U.S. Air Carrier Aircraft Departures, Enplaned Revenue Passengers, and Enplaned Revenue Tons
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table_01_37_092524.xlsx (37.49 KB)Notes:
Data are for all scheduled and nonscheduled service by large certificated U.S. air carriers at all airports served within the 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. Not all scheduled service is actually performed. Moreover, for several years, total performed departures exceed total scheduled departures because nonscheduled departures are included in the totals. Prior to 1993, all scheduled and some nonscheduled enplanements for certificated air carriers were included; no enplanements were included for air carriers offering charter service only. Prior to 1990, freight includes both freight and express shipments, and mail includes priority and nonpriority U.S. mail and foreign mail; beginning in 1990, only aggregate numbers are reported.
Large certificated air carriers operate aircraft with seating capacity of more than 60 seats or a maximum payload capacity of more than 18,000 pounds and hold Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation authorizing the performance of air transportation. Data for commuter, intrastate, air taxi, small-certificated, and foreign-flag air carriers are not included.
Airport hub classifications are based on the percentage of total enplaned revenue passengers for each year according to the following: one percent or more = large, 0.25 to 0.9999 percent = medium, 0.05 to 0.249 percent = small, less than 0.05 = nonhub.
KEY: R = revised.
a Total performed includes scheduled departures performed minus those scheduled departures that did not occur plus unscheduled service.
b The number of persons receiving air transportation from an air carrier for which remuneration is received by the carrier, excluding persons receiving reduced rate charges, such as air carrier employees, infants, and others (except ministers of religion, elderly individuals, and handicapped individuals).
c The number of short tons transported on a flight by an air carrier.
Hub Classifications:
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airport Categories, available at https://www.faa.gov/airports/planning_capacity/categories/ as of Sep. 10, 2024.
Airport Data:
1975-90: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, Airport Activity Statistics of Certified Route Air Carriers (Washington, DC: Annual issues), tables 2, 3, 4, and 5.
1991-2023: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, Airport Activity Statistics Database (Form 41 Schedule T-3), special tabulation, available at https://www.transtats.bts.gov/, as of Sep. 10, 2024.