What is the purpose of the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS)?
Who conducts the CFS and how often is it conducted?
What types of establishments are included in the CFS?
List of NAICS industries covered in the 2017 CFS
What type of information is collected in the CFS?
How were the data collected in this survey?
What are some common uses of the data?
What are some of the differences between the 2017 survey and earlier surveys?
What are some of the differences between the Public Use File (PUF) and the Title 13 (T13) dataset?
What is the purpose of the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS)?
The CFS assesses the demand for transportation facilities and services, energy use, and safety risk and environmental concerns. CFS data are used by policy makers and transportation planners in various federal, state, and local agencies. Additionally, business owners, private researchers, and analysts use the CFS data for analyzing trends in the movement of goods, mapping spatial patterns of commodity and vehicle flows, forecasting demands for the movement of goods, and determining needs for associated infrastructure and equipment. The CFS provides a comprehensive picture of national freight flows and stands as the only publicly available source of data for the highway mode.
Who conducts the CFS and how often is it conducted?
The CFS is conducted as a partnership between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey is conducted on a five-year cycle as a component of the Economic Census. Previous surveys were conducted in 1993, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017.
What types of establishments are included in the CFS?
The CFS is a shipper survey of establishments from the industries of mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, auxiliaries (i.e. warehouses and distribution centers), and select retail and service trade industries that ship commodities. The 2017 survey sampled 103,877 establishments located in the 50 states and D.C.
The CFS currently does not include establishments classified in transportation, construction, and most retail and services trade industries. Other industry areas not covered, but may have shipping activity, include agriculture and government. For agriculture, specifically, the CFS does not cover shipments of agricultural products from the farm site to the processing centers or terminal elevators (most likely short-distance local movements), but does cover the shipments of these products from the initial processing centers or terminal elevators onward.
Government operated establishments are excluded from the CFS. These include public utilities, publicly operated bus and subway systems, public libraries, and government-owned hospitals.
The CFS also excludes establishments or firms with no paid employees and foreign establishments.
Mining (Except Oil and Gas)
Food Manufacturing
Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing
Textile Mills
Textile Product Mills
Apparel Manufacturing
Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing
Wood Product Manufacturing
Paper Manufacturing
Printing and Related Support Activities
Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
Chemical Manufacturing
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing
Primary Metal Manufacturing
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing
Miscellaneous Manufacturing
Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers
Furniture and home furnishing merchant wholesalers
Lumber and other construction materials merchant wholesalers
Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers
Metal and mineral (except petroleum) merchant wholesalers
Electrical and electronic goods merchant wholesalers
Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers
Machinery, equipment, and supplies merchant wholesalers
Miscellaneous durable goods merchant wholesalers
Paper and paper product merchant wholesalers
Drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers
Apparel, piece goods, and notions merchant wholesalers
Grocery and related product merchant wholesalers
Farm product raw material merchant wholesalers
Chemical and allied products merchant wholesalers
Petroleum and petroleum products merchant wholesalers
Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers
Miscellaneous nondurable goods merchant wholesalers
Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses
Fuel Dealers
General Freight Trucking
Specialized Freight Trucking
What type of information is collected in the CFS?
Information collected for each outbound shipment includes:
- Shipment ID Number
- Shipment Date
- Shipment Value
- Shipment Weight
- Product or Commodity Description
- Climate/Temperature Controlled Status (Y/N)
- United Nations/North American (UN/NA) Hazardous Material Code (if hazmat shipment)
- U.S. Destination (City, State, and ZIP Code) or U.S. Port of Exit (POE) (if export shipment)
- Mode(s) of Transportation
- Foreign Destination (City and Country) (if export shipment)
- Export Mode (if export shipment)
By CFS definition, an outbound shipment is a movement of commodities from the shipper's location to another single location, in one trip.
How were the data collected in this survey?
The sample for the 2017 CFS consisted of 103,877 establishments. Each establishment selected into the 2017 CFS sample was assigned to report for four reporting weeks via questionnaire. Each reporting week was in a separate calendar quarter and was in the same relative position each quarter. For example, an establishment might have been requested to report data for the 5th, 18th, 31st, and 44th weeks of the survey year. In this instance, each reporting week corresponds to the 5th week of each quarter.
The establishments were asked to provide specific shipment information about a sample of their individual outbound shipments during the reporting week in each calendar quarter. Respondents had the option to report electronically via Centurion, the Census Bureau’s electronic reporting system, or through paper questionnaire.
What are some common uses of the data?
Analysts and researchers in both the public and private sectors use data from the CFS for a variety of purposes, including:
- analyzing trends in goods movement over time;
- conducting national, regional and sectoral economic analysis;
- developing models and analytical tools for policy analyses, management and investment decisions;
- forecasting future demand for goods movement and associated infrastructure and equipment needs;
- establishing benchmarks for estimating national accounts; and
- analyzing and mapping spatial patterns of commodity and vehicle flows.
