Travel Time Index
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table_01_70_092021.xlsx (37.72 KB)Notes:
The Travel Time Index is the ratio of the travel time during the peak period to the time required to make the same trip at free-flow speeds. A value of 1.3, for example, indicates a 20-minute free-flow trip requires 26 minutes during the peak period.
Methodology and data sources have been changed in 2019; these figures are not comparable to those in past editions of NTS. Population group is based on 2020 population.
KEY: NA = not applicable; R = revised.
Very large urban areas – 3 million and over population.
Large urban areas – 1 million to less than 3 million population.
Medium urban areas – 500,000 to less than 1 million population.
Small urban areas – less than 500,000 population.
a Rank is based on the calculated percent change with the highest number corresponding to a rank of 1.
b Averages weighted by Vehicle Miles Traveled.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 2021 Urban Mobility Report, (College Station, TX: 2021), available at as of Sept. 8, 2021.