the conversion factor is multiplied by 3.
KEY: kWh = kilowatt hour; N = data do not exist.
a Prior to 1984, the data in this table include the energy consumption of bus, heavy rail, light rail and trolley bus. Commuter rail, automated guideway, urban ferryboat, demand responsive vehicles, and most rural and smaller systems are excluded from the data during this period.
b 1960 to 1991 data include propane. Series not continuous between 1991 and 1992. 1992 to 1995 data include propane, liquefied natural gas, bio/soy fuel, biodiesel, hydrogen, methanol and ethanol, except compressed natural gas. 1996 to 2001 data include only propane, liquefied natural gas, methanol and ethanol. 2002 to 2012 data include the above, and also biodiesel and grain fuel. 2013 data include propane, liquefied natural gas, methanol, ethanol and biodiesel. 2014 data and beyond include propane, liquefied natural gas, ethanol, hydrogen and biodiesel.
1960-95: American Public Transportation Association, 2009 Public Transportation Fact Book Appendix A: Historical Tables (Washington, DC: Annual Issues), tables 7, 17, 29, 30, 31 and similar tables in earlier editions.
1996-2013: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database, tables 17 and 19 and similar tables in previous editions.
2014-22: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, National Transit Database, Annual Database Service & Annual Database Energy Consumption, available at as of Oct. 30, 2023.