CFS data are used as the basis for the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Freight Analysis Framework, a model that displays by mode the movement of goods over the national transportation network.
In addition, the CFS Hazardous Materials report is the sole source of hazardous material flow data available for the highway mode.
What are some of the differences between the 2017 survey and earlier surveys?
The planning and design of the 2017 CFS resulted in several major improvements to the design of the survey. Highlighted efforts and improvements included:
- Improved sample design – the 2017 sample size was 103,877 establishments (102,565 in 2012 and 102,369 in 2007), incorporating both state-level and national-level reliability constraints;
- NAICS 51223 (Music Publishers) was included as an in-scope publishing industry in 2017 but not in 2012.
- In 2012 and prior surveys, Prepress Services establishments (2007 NAICS 323122) were excluded from the CFS. However the 2012 NAICS revision eliminated Prepress Services as a separate industry and grouped it with Trade Binding and Related Work (2007 NAICS 323121) into NAICS 323120 (Support Activities for Printing). For 2017, all of NAICS 323120 was considered to be in scope.
- Private truck is now referred to as Company-owned truck.
- Enhanced Geomiler software and improved mileage routing logic (to read more see "Methodological Changes to Mileage Calculation for the 2017 CFS" under the methodology section);
The following tables include a summary comparison of the other key characteristics among the 1993, 1997, 2002, and 2007 Commodity Flow Surveys.
1993 and 1997 | 2002 | 2007 | 2012 | 2017 |
Establishments classified based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC)
Establishments classified based on 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Establishments classified based on 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Establishments classified based on 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Establishments classified based on 2012 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) |
Publishers in Manufacturing Sector
Not covered
Publishers in Information Sector
Publishers in Information Sector
Publishers in Infromation Sector |
Logging in Manufacturing Sector
Not in scope. Classified in agriculture (NAICS 113)
Not in scope. Classified in agriculture (NAICS 113)
Not in scope. Classified in agriculture (NAICS 113)
Not in scope. Classified in agriculture (NAICS 113) |
Other Manufacturing (excluding Printing Trade Services (SIC 279))
Other Manufacturing (excluding Prepress Services (NAICS 323122))
Other Manufacturing (excluding Prepress Services (NAICS 323122))
Other Manufacturing (excluding Prepress Services (NAICS 323122))
Prepress Services now included as part of NAICS 323120 (Support Activities for Printing). |
Mining (except mining services (SICs 108, 124, 138, 148) and oil and gas extraction (SICs 131 and 132))
Mining (except support activities (NAICS 213) and oil and gas extraction (NAICS 211))
Mining (except support activities (NAICS 213) and oil and gas extraction (NAICS 211))
Mining (except support activities (NAICS 213) and oil and gas extraction (NAICS 211))
Mining (except support activities (NAICS 213) and oil and gas extraction (NAICS 211)) |
Wholesale (merchants and manufacturers' sales branches and government- owned liquor stores)
Wholesale (merchants and manufacturers' sales branches and government liquor wholesales
Wholesale (merchants and manufacturers' sales branches and government liquor wholesales
Wholesale (merchants and manufacturers’ sales branches and government-owned liquor wholesales)
Wholesale (merchants and manufacturers’ sales branches and government-owned liquor wholesales) |
Retail - catalog and mail order houses
Retail - electronic shopping and mail order houses
Retail - electronic shopping and mail order houses, fuel dealers
Retail - electronic shopping and mail order houses, fuel dealers
Retail - electronic shopping and mail order houses, fuel dealers |
Auxiliaries (e.g., warehouses)
Auxiliaries (e.g., warehouses)
Auxiliaries (e.g., warehouses)
Auxiliaries (e.g., warehouses)
Auxiliaries (e.g., warehouses) |
Generalized and Specialized Freight Trucking
General Freight Trucking (NAICS 4841) and Specialized Freight Trucking (NAICS 4842)
General Freight Trucking (NAICS 4841) and Specialized Freight Trucking (NAICS 4842) |
Year | Sample |
1993 | Total sample size of 197,176 establishments selected from a universe of about 790,000 in-scope establishments |
1997 | Total sample size of 102,739 establishments selected from a universe of about 770,000 in-scope establishments. |
2002 |
Total sample size of 51,005 establishments selected from a universe of about 760,000 in-scope establishments. |
2007 | Total sample size of 102,369 establishments selected from a universe of about 754,000 in-scope establishments. |
2012 | Total sample size of 102,565 establishments selected from a universe of about 716,000 in-scope establishments. |
2017 | Total sample size of 103,877 establishments selected from a universe of about 710,000 in-scope establishments. |
1993 | 1997, 2002, and 2007 | 2012 | 2017 |
For-hire truck
For-hire truck
For-hire truck
For-hire truck |
Private truck
Private truck
Private truck
Company-owned truck |
Railroad |
Air |
Inland water and/or Great Lakes
Shallow draft vessel
Inland Water
Inland Water |
Deep Sea Water
Deep draft vessel
Deep Sea
Deep Sea |
Pipeline |
Parcel delivery, courier, or U.S. Parcel Post
Parcel delivery, courier, or U.S. Parcel Post
