Financial Reporting Categories (Item List Guide)
Friday, August 18, 2017
financial-reporting-2009-entire-report.pdf (135.62 KB)
revisions.pdf (68.64 KB)
list1.pdf (282.17 KB)
- Part 1 - Numerical Section
- Balance Sheet Items
- Current Assets
- Investments and Special Funds
- Operating Property and Equipment
- Nonoperating Property and Equipment
- Deferred Charges
- Current Liabilities
- Noncurrent Liabilities
- Deferred Credits
- Stockholders Equity
- Profit and Loss Items
- Operating Revenues
- Foreword Note Applicable to Payroll Accounts
- Operating Expenses
- Nonoperating Income and Expenses
- Income Taxes
- Special Items
- Balance Sheet Items
list2.pdf (203.87 KB)
- Part 2 - Alphabetical Section
- Balance Sheet Items
- Current Assets
- Investments and Special Funds
- Operating Property and Equipment
- Nonoperating Property and Equipment
- Deferred Charges
- Current Liabilities
- Noncurrent Liabilities
- Deferred Credits
- Stockholders Equity
- Profit and Loss Items
- Transport revenues
- Nontransport Revenues
- Amortization and Depreciation
- Assessments, Taxes, Fees, etc.
- Insurance, Employee Benefits and Pensions, Injuries, Loss and Damage
- Interest and Debt
- Landing Fees
- Materials and Supplies
- Outside Services
- Payroll and Personnel Expenses
- Rentals
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Sheet Items
listp6.pdf (169.86 KB)
- Schedule P-6
- Salaries & Related Fringe Benefits
- Related Fringe Benefits
- Materials Purchased
- Services Purchased
listp10.pdf (154.29 KB)
- Schedule P-10
- Foreword
- Foreword Note Applicable to Payroll Accounts
- Airline Employment Categories