- Safety is highlighted in the Transportation Statistics Annual Report, Freight Facts and Figures, and Passenger Travel Facts and Figures, and measured in selected tables of National Transportation Statistics and State Transportation Statistics.
- BTS also publishes:
- Tank Car Data on the use of various types of railroad tank cars for transporting flammable materials and the anticipated replacement of older tank cars with new rolling stock that meets enhanced safety standards
- WMATA Confidential Close Calls Reporting newsletters summarizing findings of safety assessments based on confidential reports by employees of rail and bus operations of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
- SafeOCS annual reports on findings of safety assessments based on confidential reports by off-shore oil operators under a program sponsored by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement of the Department of the Interior
- Selected sources of transportation safety data:
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration publishes extensive statistics on highway crashes and other aspects of safety.
- The Federal Railroad Administration publishes railroad safety data.
- The Federal Aviation Administration publishes aviation accident and incident data.
- The National Transportation Safety Board publishes safety data on all modes of transportation.
- The National Transportation Library repository includes research reports, policy documents, and historical materials related to transportation safety.