Parcel delivery, courier, or U.S. Parcel Post
Parcel delivery, courier, or U.S. Parcel Post |
Other mode
Other mode
Other mode
Other mode |
Unknown |
1993 | 1997 | 2002 | 2007 | 2012 | 2017 |
Total Value | Total Value | Total Value | Total Value | Total Value | Total Value |
Total Weight | Total Weight | Total Weight | Total Weight | Total Weight | Total Weight |
Commodity code (STCC) and description | Commodity code (SCTG) and description | Commodity code (SCTG) and description | Commodity code (SCTG) and description | Commodity code (SCTG) and description | Commodity code (SCTG) and description |
All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) | All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) | All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) | All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) | All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) | All known modes of transportation (including export mode if applicable) |
Single origin (assumed to be the mailing address unless the respondent provided a different physical location address) | Single origin (assumed to be the mailing address unless the respondent provided a different physical location address) | Single origin (assumed to be the mailing address unless the respondent provided a different physical location address) | Single origin (assumed to be the mailing address unless the respondent provided a different physical location address) | Single origin (asked respondent to verify shipping address and mailing address so the appropriate address was used as the shipment origin) | Single origin (asked respondent to verify shipping address and mailing address so the appropriate address was used as the shipment origin) |
Destination (including foreign city and country if export) | Destination (including foreign city and country if export) | Destination (including foreign city and country if export) | Destination (including foreign city and country if export) | Destination (including foreign city and country if export) | Destination (including foreign city and country if export) |
Containerized (Y/N) | Containerized (Y/N) | -- | -- | -- | -- |
-- | -- | -- | Intermodal (Y/N) | -- | -- |
-- | -- | -- | -- | Temperature Control | Temperature Control |
Hazardous material (Y/N) | United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) number for hazardous material shipments | United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) number for hazardous material shipments | United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) number for hazardous material shipments | United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) number for hazardous material shipments | United Nations (UN) or North American (NA) number for hazardous material shipments |
Export (Y/N) | Export (Y/N) | Export (Y/N) | Export (Y/N) | Export (Y/N) | Export (Y/N) |
If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) | If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) | If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) | If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) | If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) | If export, U.S. Port of Exit (POE) |
What are some of the differences between the Public Use File (PUF) and the Title 13 (T13) dataset?
While the PUF and T13 both aim to provide shipment-level detail, they are different in structure, availability, and usability.
The two data sets are structured differently due to data protection. The PUF requires thorough disclosure avoidance procedures by the Census Bureau to remove any possibility of establishment disclosure. These data protections include data top coding, noise application, and collapsed variable categories. The T13 data includes establishment-level response information such as the total number of shipments that originated from that establishment in the given reporting week. Below is a table that lists the maximum Origin-Destination-Commodity-Mode (ODCM) detail per dataset.
Variable | PUF Maximum Level of Detail | T13 Maximum Level of Detail |
Origin Geography |
CFS Area | Street address, City, State, ZIP |
Destination Geography |
CFS Area | City, State, ZIP |
Commodity |
2-digit SCTG | 5-digit SCTG |
Mode of Transportation |
Aggregated mode for publication (e.g. "Other multiple modes") | As reported by respondent (e.g. "Rail > Water > Truck") |
The PUF is available to all data users now and can be downloaded here. The T13 datasets are not publicly available and require the researchers/data users to have Special Sworn Status (SSS) and gives them direct access to the data that was collected from the respondents. They are required to apply their own methodologies that would prevent disclosure for any estimates or data created and are held to the same laws and standards as those working at the US Census Bureau.
The PUF is for public use and can be used by anyone for any purpose. It is mainly a source of data for people to run simulations with and is a good resource for use in planning out and validating research ideas. The T13 data requires a project proposal to undergo the SSS approval process and is only accessible to those who have this status granted. Any research, estimates, or products produced from its use must also undergo disclosure avoidance procedures to prevent disclosure.
Recommended uses for CFS PUF:
- High-level analyses
- Regulatory analyses
- Rapidly validating an idea for further research using T13 CFS
Recommended uses for T13 CFS:
- Academic research
- Detailed modelling and analysis work