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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Truck Occupant Safety Data

Embedded Dataset Excel:

Dataset Excel:

table_02_23_082624.xlsx (28.92 KB)


Large trucks - trucks over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating, including single-unit trucks and truck tractors. Light trucks - trucks of 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating or less, including pickups, vans, truck-based station wagons, and utility vehicles. The injury and crash data in this table are from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) General Estimates System (GES). The data from GES, which began operation in 1988, are obtained from a nationally representative probability sample selected from all police-reported crashes. The GES sample includes only crashes where a police accident report was completed and the crash resulted in property damage, injury, or death.  The resulting figures do not take into account crashes that were not reported to the police or that did not result in property damage.

Injured persons are the sum of people injured in fatal crashes, an actual count from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), and people injured in injury crashes, which are estimates from the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) - General Estimates System (GES)/Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS).

Vehicles involved in crashes are the sum of fatal crashes, an actual count from FARS, and injury crashes and property damage only crashes, which are estimates from NASS GES/CRSS.

Vehicle-miles in this table and in table 2-19 are taken from NHTSA revised data and are not based exclusively on USDOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) data, as they have been in earlier reports. The change was made to reflect the different vehicle classification schemes used by FHWA and NHTSA. Thus, Vehicle-miles for passenger cars and Light and Large trucks in table 2-19 and this table should not be compared with Vehicle-miles in Chapter 1, which are taken directly from FHWA.

NHTSA's National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) redesigned the nationally representative sample of police-reported traffic crashes, which estimates the number of police-reported injury and property-damage-only crashes in the US. The new system, called CRSS, replaced NASS/GES in 2016.

CRSS has a different sample design than NASS GES. Thus, the 2016 and later year estimates from CRSS are not comparable to 2015 and earlier year estimates from NASS GES.

Rates per 100 million vehicle-miles figures may not match those in the source data due to rounding by the source. The category Trucks involved in crashes, total, is not comparable to the category Crashes, that appeared in this table in 2008 and previous editions.


KEY:  N = data do not exist; NA = not applicable; R = revised. 


U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Database, National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) General Estimates System (GES) Database, and Crash Report Sampling System (CRSS) Database, personal communications, Jun. 7, 2012, May 22, 2013, Jun. 16, 2014, Sept. 15, 2017, Oct. 16, 2018, Nov. 6, 2019, Jan. 12, 2021, Mar. 4, 2022, Apr. 19, 2023, and May 24, 2024.
