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Transportation Public Finance Statistics (TPFS)

Transportation Public Finance Statistics (TPFS) provides information on transportation-related revenue and expenditures for all levels of government, including federal, state, and local, and for all modes of transportation.

As of June 2024, TPFS replaces the previous Government Transportation Financial Statistics (GTFS).

The Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey is Back

Since 1963, the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey (VIUS) has been the principal data source on the physical and operational characteristics of the truck population in the United States. After 20 years, VIUS is back! The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)...

North AmericanTransportation Statistics Interchange

The North American Transportation Statistics (NATS) Interchange is a trilateral collaboration for the development of comparable information on transportation in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. NATS Interchange members publish a common set of statistics and supporting technical...