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Table 5 - Hazardous Versus Nonhazardous Materials Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation in 2007

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Table 5 - Hazardous Versus Nonhazardous Materials Shipment Characteristics by Mode of Transportation in 2007

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Mode of transportationTonsTon-miles
Total (thousands)Hazardous PercentageNonhazardous PercentageTotal (millions)Hazardous PercentageNonhazardous Percentage
All modes12,543,42517.882.23,344,6589.790.3
For-hire truck4,075,13612.187.91,055,6466.094.0
Private truck4,703,57615.085.0286,45714.285.8
Air (includes truck and air)3,611S90.24,510S96.1
Multiple modes573,72919.480.6416,64210.389.7
Parcel, U.S.P.S. or courier33,9000.799.327,9610.599.5
Other multiple modes113,84149.850.246,40237.362.7
Other and unknown modes271,5673.196.933,7644.395.7

KEY: S = Estimate does not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or poor response quality.

SOURCE: Research and Innovative Technology Administration and U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Commodity Flow Survey, Hazardous Materials, Table 4, available at