U.S. Flag Vessels by Type and Age
(number of vessels)
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table_01_34_042524.xlsx (44.04 KB)Notes:
Figures include vessels available for operation.
Totals may be greater than sum because of unclassified vessels and vessels of unknown age.
a Age is based on the year the vessel was built or rebuilt.
b In 1992, Offshore support boats were designated as crew boats.
c In 1992, Tank barges were designated as Liquid barges.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States, Volume 1, National Summaries (New Orleans, LA: Annual Issues), table 4, available at https://usace.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p16021coll2/id/7441 as of Apr. 12, 2024.